Flex :: Relative Context-root Fro Flash Application

Jun 7, 2010

In services-config.xml we got following configuration of endPoint.

<channel-definition id="any-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
<endpoint url="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>

Before compiling flash application i set up context-root as compilaction option.

binmxmlc -context-root / -services "flex/services-config.xml" -optimize=true -o ....inMessenger.swf Messenger.as

In my case this is "/"

And the problem is that messanger.swf is able to pull request if the web application is started as ROOT in tomcat webapps. I mean it can only be access by this url localhost:8080/. If i try to move webaplication to another folder - for example to localhost:8080/myApplication messenger.swf would not work properly sinse i have to change root_context as well.

So my question how to dinamicly determine context-root in run time, without hardcode it as option of compiler ? I want my .war application work properly regardless of it position in webapps folder(url).

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[Code] .....

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width="100%" height="100%"

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Flex :: Context Menu For Loaded SWF

Oct 14, 2009

I have a Flex app with a viewport that loads a series of other swfs. I would like to place a context menu over top of the SWFs when the user right-clicks. To that end, I have set up a fairly standard context menu where each item has a ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT event handler. One problem: The eventHandler never gets called.

If I place the context-menu code anywhere else in the app, i.e. not on top of a loaded SWF, everything works fine. However, when I place the exact same code on the SWF viewport, the context menu items appear, but the eventHandlers are never called.

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Feb 3, 2010

How we add context menu in datagrid column header.

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Nov 29, 2010

What is the use Font context in Flex?

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On my web app, I want to be able to remove the Flash context menu and only leave the ones really needed like the textarea contextmenu.

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I have a UIComponent (tried it also with Canvas) and some icons in it (sub views). On the UIComponent I defined some extra ContextMenuItems. Now when I'm testing it, the context menu appears only on the subviews (icons) with a right-click. I've checked the documentation but found nothing about required properties for using context menus. Why it's only on subviews?

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How can i find the parent custom component which initiates context menu?

for ex:

custom compoent: 1. Label, 2. Buttom

context menu Item: properties

On right click over 'Label' opens a context menu which has item 'properties', on clicking properties it should open custom popoup window showing properties of Label. similarly, for Button.

I am trying to listen Event on click of context menu, but it is not useful.

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