Professional :: Output .png Sequence With A Symbol?

Dec 2, 2010

outputting a .png sequence, what is the best way?  I've had no problem when my animation is in the root timeline.  I use the export Movie command and it gives me what I want.  But when I have a movie clip, with animation inside of it, and I output a .png sequence in the same way, it doesn't output the sequence of animation from inside the movie ciip, it just gives me a still frame of the symbol on all 35 frames.  Is there a better way to export it when the animation is inside of a symbol??

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Jul 30, 2011

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Alternatively, is there a way to motion-tween multiple layers simoultaneously? (Layers which are themselves tweened)Any additional info, I'll be checking regularly so I can provide as much description as possible to get this to work.

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PNG Sequence - Motion Tween Of Symbol Instance

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(39.4 K)
test.swf (42.1 K)

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- mp3 publish settings are: stereo 128kbs

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Mar 16, 2012

This question was posted in response to the following article: [URL]..

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Nov 20, 2009

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Nov 20, 2009

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in CS5 (ancd CS3-4) how do I stop the "Output" panel from showing up automatically each time I test the movie using the Command+Enter keys? I know I have an error but it's a network error which does not effect my clip.

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Professional :: Custom Output File Location?

Mar 16, 2012

I'm attempting to create a template with one simple change to the file output location. I need the .swf file to placed in a subfolder, i.e. "output/filename.swf" Instead of the default "filename.swf"My problem is, if I edit the output file name field in publish settings in any way, the export file name is now locked, meaning if i have used my new template to create 3 fla files, they will all be named the same thing and replace one another in the output folder i've created. (trying to eliminate the need to open the publish settings menu here)I was hoping there was a variable like ${filename} or something i could use, but cannot find something like that.

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