ActionScript 2.0 :: Navigation Bar Using 1 Frame Only?

Nov 11, 2004

I'm trying to build a nav bar with 3 buttons, using only 1 frame, and no tweens, as only.The wanted efect I can achive with 2 buttons:

>> here <<

With the 3 buttons I get this:

>> here <<

What I want is: a button can only became active (going up) when all other buttons are inactive (down).In this last example some buttons don't wait until other buttons are inactive, they become active right away!In this last example using the 3 buttons I use this code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Navigation And Xml

Aug 26, 2009

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SWF lagged and consomming way too much memory.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS5: Simple Frame Navigation?

Oct 14, 2010

OK so I have a flash project consisting of four keyframes with "stop()" on the first frame so that it doesn't play through.I have "next" and "back" buttons on each keyframe so that you can navigate between the frames.However, I have a problem where the buttons seem to remember the frame they were on and they skip keyframes when navigating back and forth.Example:I'm on keyframe 2 and press the "next button" and it takes me to keyframe 3.I'm now on keyframe 3 and I press the "back button" and it takes me back to keyframe 2.I'm back on keyframe 2 and I press the "next button" and it takes me to keyframe 4???I have basic code on each keyframe.On keyframe 2 I have this code:

next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextone);
function nextone(event:MouseEvent):void


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Apply Navigation Buttons At Different Places On Each Frame

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on (release) {
on (release) {
on (release){

I can get the symbols that I'm using as buttons to work in the first and second frame, but they will not work after that. Each frame has a
stop ();
Action applied to it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frame Label Navigation In MovieClip

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on (release) {

Currently, the playhead is going to "residences," entirely skipping "location_rev." I've thought of an if statement to ask Flash to play "residences" when arriving at the end of "location_rev," but I'm not entirely sure how to go about that.

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eventListener( gotoAndStop("helpFrame");
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How can I keep the state the whole exerciseFrame unchanged when navigating away from it and back to it again? version: AS3 - Flash CS4

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button Event Frame Navigation?

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When I try using the following type of event handler, i can link from frame 1 to 2, but not back and get an error message:

(TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mc1_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SlideShow Navigation Works Until You Loop Back To First Frame?

May 23, 2010

I've got an interesting issue with the actionscript in my file. I've created a slide show with 27 labeled frames - they've been labeled "frame 1", "frame 2", "frame 3", etc... My issue is the first time everything works perfectly, if you hit next or previous. It goes to the correct frame. On the last frame if you click next it should take you back to "frame 1" and basically loop through all the frames again if you keep pressing next. The problem is it goes back to frame 1, and then next doesn't work on this frame. I don't understand what's going on considering the first time around - these frames work perfectly.Here's the code on frame 1:

Actionscript Code:[code]........

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Here's the code on frame 1:

ActionScript Code:
/*Navigation Code */
nextbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonNextHandler);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Navigation And Button - Frame Label Instance Not Found In Scene

May 9, 2009

My navigation file just doesnt seem to work heres the code:
function navigation(event:MouseEvent):void{
trace("button was clicked");
} home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,navigation);

I have labels home, news, about, portfolio, contact. I keep getting this error
ArgumentError: Error #2109: Frame label instance6 not found in scene Scene 1.
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at whywontyouworkdamyou_fla::MainTimeline/navigation()
and my buttons dont work. I am seeing spaces in the word navigation why rofl its ok in edit mode? The Fla [URL].

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ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Basic Navigation GotoAndPlay "Scene Frame Number"

Dec 6, 2009

I'm working on a friends site - using CS3 and all of the code for the buttons is pointing to the right scenes yet it goes to the wrong scenes. Does anyone know what the problem could be? I also have some stop actions at the end of each scene. For buttons I'm using On release, gotoAndPlay "Scene, frame number"

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Movie Play Frame X To Frame Y Then Switch To Frame Z?

Nov 21, 2007

I have my flash on multiple scenes, and would like to play an animation when clicking on the navigation button before switching to a different scene.

I'm halfway to accomplishing this.

Here is what i used



The above code is on a blank keyframe. Changepage1 is the start of the animation and Changepage2 is the end of the animation.

Upon clicking the navigation button it plays the above scenes.

However it doesn't change scenes to scene "Home2".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rewind To First Frame On Entering Certain Frame / Stopping In Frame?

Mar 4, 2009

What command do I enter for the movie to rewind to first frame on entering a certain frame / stopping in a frame?It's my first time using Flash, and I'm working on a double menu (second menu has a "close" button, where I want to get back to the first menu).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] Play Frame 2 For A Duration Of 1 Frame Then Frame 3?

Jul 13, 2006

i have a movieclip on stage. it has 3 frames but is stopped with "stop():" so it only shows the first frame on mousedown i want it to play frame 2 for a duration of 1 frame then frame 3.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Set Frames To Play Frame 1, Frame 3, Frame 5

Mar 13, 2011

I hope I can ask this correctly. I'll paraphrase.
press_mc.onRelease = function(){};
This is a snippet of some code I'm working on. Currently I have a mc that you press that plays another mc. That mc that reacts has 5 frames, each frame with stop(); on each frame. I do a normal play code because it lets me play through and cycle back to frame 1 after frame 5 (so if I click the mc it eventually cycles back to the first frame and starts the process over again). If I do a nextframe it stops at frame 5, so that's why I use play.
press_mc click on it and it tells mover2_mc to advance a frame and recycles back to frame one to redo the process.Can I tell press_mc to play and skip a frame or to have it play a list of frames that I tell? I can't do a _currentframe +2 because it'll halt at frame 5.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Two Navigation In Same Fla?

Aug 1, 2010

I�m trying to have two navigations in the same scene where i want both to load external swf�s but i�m having problems with the 2nd one.

I wrote this code in the first frame of my fla instead of writing it in the .as file. I don�t know if i�m doing well with this but i also tried to insert the same code in the .as but the same errors show up[code]...

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Navigation.swf Into Webpage.fla?

Dec 20, 2010

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Navigation From 1.swf (scn.1) To 2.swf (scn.1) And Back

Apr 11, 2011

I just missed the Flash Q&A @ Facebook... didn't get an answer to my navigation question: I know how to go from 1.swf (scn.1) to 2.swf (scn.1) and back. (buttons) I don't know how from 1.swf (scn.1) to 2.swf (scn.1) then back to 1.swf (scn.3)

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Navigation With The Keyboard?

Jun 2, 2011

how to change the focus of movieclips and buttons when I press the arrow keys of the keyboard. Its kind like the tab navigation but with de arrows keys, in the four direcctions. This flash app i'm developing has to be handled 100% with the keyboard.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Navigation From SO's?

Mar 7, 2004

I have just read the tutorial on hyperlinks in dynamic text boxes.Whis is very good but not quite what I need.I want to load in my navigation from external text file using SO's.So from a link in my text file I want to go to a named frame or load a new movie.I have managed to make a link work inporting it from the text file but do not know how to get links to work to other content. I really want to start a function from these text links within the SO.

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AS2 :: IDE - XML Navigation / Mapping

Feb 3, 2009


Etiam nisi ligula, sodales non, pharetra eget, tempus ac, purus. Vivamus sagittis mollis risus. Proin dictum libero a elit. Curabitur feugiat, metus sit amet convallis imperdiet, est tortor volutpat nulla, eget mollis diam nisi vel lacus. In diam ligula, euismod eu, dapibus non, fermentum quis, urna. In consequat pede eget erat. Quisque luctus felis. Mauris dignissim. Fusce pulvinar, dolor sit amet porttitor egestas, quam massa tristique pede, nec porttitor diam odio in magna. Mauris congue mauris eu lectus. Duis eu felis ut ligula consectetur blandit.


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IDE :: How To Get Navigation Bar To Work

Jul 9, 2009

I have a navigation bar made in flash that I placed on a dreamweaver document and I don't know how to make the links work with the flash. How can I tell the flash to go to the certain dreamweaver docs?

function onLoad(){
var menu :Array = [
{label:"Home", url:"[URL]"},
{label:"News", url:"news.html"},
{label:"Sports", url:"sports.html"},
[Code] .....

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