Flex :: Relative Positioning And Font Sizing?

Aug 31, 2010

I need to position an object in the bottom half of a container (working on flex 4)- abt 25% above the bottom...and cant use x,y coordinates given need for resizing. I have been able to position the layout containers and they work well

Also need fonts to resize as the buttons get smaller

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Flex :: Font Relative Sizing & Screen Resolution- Flash Player

Apr 3, 2011

We are building a flash based product (coded in flash builder) and need to ensure that the font size is readable for all standard screen resolutions- we coded fontsize to be a fraction of screen dimensions... still we find that it looks smaller on low resolution and larger on higher resolution

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why this happens? Any thoughts on how we can make it uniform across screen resolutions?

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Flex :: Module - Relative Sizing And Performance?

May 11, 2011

We are building a flex project and would like it to render faster. We do have situations where we reference parent module size properties to size current module containers, as well as current module size properties for a bunch of attributes including font size and element positions and sizes.

Would it help to create temporary variables for
a) pcw=parentcontainer.width, pch= parentcontainer.height
b) ccw=currentcontainer.width, cch=currentcontainer.height

and reference to pcw,pch,ccw and cch while doing positioning. Also given the bulk of the positioning will be done in mxml, will setting these interim variables in initialization function, allow them to be used in mxml such that they will resize as browser size is changed.

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Flex :: 3 - Auto-sizing - Automatically Resize To Fit The Length Of The Content And Positioning

Jan 4, 2010

I am working on a flex app that uses XML templates to dynamically create DisplayObjects. These templates define different layouts that can be used for each page of content in the app (ie , 2 columns, 3 columns etc etc). The administrator can select from one of these and populate each area with their content.

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Javascript ::Relative Positioning At Bottom Of The Screen Issue With Flex And Different Browsers?

Jul 4, 2010

I have a flex component like this:

<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Css :: Positioning And Sizing A Flash Element Properly In A Div?

Jan 19, 2010

Here is the code I'm using for the div in question (which is the 3rd box of the javascript dynamic box):

<div class="contentdiv" style="margin:-20px 0 10px -30px;">
<object height="100%" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0">
<param name="movie" value="images/tri.swf">


I want the .swf graphic to fit the div just like the image in box #5 does.

Right now I can't get it to be either the proper size or the proper alignment. I'm admittedly not a Flash expert, so any clues would be great here.

Also, other stuff on the page is totally broken because this is just the "dev" version of the site where I test stuff out. So hopefully that can all be ignored.

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IDE :: Relative Positioning With X AND Y?

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can anyone point me to a tutorial or an example of something along those lines?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Relative Positioning With X And Y?

Feb 13, 2009

I'm looking to create something like the link below,
However I need it to work on both x and y.

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Actionscript 3 :: Font Embed Causes Positioning Error With Chalet Font

Dec 1, 2009

I'm trying to embed the Chalet font to some dynamic text fields and it is causing the vertical position of the text to jump up above the actual textfield. (see screenshot) Is Chalet a messed up font? (or more likely, Flash is sooo screwed up in handling fonts) This font displays absolutely fine in Photoshop and Illustrator.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Intervals Using Relative Object Positioning?

Feb 20, 2007

check this code out:


I was wondering, is there a way to change if (myClip_mc._x < 400) { to a relative position of myClip_mc. I mean, i want myClip_mc to move 100px from it's current position everytime the button is clicked. Instead of only moving it if it's x position is less than 400. So it needs to somehow check it's current position everytime the button is clicked and then make it shift from that position. I know this is a long winded way of doing it but i want it this way so i can use it for something different.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Relative Positioning - Calculating Destination Coordinates

Jul 28, 2009

I have a movieClip inside a parent movieClip on the stage. The parent movieClip's registration point is top left. I'm having trouble figuring out how to "center" (move) the parent movieClip so that it's child movieClip is in the center of the stage. How do I calculate those destination coordinates?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Website - Relative Movieclip Positioning

Jun 8, 2010

I have been wondering over this for a while now and I have tried a number of different soloutions to no avail. I am used to designing HMTL website but for a portfolio I would like to create a Flash site. One problem is dynamic screen sizes, although I have a soloution it isn't idealy what I would like.

My current soloution is to size the stage to a 1024 x 768 resoloution and scale it to 100% on a webpage. The background for my flash is massive, 1920 x 1080, equivelent to full HD size, to support as many screens as possible, the flash has a No Scale atribute. Unfortunatly this method dosen't only increase filesize, but makes the content restricted to a small area of the screen which looks terrible on large displays.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Get A Relative Positioning Piece Of Code To Remove After It Is Navigated Away From

Dec 28, 2010

Whe I use the code below in a template set up as a movie clip it appears and works fine but when i nvagate away from it the relative alignment code remains for the rest of the pages.  Would use a remove child how would this look?


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Flash :: Positioning Objects Relative To MovieClip That Has ScaleX And ScaleY Changed

Sep 23, 2010

I have one Sprite which acts as a container for two other Sprites. One has a picture the other has a series of hotspots.

If i change the scaleX and scaleY of the picture, the hotspots don't line up anymore. Do you know the correct equation so that any scale i set will always make the hotspots appear at the right place?

I'm trying stuff like this:

hotspot.x *= scaleFactor;
hotspot.y *= scaleFactor;

but i can't quite sort it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Sizing A Group Of Textfields Based On Font Size?

Oct 24, 2009

I have made a UI control which contains a bunch of TextFields representing the members of an Array. I draw these un a list like in a combo box's drop down. Currently I hard code the height of the TextFields, iterate through the Array and position the TextFields by adding the hard coded height each time. Simple enough.
But now I would like to put the control in another place where I must use smaller text. So I would like to make the thing general so I can resuse it whenever I want, simply by applying a new TextFormat. My problem is that I want to still be able to position the TextFields accurately regardless of the font size used in the TextFormat. I have tried just creating the TextField, applying the TextFormat, setting the text, and then trying to read the TextField's height, but alas this does not work.
what the best way is to find each TextField's height so that I can build my list?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Fluid Layout With Re-sizing And None Re-sizing Movieclip

Mar 30, 2010

I've set the publish settings to 100% width and 100% height and have then added the 'noScale' function into the first frame of my timeline. Here is an idea of what I'm trying to create:

I have three movieclips that are touching the left side of the Stage and want them to touch the left side of the browser but centre vertically. I can do this by adding the 'Stage.align = LC' command, but not sure if this is the right way to go about it.

The movieclip that is on top contains a logo and I want it to have a fixed size. I called the instance name 'logo_mc'.

The movieclip below 'logo_mc' is called 'container_mc' and is a strip of photographs that I need to run from the left to the right side of the browser no matter what the browser size. I need this movieclip to scale proportionally up and down as they viewer resizes their browser so the first photo is touching the left side of the browser and the last picture is touching the right side (without distorting).

The final movieclip is called 'buttons_mc' and is right below the 'container_mc' clip. This movieclip needs to remain a fixed size.

Obviously when the 'container_mc' clip resizes I need the other movieclips to move up and down to stay the same distance above and below the 'container_clip'.

Example of what I am trying to create: [URL]

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Flash 9 :: Sizing Photos For An Auto-sizing Gallery?

Oct 22, 2008

I want to put together a flash gallery of photography for my photography business. I am very good at Photoshop design, html, css, javascript but I am a novice with flash. I can use it and use some actionscripting but my knowledge is limited.

I see galleries like this one: [URL]

The images expand and contract perfectly as the browser is resized. I am used to having to size pics for the lowest res screens (I design for 1024 width resos's usually).

What size should I make pictures to work like this... Does flash scale them down / up / either... are there quality issues with letting flash manage the sizing.

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Css :: Embedding Font In Flex Locally With A Installed Font Works, But With Url To Refer To A Ttf Font File Doesn't

Feb 7, 2011

I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.

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Flex :: Auto-sizing The Height Of A TileList?

Jul 21, 2009

Is there a way to have the TileList component to auto-size to its contents? I have tried setting it 100%, but it seems that won't help. I don't want to hard-code the height because the content will be vary, and I don't want scrollbars to show up.

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Flex - Flash Accordion And Image Sizing?

Jan 20, 2012

[URL] how to build something like that with controllable column numbers, width and images that might be using XML.the main thing is how to accomplish such an effect?P.S. I've developed an Image Slider using Flash Builder 4.5 The problem is that when I included that in HTML page when someone performs ZOOM with CTRL+ Mouse wheel in a browser, the DIV that holds my SWF file and SWF file itself increases in size but the image itself that is inside my slider still remains of the same size.. How to fix it?

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Flex :: Embedded Font In Alert Font-family Property Doesn't Working In 4

Jan 21, 2011

I'm using Flex 4. I'm trying to apply a embedded font in all Alert components of the application, to get the same style that all the app, of course. I code in my CSS file:


The font-family worked to all componentes, but not to the Alert component. In alert the text message and title got unvisible. If I change to other font-family it works correctly, just the embedded font doesn't work on Alert component. Anyone got this problem? Obs: The embedded font worked in all the app, just the Alert no.

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Flash :: Specify Fallback Font In Adobe Flex When Some Character Range Is Not Available In Primary Font?

Mar 23, 2011

In my application I'm using a custom embedded font for English (Helvetica New) which does not contain characters (glyphs) for chinese unicode range. In the application, wherver chinese characters are avaiable they are not displayed (suppressed) since they are missing in the custom embedded font. How can I make the flash player to use a fallback system font for the missing characters? And the fallback should be for the missing characters alone. For the Engligh characters it should use the embedded font.

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Flex :: Font.registerFont(). Error #1508: The Value Specified For Argument Font Is Invalid?

Aug 28, 2011

This is my EnglishFonts.swf application that contains embedded fonts:

import flash.display.Sprite;[code]...........

Font.registerFont() throws this error:

ArgumentError: Error #1508: The value specified for argument font is invalid. at flash.text::Font$/registerFont()

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Flex :: Setting Font Size When Font Family Is Set To Courier?

Aug 23, 2011

I seem to have trouble setting the font size of the text of a legend item when the font family is set to Courier.

legendItem.setStyle("fontFamily", "Courier");
legendItem.setStyle("fontSize", 7);
doesn't work.


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Flex :: Positioning / Scrolling Problem With Flex Popup?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm trying to work out a specific problem I'm having with positioning in Flex using the PopUpManager. Basically I'm wanting to create a popup which will scroll with the parent container - this is necessary because the parent container is large and if the user's browser window isn't large enough (this will be the case the majority of the time) - they will have to use the scrollbar of the container to scroll down. The problem is that the popup is positioned relative to another component, and it needs to stay by that component.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Relative Url In Flash (or) Absolute Path Vs Relative Path

Jul 6, 2009

I am new to Flash and ActionScript 3.0 environment. I don't have any knowledge in depth with Flash and ActionScript 3.0. I am using the flash(.swf file) in my Java application. Now, this .swf file is to be placed in the server system. While I am working with these, I faced an error. Here, my issue/problem(s) starts....

1.)With the help of URLRequest & URLLoader classes, I am loading a jpg file dynamically onto the stage using the following code:


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Flex :: Unable To Positioning Text?

Jun 15, 2009

I want to display three different pieces of text in a line underneath a VBox so I've created a HBox and place the Text components in here:

<mx:HBox width="100%">
<mx:Text text="left" id="textLeft"/>
<mx:Text text="center" id="textCenter"/>


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Actionscript :: Convert A Relative URL To An Absolute URL In Flex

Jan 5, 2010

I am working with Flex, and I need to take a relative URL source property and convert it to an absolute URL before loading it.

The specific case I am working with involves tweaking SoundEffect's load method. I need to determine if a file will be loaded from the local file system or over the network from looking at the source property, and the easiest way I've found to do this is to generate the absolute URL.

I'm having trouble generating the absolute URL for sound effect in particular. Here were my initial thoughts, which haven't worked.

Look for the DisplayObject that the Sound Effect targets, and use its loaderInfo property. The target is null when the SoundEffect loads, so this doesn't work.
Look at FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication, at the url or loaderInfo properties. Neither of these are set, however. Look at the FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.systemManager.loaderInfo. This was also not set.

The SoundEffect.as code basically boils down to

var url:String = "mySound.mp3";
/*>> I'd like to convert the URL to absolute form here and tweak it as necessary <<*/
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
var loader:Loader = new Loader();

I would also be perfectly satisfied with some way to tell whether the url will be loaded from the local file system or over the network. Looking at an absolute URL it would just be easy to look at the prefix, like file:// or http://.

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Flex :: Mention A Remote Location As A Relative Path?

Nov 5, 2009

how to give a relative path in URLRequest paramate and download that file.I found it from this particular stack overflow post .now if If give my machine's relative path, C:/sample/DefectList.xls it works.Now I have to access an xls file kept in the server machine or any other machine,say my team mate's machine. The ip address is and the location is C:/sample/test.xls.I tried

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest"file://");

But it throws the Error#2032.How to mention a remote location as a relative path?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" creationComplete="loadFile()">[code].....

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Flex :: Relative Context-root Fro Flash Application

Jun 7, 2010

In services-config.xml we got following configuration of endPoint.

<channel-definition id="any-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
<endpoint url="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>

Before compiling flash application i set up context-root as compilaction option.

binmxmlc -context-root / -services "flex/services-config.xml" -optimize=true -o ....inMessenger.swf Messenger.as

In my case this is "/"

And the problem is that messanger.swf is able to pull request if the web application is started as ROOT in tomcat webapps. I mean it can only be access by this url localhost:8080/. If i try to move webaplication to another folder - for example to localhost:8080/myApplication messenger.swf would not work properly sinse i have to change root_context as well.

So my question how to dinamicly determine context-root in run time, without hardcode it as option of compiler ? I want my .war application work properly regardless of it position in webapps folder(url).

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