Flex :: Increse Performance Of Raster Scrolling On Mac?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a game with a big raster map.Now we are using jpeg (4900x4200)And durring the game we need to scroll through this map.[code]In windows, we have very good performance.In Linux and Mac in flashplayer we have a good performance too.But in browsers performance is quite slow!

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Professional :: Performance Optimization Vector Vs Raster?

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to improve the frame rate of a game that draws many floor tiles. Currently, the floor tiles are vector graphics and stored as different frames in a movie clip. I wanted to experiment with rasterizing a floor tile and seeing if that would provide any frame rate boosts. I did this by converting one of my tiles (one of the frames in my movie clip) to a png and replacing the vector version of this tile with this raster version. I then tested two worlds--one filled with tile A (vector) and another filled with tile B (png).
In all my tests, world with tile A (the original vector version) outperformed the world with tile B. I am guessing that the reason I am not getting the expected performance gains is because I am still rendering the tiles in the old style and not using any strict bitmap drawing calls?why it is that this method fails to boost rendering speed? Would I have to switch my rendering code to strict bitmap draw calls?

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<tabnavigator />
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Actionscript 3 :: Adobe AIR Scrolling Performance On IPad2?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm currently working on an Adobe AIR application which is targeting the iPad2 as the hardware platform, and can not get decent scrolling performance on one of the screens. I'm using a spark list, with a custom item renderer like so:

<s:List id="productList" top="116" bottom="0" left="10" right="10"
visible="true" includeInLayout="true"


As you can see this is pretty light-weight, yet my dataprovider contains upwards of 100 items, and 11 of them can be on screen at any one time. Everything I've read around increasing performance for scrolling revolves around using opaqueBackground and cacheAsBitmap, however no matter what I try neither help here. Using cacheAsBitmap at the list level doesn't help as the item renderer recycling kicks in once you've scrolled more than a couple of lines requiring the whole thing to be re-rendered, and using it at the item renderer level is still horribly slow when scrolling fast — presumably because many are being recycled at once during a very fast scroll.

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Oct 27, 2011

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Feb 10, 2011

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Performance :: Performance - Hold MouseDown To Increase Speed/power?

Sep 12, 2011

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The longer mouse is down, the speed of wich the ball is fired with should increase.My question to you is;

What is the most efficient way to accomplish this? With a timer or something like this;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing From Raster To Vector?

Aug 5, 2011

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ActionScript Code:
var curBd:BitmapData;
var curBmp:Bitmap;
curBmp=new Bitmap(new BitmapData(...;


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Performance :: Optimization - Improving Performance With Large #'s Of Objects

Jan 11, 2011

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Nov 20, 2009

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Flex :: Performance - Printing From AIR/Flex Application Causes Large Files Being Sent To Printer?

Oct 25, 2010

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Actionscript 3 :: Draw An Anti-aliased Bezier Curve In Raster?

Mar 26, 2012

Does anyone know a decent algorithm for drawing a anti-aliased (smooth) quadratic bezier curves in a raster?
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Flex :: How To Improve Performance Of App

Jan 19, 2010

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Mar 18, 2010

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Flex :: Improve The Performance Of PurePDF?

Jan 31, 2011

I am using the Open source PurePDF library in my Flex AIR application. The problem is performance:It takes 100% CPU usage and too long to generate a PDF.

I have done some analysis on it and find that the text writing in pdf is expensive. That's why I need to know how I can improve the performance. Are there any fonts for which pdf generation is less expensive, or is there some setting or tip that can make this process somewhat better in terms of performance? secondly in case of images the ImageElement generation is very expensive when writing that element to PDF. Is there any way to reduce the processing?

I found a way to reduce the ImageElement generation processing by resizing the image using flex and by then passing the small image's bitmap data to the image element. It works fine, and i have reduced the time of execution to a good extent. is there any way to tell PDF to work in chunks or divide the work in such a way that it may take more time to complete but won't block the GUI while the PDF is being generated?

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Flex :: Performance - Why Does Use A Single Threaded Model

Jul 10, 2009

Over the past few weeks I have been building a prototype application using a Flex front end connected to a J2EE backend using blazeDS. The prototype is an experiment to learn flex and see what its suitability is for a complex trading application requiring a large number of dynamic updates (i.e > 20 a second) via a pub sub type model. During some lightweight performance tests it's become apparent that I need to use multiple threads to ensure the UI remains stable when receiving a large number of updates from the server. All was going well until I discovered that flex has a single threaded programming model!

From a quick Google it looks as though there are numerous hacks to implement thread like behavior. I am sure many people must have been faced with a similar problem. Can people let me know: Are there any good threading libs that are well maintained etc Do other RIA technologies such as silverlight have the same problems. Why did abobe implement a single thread model? Are there any other tricks I can use to ensure my UI is stable.

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Flex :: Performance - Six Seconds Between Initialize And CreationComplete

Apr 4, 2011

I'm working with a large flex applications and I have noticed that one of our largest components (with lots of child canvases) takes about 6 seconds between the initialize and creationComplete events. I've been doing some reading and have found that having lots of nested canvases can cause slowdowns, but i'm not sure if this is where the slowdowns would be?

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Flex :: Improve The Performance Of The SQLite Database?

Apr 26, 2011

Background: I am using SQLite database in my flex application. Size of the database is 4 MB and have 5 tables which are

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table 2 have 8700 records
table 3 have 3000 records
table 4 have 5000 records
table 5 have 2000 records.

Problem: Whenever I run a select query on any table, it takes around (approx 50 seconds) to fetch data from database tables. This has made the application quite slow and unresponsive while it fetches the data from the table.

How can i improve the performance of the SQLite database so that the time taken to fetch the data from the tables is reduced?

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Flex :: Module - Relative Sizing And Performance?

May 11, 2011

We are building a flex project and would like it to render faster. We do have situations where we reference parent module size properties to size current module containers, as well as current module size properties for a bunch of attributes including font size and element positions and sizes.

Would it help to create temporary variables for
a) pcw=parentcontainer.width, pch= parentcontainer.height
b) ccw=currentcontainer.width, cch=currentcontainer.height

and reference to pcw,pch,ccw and cch while doing positioning. Also given the bulk of the positioning will be done in mxml, will setting these interim variables in initialization function, allow them to be used in mxml such that they will resize as browser size is changed.

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Oct 9, 2011

We are starting to build a Flex 4.5 application (with LCDS) and a Spring/Hibernate based backend.In this context, is there a well-known list of overall performance optimization techniques that one could follow to ensure optimal performance on the client (flex) side? - especially, given that we anticipate users with poor bandwidths

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Performance :: Flex And Embed Fonts Shared Library?

Feb 21, 2010

I have a question regarding flex and embed fonts , i want to have a library of embed fonts that will have about 30 different fonts Is there any way i can only load the fonts that i use? ( dynamicaly )

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Flex :: Flexbuilder - Organize Application For Compile Performance?

Jun 28, 2010

I'm preparing to reorganize & refactory a Flash Builder application. The goals of the reorg are 1.) keep compile times for the part of the project I'm working on as fast as possible, 2.) keep the unrelated parts separate for code reuse. Goal #1 trumps goal #2 if there's a trade-off.

Currently, the app has assets in one project, core functionality AS3 in another project, and the MXML in a third project that links to the other two.

Would moving resources/code into swc libraries help compile time? What about compiling assets into an swf and embedding that into the main application?

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Flash :: Flex Be Forbidden If Performance Is Top Requirements Compared?

Dec 20, 2010

I looked at this demo: [URL] Flex seems very slow compared to silverlight 3. Unfortunately can't see pure flash but should flex be forbidden if performance is top requirements compared to Flash ?

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Flex :: Performance - Multiple Instances - Deploying Applications

Mar 3, 2011

I have a Flex application which has to be deployed in some server. The typical form of access would be invoking the URL. Should I have multiple instances of the applications running on the same server/ deploying the application in diff servers and using a load balancer for routing? If i must have multiple instances, how to do that? On a given day, the application is expected to get around 2000-3000 hits. What are all the factors to be kept in mind while deployment?

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