Flex :: Module - Relative Sizing And Performance?
May 11, 2011
We are building a flex project and would like it to render faster. We do have situations where we reference parent module size properties to size current module containers, as well as current module size properties for a bunch of attributes including font size and element positions and sizes.
Would it help to create temporary variables for
a) pcw=parentcontainer.width, pch= parentcontainer.height
b) ccw=currentcontainer.width, cch=currentcontainer.height
and reference to pcw,pch,ccw and cch while doing positioning. Also given the bulk of the positioning will be done in mxml, will setting these interim variables in initialization function, allow them to be used in mxml such that they will resize as browser size is changed.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Module xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
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Mar 30, 2010
I've set the publish settings to 100% width and 100% height and have then added the 'noScale' function into the first frame of my timeline. Here is an idea of what I'm trying to create:
I have three movieclips that are touching the left side of the Stage and want them to touch the left side of the browser but centre vertically. I can do this by adding the 'Stage.align = LC' command, but not sure if this is the right way to go about it.
The movieclip that is on top contains a logo and I want it to have a fixed size. I called the instance name 'logo_mc'.
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Example of what I am trying to create: [URL]
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Will I take a big hit in performance using nested ViewStacks? Should I strive to handle all navigation in one ViewStack and push children manually or will the affected performance be negligible?
<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />
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[URL] how to build something like that with controllable column numbers, width and images that might be using XML.the main thing is how to accomplish such an effect?P.S. I've developed an Image Slider using Flash Builder 4.5 The problem is that when I included that in HTML page when someone performs ZOOM with CTRL+ Mouse wheel in a browser, the DIV that holds my SWF file and SWF file itself increases in size but the image itself that is inside my slider still remains of the same size.. How to fix it?
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Jan 4, 2010
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Feb 16, 2011
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ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property application not found on MyModule__mx_core_FlexModuleFactory and there is no default value.
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
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Aug 28, 2009
i cant find info on this anywhere on google, even adobe's description doesnt work. basically i have figured out how to embed and access the children of a swf built in flash (YAY!!!), but theres another problem now.
a flex module complied to flash behaves differently, and embedding it doesnt seem to work, at all.
however this application pretty much depends on the modules being loaded with the main application so embedding the module is vital. i've tried countless techniques and so far the only thing i know woks so far is:
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Oct 6, 2009
I have just started looking into using Modules in Flex and would like to know how you all go about developing them.I understand how to use them (load, unload, application domains, shared classes, etc.), but I'm wondering what a good workflow is in creating them and using them in multiple applications.If I were building reusable application components (text editor, image cropper, compass, whatever), and I wanted to reuse them in many different applications, it seems like I would:
1) Create an Application specifically for one of those modules
2) Create a Module inside that Application
3) Develop the Module by itself, make it work right
4) Link shared libraries to it somehow (like library projects I would use between all of the modules)
5) ... then I'm unclear what's next.I now have lets say 10 Module/Applications, and I want to start mashing them together into usable applications.What's the best way to do this?I would like to not have to copy-paste code and swfs, using something like git submodules if an equivalent is possible.
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Jun 9, 2010
purpose of component and module of flex app
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Sep 6, 2010
I'm trying to build my flex modular app, and got the following scenario
Portal (which includes, 2 modules:)
-Mod1 (.swf)
-Mod2 (.swf)
Also, I have Mod1-API (.swc). The Mod1-API, defines interfaces which are implemented on the Mod1 (.swf). Both the Mod1 and Mod2 swfs import the Mod1-API swc. I'm trying to call the API method on the Mod2. On Mod2 I've the interface, since it is shared via the Mod1-API project. What I'm trying to achieve is the real implementation class loading on Mod2, via reflection, using the getDefinitionByName method, but it says its not defined. How from the mod2 load a class that is on the Mod1 project, returning just the interfacce to the mod2 so it can call methods just like an ordinary API method?
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Jan 6, 2011
I'm wondering if there's any reasonable way to get a reference to an object in Flex, and look through everything in every sub object (every property and everything). That is, I want to know if I can completely map all of the data within an object, from another object. I'm aware that this wouldn't work for private (or protected) members, but for anything public, it should be possible, correct?
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Feb 5, 2011
Im using a few modules repeatedly in a Flex app and varying the conditions by passing in params via the 'loaderInfo.url' var. This works fine for the first iteration of a given module but subsequent attempts will always see the same params as the first creation regardless of what is actually used.
When I view the param in the 'CreationComplete' handler (eg 'trace( this.loaderInfo.url );') its the same every time (for a given module) regardless of what is actually passed in via the ?param=string. What am I doing wrong?
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Feb 13, 2011
I have an application built on Flex 2. I am writing a new application (module based) in Flex 3. Will these be able to co-exist? Can I invoke Flex 3 module from Flex 2 application?
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Apr 18, 2011
I have a Flex 4 application that loads a module. Everything works fine except that I cant create and object or cast an object to a type of my module. At run time it throws an error. I'm not sure if there is an issue with modules, Flex4, and spark? I've tried many different ways to set/cast these objects, but nothing seems to work.
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Jun 22, 2011
I want to open TitleWindow in flex Module.
My Main page is Application Page and I want to open Module page from Main Page. In Module page there is TitleWindow control. I want to popup title window in Module Page.
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Jul 21, 2011
Ok, modules in Flex are popular but I have no idea why documentation and examples on the different uses of Flex modules can be so scarce.Anyway, for this question, I will take the classic Employee/Department example. I have a main.mxml that contains an mx:TabNavigator. Each tab is loaded by an s:ModuleLoader.Tables: Employees {empID,empName,deptID}, Deparments {deptID,deptName}The Tab Navigator contains only one tab (for our example) called Employee. I have an Employee.mxml module. In that module, I have a datagrid that is populated with Employee details. I use the getEmployees($deptID) function. This function, as you may guess, returns me an array of Employees who work in a particular department.
Outside the TabNavigator, I have a departmentDropDownList that is populated with departments.deptName.My objective is to load the Employee module when I select a particular department from the DropDownList. I have a changeHandler for the DropDownList that can give me the deptID.
protected function departmentDropDownList_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
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Aug 16, 2011
My application has a couple of modules which am loading as thus in my application.
<local:moduleloader url="Module1.swf" id="modulel" />
<local:moduleloader url="Module2.swf" id="module2" />
Then while loading each module I am showing the progress bar. The progress bar shows but does not go away. It remains above the whole frame of the application. The module loader is as follows:(Also note that in Flex 3 the same works, but am using Flex 4 and in Fx 4 it does not)
<mx:ModuleLoader xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
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Nov 30, 2011
We are creating an ios app, In which we want to use certain interactive functionality which is created in flex. Though flex 4.5 does gives an option to create an ipa file and lauch it in app store as a app. But we want only a certain functionality in flex and want to develop other functionality using Objective C only. Is that possible? Can we use a module developed in flex inside an objective C app?
I have searched and found out that we can make .ane packages through flex. These packages use .a file to access the native ios functionality. To know about Adobe Native extensions (ane) click here
To see the sample provided by adobe click here. All I want to know is Can we include this ane in ios app, being developed using objective C using xcode 4? Is there any way I can use a module developed in flex under my cocoa app?
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May 27, 2009
I'm trying to create a module for a flex application, and I want to send notifications to clients. I've been looking at the BlazeDS messaging service to push out the notifications to clients, but I want to be able to send certain updates to certain clients. The Flex notification framework doesn't seem to allow this - if we have a field in the message with a value of the user's user id for example, any client could theoretically subscribe to all messages for any given user id, and there's no verification on the server side to make sure that the client that has subscribed is logged in as that user id.Is there something I've missed here, or is the best way to handle this writing my own polling mechanism on the client side?
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Jun 11, 2009
Can a flex module have styles different from the main application which loads the modules? Meaning... can I have a main set of styles for the application, and separate styles for each module.. with each of them rendering their own styles without disturbing the other at runtime?
My specific case:The main application is developed by me... and the modules are developed by different people who want to contribute to the main application. I want to provide some way for each of the module developers to have their own styles for their modules, without touching the main application or its styles.
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