Professional :: Exporting Animated Symbol To Image Sequence?
Jul 30, 2011
I'm unable to export an animated symbol to image sequence properly because the symbol does not animate.I created the tweens in multiple layers, then cut-pasted all layers to a new symbol.I did this so I could then just do some tween motions on the symbol.The tweening is perfect, but when I export the image sequence, the images do not animate the way it does on the Flash player.All I get is an image sequence with the tweened symbol, but the symbol itself does not to get the symbol to animate when exporting the image sequence.
Alternatively, is there a way to motion-tween multiple layers simoultaneously? (Layers which are themselves tweened)Any additional info, I'll be checking regularly so I can provide as much description as possible to get this to work.
I am working on an animation with two masks, which plays in Flash as expected, an exported SWF is ok, an exported Quicktime is ok, except for the dreaded ghosting which renders it useless, but when I export it as an image sequence (gif, png or jpg), one of the masks is consistently ignored, while the other one masks as expected. This already shows when I export one single frame as an image. As a result, I currently have no way to create a quicktime movie for this animation (running CS4 on OSX 10.6.5)
I have created a character for animation in illustrator and saved each symbol nessesary as a movie clip.After finally coming up with a decent animation everything seemed fine and exporting as a .swf looked great. When trying to export as a .gif however I get a singal non animated image. I've been looking for a simple answer to this problem such as Radtool converting a .swf or.avi to a gif and it give me a file not found error. I've attempted turning all of my symbols into graphics and I get a single image when I try to view it in flash (ctrl + enter). I've tried saving it as a bitmap and batching in photoshop with more error. I've tried going into flashes publish setting and saving an animated gif. Every export format I choose seems to give me a single non animated image except for .swf.
I need to export an animation from flash as a PNG sequence. I'd like the exported PNGs to be as small as possible so I'm checking off minimum image area instead of full doc size. But this had no effect it still uses the full doc size. I can export a single image and it works then. I deleted anything that could be altering the size. I even tried it with a simple scene with just a box and it still uses the doc size. I can scale down the doc, but that is very time consuming and won't allow for easy iteration so that's not an option. Is this a bug, does it just not work?
I currently require my flash animation to be exported into format that is compatible for television broadcast. HD would be ideal. I'm getting pretty choppy animations when exporting into H.246 from flash so I've decided to export it into a PNG sequence instead - which I will then import into after effects and take things from there.My flash document comprises of only scripted animations but they are not reflected when I export into a PNG sequence.
I've created a small banner ad and need to export it as an animated gif. The problem is, when I open the gif after exporting it, there's no animation. The way the animation is set up is 1 frame on the main timeline, and a scrolling movie clip as the background. There is no actionscript at all in the file.
I'm expecting a bunch of different animations that were made in Flash CS3 as JPEG sequences, however, many of the animations contain seperate timelines that contain seperate movie clips. When I view it as an SWF, everything looks PERFECT, all the movie clips within the animation are moving like they should and it looks awesome. But when I export it as a JPEG sequence, the parts of the timeline that are seperate movie clips and in their own timelines are completely static and don't move.What settings do I need to have set so that, when I export it, the JPEG sequence looks and behaves just like the SWF?
When I publish the animation as an animated GIF, not only is the animation slower, but the colors lost their transparency, and the weight blows up 50 times.Here are the two:[URL]
i heard that i can export fla job to an animated png instead of gif and the png will be loseless cause when im exporting to gif it became some kind of crap i've asked in other forum and they told me that there's no such thing animated png because png is a still picture so i showed them some kind of animated png like this one [URL] just to prove them that there is animated png now i have 2 problems when im exporting to animated gif the mask and the movie clips at the job wouldn't shown example: here is the fla, the swf, and the exported gif.
FLASH CS5 using Windows XP. I have created an animation that I want to export to sequence of .png files. The file has Symbols that contain embedded animations.
For instance, I have a flashing light in one Symbol. That is embedded in a bouncing police car Symbol. The police car Symbol (with the embedded flashing light) is brought onto a flat bed truck at the "scene" level which is driving down a road. It all looks nice if I render an internal swf file. However, when I export the individual frames, all that is rendered is the flat bed moving down the road. The bouncing car and the flashing light are there but without the animation of each.
how to export an animated sequence that include the animations embedded in its Symbols?
I know there is a new grounds link about setting your publishing settings to get animated gifs to work with flash. I am using CS4 and when I go to publish the gif works in the html document. But when I export to an animated gif it is still a still picture. I have also tried to export to a quicktime file and it's is a still picture there too and distorted. Should exporting to png or gif sequence work as well?
outputting a .png sequence, what is the best way? I've had no problem when my animation is in the root timeline. I use the export Movie command and it gives me what I want. But when I have a movie clip, with animation inside of it, and I output a .png sequence in the same way, it doesn't output the sequence of animation from inside the movie ciip, it just gives me a still frame of the symbol on all 35 frames. Is there a better way to export it when the animation is inside of a symbol??
I have an AS3 application where I used the bitmapdata with its copypixels to create a cropping effect on the imported image file (JPEG etc), now I am in need for exporting the resulting cropped data to image file suhc as JPEG, TIFF or any other format. I am actually transferring the content of bitmapdata containing the cropped image into movie MovieClip object therefore, exporting from movieclip containing the image data is another option.
Anyway, I have an animation I made in flash, and when I go to File>Export>Export Image, it doesn't export with the text. Also, depending on the image type I'm trying to save as, it will randomly save an image of different point in the animation than that which I have the playhead on.
I would like to export a movieclip as a gif image. The movieclip contains a circle that fading from grey to transparent. So I wonder if it possible to export this movieclip as a gif to show it in for example photoshop and still have it fading from grey to transparent (not white!!).
I am working on a big project today and I'm importing images in by the hundreds. Is there an easy way to import an image sequence into the timeline? I remember there use to be with earlier versions of flash but I can't figure it out for CS4 - Luckily these images are named sequentially.
I have Adobe Flash CS5 on Windows 7 x64 installed and when i try importing 360 images throught image sequence in Flash, my Flash crashes. Anyone know how do i fix this problem
I have read all kinds of posts on this, most are old from back in the early 00's. I have some flash banners that I made that need .gif back ups and I find myself pretty screwed if I can't do this. I tried exporting an .swf thru the publishing settings in Flash and no matter which setting I choose the gifs are pixelated and very bad quality. I just finished reading a post where it said to use the file - export from the menu which I did use and the quality is much better but nothing near acceptable for the client.
I also read to export the swf to Quicktime and QT can convert to animated gif so while I look at that option is there someone that can point me in the right direction as this could spell trouble for me if I cannot come up with a solution as I have multiple swfs that need to go through Google analyctics and need the gif back ups.
I've read it's impossible to a export a scripted animation into one animated PNG while retaining any of the AS3-triggered actions (whether in Timeline or Classes). This also seems to be the case with animated GIFS. The problem is, having a 27 x 27 stage, my .MOV files are still huge. Do I have to give up, or is there a hidden workaround for exporting animated GIFs with AS3?
I'm using Flash CS4 to animate hi-def music videos. It seems that I can't keep the audio to stay in sync for anything over 2 or 3 minutes.
- I'm working a stage at 1280x720 and 30 fps
- audio is streamed on a separate layer
- mp3 publish settings are: stereo 128kbs
Inside the FLA file everything syncs perfect, but when it's published, everything drifts in the SWF and in everything else I've tried.I've tried exporting image sequences and popping the sequences into premiere pro to match up with the original wave, and i've also put the swf file in a premiere pro project as well. Whether a SWF or an image sequence, it always lapses after 2 or 3 minutes.
I'm new to flex/flash cs5, but am an experienced coder, and am trying to help a friend get a site built quickly so they can graduate. They would like their image gallery that displays their portfolio to have:thumbnails floating around slowly and bouncing off of one another - mouse hover would freeze and then resume animation after the mouse leaves - when clicked the thumbnail would grow to the full size image and be displayed in the same window as the floating objects Something similar to whats found at: Flash and Picasa gallery with those other features would be perfect, but without the Google RSS aspect of it. Might anyone know where I could be pointed in the right direction for accomplishing this? Or possibly could be given technical names for the effects I'm trying to implement so I can look them up easier? Perhaps even a link to download something with the floating/bouncing element for the thumbnails, then I could figure out the code for the other effects needed.
I'm making a game in flash, and I want to have a whole bunch of different rooms that I can make and delete with code. Ordinarily I'd just use something like:
var room:Sprite = new room1(); game.main.addChild(room);
but I'd have to export every room for actionscript. Is there a way to get them made just being symbols? If nothing else, I could layer all the rooms on top of each other in one symbol and set all but one invisible, but I'd prefer doing it this way with getDefinitionByName().
I use a .png sequence for a sprite (primarily because it has the alpha channel) I will use in flash... its a walking animation of several frames. I make an empty symbol, load the frames into it. I put the symbol in the canvas. It animates fine and the alpha channel is working. Now I try to make a motion tween of the symbol instance, so as to simulate the walking movement, from one point to another. I playback [ENTER] its working fine, just as I want it.
Now if I do the [ctrl+ENTER] preview or export, the motion tween is working, the sprite is moving from point a to point b BUT the walk animation is NOT WORKING. Its just showing the first frame in the image sequence! Am I missing out something to make the image sequence animation work like it should? I tried to do the exact same thing to a movie clip (MOV) it works... but with the png image sequence I am really puzzled.
I've seen alot of instructions online on how to assign a hyperlink to an image. Alot of them say to convert the image to a symbol first and then add the appropriate Actionscript code (getUrl). I'm just wondering if there is a way to do it without converting it to a symbol (converting it to a symbol seems to add an artifact to one of the borders of the pic). Does anyone know if this can be done? Or must all images be converted to symbols to get links assigned to them?
is there some way to detect when an animated symbol, inside a "character sprite" (i.e. a character symbol with labeled frames like "walk" and "attack", each represented by a nested symbol containig the appropriate animation), reaches its end? Could i possbly use instance names when the character sprite contains loads of different symbols? Could every symbol have the same instance name? That sounds kind of unsafe. Is there some kind of universal "child" command i could use?[code]
I have been tyring to export an animated banner, in animated.gif format. it's a simple animated text with no gradients. it should go on top of a graphic which has some gradients and is multi-coloured and with effects (the colours are similar to the one/i used in the page) as you can see here the text looks a bit funny.url...
Am I completely hallucinating or what ? That's several years I'm working with Flash, and today, i want to do the simplest animation ever, and it just doesn't work....I want to mask an animated clip with an animated mask (a shape animation), but every time the mask arrives at a keyframe, the clip restarts to the frame 1 !!I added a piece of code to see at which keyframe it is blocked, and at every mask keyframe, the code says 'TypeError: Error #1009: null property..
I have made an image sequence that listens to mouse movement left or right (if i move the mouse 1 px left - the previous frame appears, and if mouse moves right - the following frame appears).My problem is that the transition between the frames, when moving the mouse too fast, appears to be very "jumpy" (the sequence can move from frame 20 to 25 when the mouse moves too fast, making it look very bad) Can I control it like there is a max speed for the mouse movement? Or maybe a max speed for the frame transitions (frame-by-frame)?ere is my code that listens to the mouse event:
if (Flag) { var activeMouseX = stage.mouseX; if (activeMouseX > prevMouseX){
I animated eyes blinking inside of a movie clip symbol and placed the symbol on a face outside of the symbol.The eyes are stuck on the first frame. I am using CS5. What do I do?