Professional :: Image Sequence With Mouse X Movement Becomes "jumpy"?

Feb 5, 2010

I have made an image sequence that listens to mouse movement left or right (if i move the mouse 1 px left - the previous frame appears, and if mouse moves right - the following frame appears).My problem is that the transition between the frames, when moving the mouse too fast, appears to be very "jumpy" (the sequence can move from frame 20 to 25 when the mouse moves too fast, making it look very bad) Can I control it like there is a max speed for the mouse movement? Or maybe a max speed for the frame transitions (frame-by-frame)?ere is my code that listens to the mouse event:

if (Flag) {
var activeMouseX = stage.mouseX;
if (activeMouseX > prevMouseX){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Sequence With Mouse X Movement Becomes "jumpy"

Feb 5, 2010

I have made an image sequence that listens to mouse movement left or right (if i move the mouse 1 px left - the previous frame appears, and if mouse moves right - the following frame appears).

My problem is that the transition between the frames, when moving the mouse too fast, appears to be very "jumpy" (the sequence can move from frame 20 to 25 when the mouse moves too fast, making it look very bad) .

how to make the sequence a bit more smoother?

Can I control it like there is a max speed for the mouse movement? Or maybe a max speed for the frame transitions (frame-by-frame)?

Here is my code that listens to the mouse event:

if (Flag) {
var activeMouseX = stage.mouseX;
if (activeMouseX > prevMouseX){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Take A Mc With A Jpg Image Sequence In It And Then Control The Playback By Using The Left And Right Mouse Movement?

Jan 9, 2007

I'm trying to work out how to take a mc with a jpg image sequence in it and then control the playback by using the left and right mouse movement. I've searched the web and various flash forums for quite sometime but cannot find any info on how this is achieved. Perhaps I'm searching for the wrong terms? An example of what I want to do can be found here (flash animation at top of page). Click and drag on the computer or 360 button to spin it around. I want to do this but with one of my own 3d models that I've rendered out as an image sequence(jpgs).

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Professional :: Auto-Hide On Mouse Movement Rather Than Mouse Over?

Apr 12, 2010

Im looking for a quick solution (if its out there) using the autohide feature using the FLV Playback Component. 

Current situation: Using ActionScript 2. The FLV component fills the stage. Autohide is set to true.

It looks to me that since the video fills the stage, the skin will not hide. What I would like to do is have the skin fade out if the mouse doesnt move for a certain period of time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Image Panning On Mouse Movement?

Sep 22, 2009

I've been looking at the image panning tutorial over at [URL]

Basically the script makes the image scroll based on the direction of your mouse movement.

However what I want to do is, only make the image (bg_mc) scroll, whenever I mouseOver a certain area to the right and a certain area to the left. The blue shapes illustrate what I mean: [URL]

how I would go about modifying my current code, to do that. Lets assume my left scroll shape is named moveLeft and the right, moveRight.

ActionScript Code:
this.onMouseMove = function() {
constrainedMove(bg_mc, 4, 1);


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Professional :: Import An Image Sequence In CS4?

Jan 17, 2010

I am working on a big project today and I'm importing images in by the hundreds.  Is there an easy way to import an image sequence into the timeline?  I remember there use to be with earlier versions of flash but I can't figure it out for CS4 - Luckily these images are named sequentially. 

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Professional :: Mask Ignored When Exporting To Image Sequence?

Mar 23, 2011

I am working on an animation with two masks, which plays in Flash as expected, an exported SWF is ok, an exported Quicktime is ok, except for the dreaded ghosting which renders it useless, but when I export it as an image sequence (gif, png or jpg), one of the masks is consistently ignored, while the other one masks as expected. This already shows when I export one single frame as an image. As a result, I currently have no way to create a quicktime movie for this animation (running CS4 on OSX 10.6.5)

Any other way to arrive at a quicktime movie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Image Animation Based On Mouse Movement?

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Jul 30, 2011

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Alternatively, is there a way to motion-tween multiple layers simoultaneously? (Layers which are themselves tweened)Any additional info, I'll be checking regularly so I can provide as much description as possible to get this to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 - XML Image Rollover Very Jumpy

Jul 31, 2009

I have that 3d carousel that pulls from an XML file. It works great. I have altered to however, to use the tool tip rollover as well as I added an image swap. Again that works...BUT the image swap is very jumpy and touchy. Is there a trick to making a loadMovie swap smooth and not jumpy. Here is the code that is doing the call and swap


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Professional :: Flash Audio Out Of Sync Even As Image Sequence In Premeire Pro?

Apr 11, 2010

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- audio is streamed on a separate layer

- mp3 publish settings are: stereo 128kbs

Inside the FLA file everything syncs perfect, but when it's published, everything drifts in the SWF and in everything else I've tried.I've tried exporting image sequences and popping the sequences into premiere pro to match up with the original wave, and i've also put the swf file in a premiere pro project as well. Whether a SWF or an image sequence, it always lapses after 2 or 3 minutes.

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Professional :: Drop Down Menu's Don't Close With Fast Mouse Movement?

Jul 8, 2010

I am an extreme novice in Flash and I've built a drop down menu following a tutorial from YouTube - sadly this took me days! It functions BUT fast mouse movement away from the menu drop down seems to prevent the drop down menu from closing. Does anyone know of a fix for this?
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Professional :: Move An Image In A Layer In CS3 And It Records The Movement!

Mar 1, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flowing Mc Movement Opposite Of Mouse Movement

Feb 12, 2003

I have a mc (fStrip) which looks like a piece of filmstrip with thumbnail images in it. I want this mc to move when the users mouse is positioned over it, but I only want it to move only along it's x-axis and in a direction opposite that of the mouse. And I want it to move or flow smoothly.

I've been trying to figure this out (see my lame attempt below) but without much luck.

onClipEvent (mouseMove) {
buffer=20 //movement buffer
mousePos=_root.fStrip._xmouse //store mouse position
if (mymouse!=_root.fStrip._xmouse){ //if the mouse has moved


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Professional :: Get Small Rectangle To Appear (with Text) & Move With The Mouse When The Mouse Is Over Image?

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when the mouse rolls over an image, text appears (in a small rectangle) and it moves with the mouse, only while it is still over the image.
Or at least, does anyone know what this is called or how to do it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse OVER / OUT And Play() Sequence?

Apr 9, 2009

I know this is a common problem, but i still don't get it.

Created a movie button. Goes like that:
function homeOVER(event:MouseEvent):void


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Mar 29, 2010

The site opens with a SWF file. This is my first attempt at Flash. He did not have the fla file so i used a decompiler to generate it and we were able to make most of the changes he wanted. We have one thing left and I am scratching my head trying to figure this out. There are 7 buttons, and when you place your mouse over each button an image appears in the top right of the screen. This image is different depending on what button you are over. He wants to update and change a couple of these images.

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Professional :: Image Fade Flicker On Mouse Over?

Apr 22, 2011

just been trying to fade one image into another on mouse over. found a template which does it for me and have applied my images to it. works how i want it to - image 1 fades into image 2 on mouse over, then goes back to image 1 when mouse moves off
BUT the problem is that when the mouse is the image and it fades into image 2 it begins to flicker - see for yourself in the .fla file here [URL]..

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Flash :: Detect Sequence Of Mouse Movements?

May 26, 2011

In ActionScript 3, I need to detect a sequence of movements made by the mouse when the button is down.I've read this question, and it seems a bit overkill. I only need to detect the 8 basic directions (up/down/left/right/diagonals), so that I can detect a "Z".

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Professional :: Flash Zoom With Mouse Image Reposition?

Jul 24, 2011

Im currently designing a map with a drag and drop action as well as a zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, my problem is that when i drag and drop my image and then go to zoom in or out the image will automatically reposition itself back to the center, im wanting to be able to drag the image which is converted to a MC anywhere in my masked box then zoom in and out on that area that is shown is the masked box,

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Professional :: How To Create Image Gallery With Mouse Move Effect

May 27, 2010

Any link or flash file which explain how to apply mouse move effect on images of gallery. I mean image sof gallery simply move with mouse direction and stop on mouse stop.

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Import An Image Sequence In CS4?

Jan 17, 2010

I am working on a big project today and I'm importing images in by the hundreds. Is there an easy way to import an image sequence into the timeline? I remember there use to be with earlier versions of flash but I can't figure it out for CS4 - Luckily these images are named sequentially.

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IDE :: 3D Rotation Using Image Sequence?

May 4, 2010

I am trying to implement a 3D rotation using image sequence for a project, basically like this [URL]..I found a couple of flash components for this which uses xml to load the sequence of images, but I am not able to add those hot spots which move along with the object.

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Professional :: Buttons In Flash - Shows In Front Of The Image That Scrolling Over With The Mouse

Jun 1, 2011

For my college project I've created buttons were when you roll over images they are enlarged. The problem I have is when I roll over the images, the one next to the one I want shows in front of the image that I'm scrolling over with the mouse. I want it so that the image being rolled over is in front. For example when the magazine article on the far left is enlarged it goes behind the logos next to it instead of in front so you can see clearly what's being scrolled.

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Image Sequence Crashes Flash?

Jun 13, 2011

I am using:

Win7 32bit
2GB RAM, Intel Core 2 Duo 2Ghz

Flash CS5

and I have this problem: i am currently trying to create a 720p movie consisting of 738 single JPG pictures; 6 frames/second. Each picture has 204 KB, all the pictures together add up to 226 MB.Yet still, Flash is crashing (due to memory overload?) once I have loaded like 100 pictures of my sequence... I loaded 90 pictures and tried exporting it as a small AVI-movie, but even that made Flash crash. I checked the Windows task manager, and I saw that even with only 90 pictures loaded, Flash already takes up 1,6 GB of my RAM.Is there a way making Flash save those pictures not on the memory, but on the disk, in a temporary folder or something? I wouldn't care if it takes way longer.

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