ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Website - Relative Movieclip Positioning

Jun 8, 2010

I have been wondering over this for a while now and I have tried a number of different soloutions to no avail. I am used to designing HMTL website but for a portfolio I would like to create a Flash site. One problem is dynamic screen sizes, although I have a soloution it isn't idealy what I would like.

My current soloution is to size the stage to a 1024 x 768 resoloution and scale it to 100% on a webpage. The background for my flash is massive, 1920 x 1080, equivelent to full HD size, to support as many screens as possible, the flash has a No Scale atribute. Unfortunatly this method dosen't only increase filesize, but makes the content restricted to a small area of the screen which looks terrible on large displays.

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I have one Sprite which acts as a container for two other Sprites. One has a picture the other has a series of hotspots.

If i change the scaleX and scaleY of the picture, the hotspots don't line up anymore. Do you know the correct equation so that any scale i set will always make the hotspots appear at the right place?

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hotspot.x *= scaleFactor;
hotspot.y *= scaleFactor;

but i can't quite sort it.

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IDE :: Relative Positioning With X AND Y?

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However I need it to work on both x and y.

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Feb 20, 2007

check this code out:


I was wondering, is there a way to change if (myClip_mc._x < 400) { to a relative position of myClip_mc. I mean, i want myClip_mc to move 100px from it's current position everytime the button is clicked. Instead of only moving it if it's x position is less than 400. So it needs to somehow check it's current position everytime the button is clicked and then make it shift from that position. I know this is a long winded way of doing it but i want it this way so i can use it for something different.

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<s:Application xmlns:fx=""


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Flash :: MovieClip Progress Bar Width Is Too Small Relative To Parent Container?

Feb 17, 2010

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private function updateProgress(event:TimerEvent):void
var barWidth:int = _container.width;
var progress:Number = _stream.time / _stream.duration * barWidth;
_progressBar.width = progress;

My problem is that the progressBar even at full time (100%) is only at 1/4 of the parent container. I assume that it comes from the symbols original size.

Can I correct this programatically, or I must redesign it with the "designer"?

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For the animation problem, I've already got a solution: create an invisible movie clip that has the exact size and shape of the animated movie clip and make it follow the movie clip as it animates, and make the hitTest check the invisible movie clip instead of the animated one. As for the rotation problem, well, I don't know how to fix it. Is there a way to change that?

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I am new to Flash and ActionScript 3.0 environment. I don't have any knowledge in depth with Flash and ActionScript 3.0. I am using the flash(.swf file) in my Java application. Now, this .swf file is to be placed in the server system. While I am working with these, I faced an error. Here, my issue/problem(s) starts....

1.)With the help of URLRequest & URLLoader classes, I am loading a jpg file dynamically onto the stage using the following code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dupicating Movieclip & Positioning Them?

Nov 12, 2003

What I'm trying to do, is duplicate a movie clip an x amount of times, based on a variable loaded externally, not the problem though, got that working fine.My problem comes in while I'm trying to reposition the duplicated movies, to line up in a stacked order.It duplicates the movie the number of times I need it, but when trying to call upon the movie clip, which is the a=this["a"+i]; script, nothing happens, the clips don't get repositioned.[code]

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PHP Code:
on (press) {
var getSearch = myText.text;


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What I'm trying to do, is duplicate a movie clip an x amount of times, based on a variable loaded externally, not the problem though, got that working fine. My problem comes in while I'm trying to reposition the duplicated movies, to line up in a stacked order. It duplicates the movie the number of times I need it, but when trying to call upon the movie clip, which is the a=this["a"+i]; script, nothing happens, the clips don't get repositioned.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning Changing With Embedding Of MovieClip?

Nov 15, 2008

I created a class called GameBoard that uses a pair offor-loops to populate a 2-dimensional array and display the array'selements in alternating rows of 14 and 13 objects respectively. Thefirst dimension of the array holds the arrays for each row of thegrid. The array for a row holds a set of objects from a class thatextends MovieClip. The objects are arranged with just enough roomfor each one.

The objects are displayed via addChild(). Their coordinatesare set via .x and .y properties. The intervals for theseproperties are unsigned integer values.When I test GameBoard on its own stage, everything worksperfectly. When I place a GameBoard object in another file,however, the spacing between the objects in GameBoard showsseemingly random changes, with some objects appearing to slightlyoverlap. The Stage of the file I am importing GameBoard into is

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var myXML:XML = new XML();


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Professional :: How To Set MovieClip Position Relative To Stage With Classes

Mar 1, 2011

I'm developing my first flash app. I'm trying to use classes because they'll be very important in my future app. I created a simple movieclip with a star. However, instead of putting it directly on the stage, I'm calling it from library, using the addChild method to place the star in the stage. To do that, I simple right click over the movieclip icon->properties->check export to action script->and I give a name to the class (for example: myMC)

Then, inside the class I wrote:
package {
import flash.display.*;
public class myMC extends MovieClip {
var star:myMC=new myMC();
public function myMC() {
[Code] .....

As I am placing the two variables origin_x and origin_y inside the constructor, I'm expecting to get 250 and 200 respectively. After drop the star, I want to send it to it's original place, and that's why I need to keep this values. And here's the problem, origin_x and origin_y are both ZERO, instead of 250 and 200... The value is not relative to stage. I managed a little bit and I found this post : [URL]. Unfortunately I tried to replace by the suggested code, but both values remain zero. An interesting thing, is that if I put the star directly in the stage instead of calling it from the library as I am doing, I get correct values in origin_x and origin_y.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Position MovieClip Relative To Stage From Within Classes

Aug 5, 2011

I have a Flash file for an xml driven menu. There is the document Class, called Main. There is also a Navigation class. In the Navigation class, I position the location of main buttons and sub menu buttons for the menu. I want to position the buttons in the Navigation class relative to the stage. Currently, they are just fixed at certain positions (like 20); To do this, I have read that because this is not happening in the document class.

I must add an event listener to the constructor that listens for the added to stage event. I am not sure how to do this, as when I try and add an event listener for added to stage in the Navigation class nothing happens, (or all menu items diaspear). How to position movie clips relative to the stage (i.e. stage.stageWidth - 50) from a class that is not document class? How to do so in the document class, too.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fluid Positioning - Align MovieClip To Middle Of Screen

Mar 1, 2009

I'm new to AS 3.0 and I don't get this fluid thing fully. Everything works fine when I want my movieclip to align to the middle of the screen but when I try to make a button (or any movieclip) always align to bottom right I can't figure out how. Here's my AS, how do I make the "ball_mc" align bottom left?

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeListener);
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
[Code] .....

Here's an example of how I want my movieclip to get placed, (like the "fullscreen" button): [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Relative Variables Of Movieclip Instances From Root Or Other Movieclips

Feb 1, 2010

In AS3, how can you access a relative variable within a specific movieclip on the stage?I have a test file that changes the variable "myVar" in one of the displayobject movieclips drawn on the stage. I want to simply trace the current value of this displayobject's myVar for additional purposes.In AS2, you would achieve this by calling the instance name and then the variable contained within.Assuming 3 movieclips existed on the stage named Container1¯, Container2¯ and Cotainer3¯trace(_root.myContainer2.myVar);// returns Hello which is value of variable "myVar" within the movieclip instance named "Container2".How would you do this in AS3?[code]

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Sep 22, 2011

How can I check if the stage contains a movieclip on a specific x and y location on the stage?I'm building a colour-guessing game. The purpose is to walk a path through a generated field of hexagons, each assigned a random colour (yellow, red, blue or green), based on what soundfile you hear. So if you hear "yellow", you have to click a yellow tile etc.But because I want it to be a path, and the colours of the tiles are randomly generated, I have to check which colours border the currently active tile. I literally have no idea how to do this. I thought this might work but it doesnt:

if ((this.tile.y == (event.currentTarget.y - 64)) != null) {
//add the colour of this tile to array


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Sliding Website - Scrolling To Next MovieClip?

Nov 1, 2011

I have been following this tutorial [URL] to design a sliding website. I have designed each section (about, portfolio, contact etc) of the website as a movie clip. All the movie clips were then placed next to eachother in a row. Everytime you click a button the site is supposed to scroll to the next movie clip. This has been working fine until I changed the size of the content. The current content (each content movie clip) is now 1000x600. The problem now is that when you click a button, it doesn't scroll far enough.
The .fla was unfortunately too large to attach.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link To A Scene / Frame From A Flash Website To Flash Website?

Nov 17, 2010

I have 2 websites both built entirely in flash.My problem is that I have created a button on 1 of the sites that has to link to a particular scene and frame within a different flash website.

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Way To Change Relative Path Flash Uses?

May 27, 2010

So I just found out the hard way that the path that Flash uses to load external content is based on the HTML it is embedded in, not the SWF itself. This is a problem for me because I have the HTML generated from a PHP file that is in a folder below the SWF. The PHP has other dependencies that would break if I moved it into the same folder as the SWF.So basically now my dev testing and web versions are separated by a folder.Is there a way to change the relative path Flash uses? Or am I going to have to hack things up?

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Professional :: URL Relative To Flash Button?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm finishing up a flash template that I have used on numerous occasions and it has worked really well. This time however, the nav button that is used to bring up html pages within my site got out of whack. I have checked (and changed) the flash/menu_v8.swf?button=3 relative to the index page I'm trying to link to, but to no avail. I have also gone into Flash and can change the h-link of the TEXT on the button to the corresponding page, but it makes no changes whatsoever.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Does Flash Supports Relative URL

Jul 7, 2009

I am new to the Flash platform. My work is on Java. But, I need the help of a flash file(.swf) in my Java application to work with. So, I came to here to listen my doubts like this in this forum.Can we pass relative-url using ActionScript 3.0 with Flash?I have worked with absolute-url till now[WHICH IS IN BOLD] within localhost server only. And my sample piece of code looks like below:[code]

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