ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip Positioning And Pagination?

Dec 18, 2010

i am trying to do some xml based driven search. i am right now stuck with positioning of movieclip inside movieclip and pagination for the same.Since the data is going beyond main movieclip container. i have just started actionscripting.

PHP Code:
on (press) {
var getSearch = myText.text;


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Aug 23, 2005

This is the third thread I've written for my current project (1st was answered perfectly, 2nd failed [but I still figured it out anyways]) but I'm not sure if there is a solution to this problem. I can't really explain my problem, so once again I've included a helpful animation to show you what I mean. Bear in mind that the pale-blue box represents the movie clip's borders, and those borders are usually changed to include the animation (instead of the borders moving with the animation, the borders get bigger).

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var myXML:XML = new XML();


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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeListener);
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
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[Code] .....

Here's an example of how I want my movieclip to get placed, (like the "fullscreen" button): [URL]

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var totalPhotos:uint;
var maxNumberThumbPerPage:uint = 6;
var totalPage:uint;


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for (varName in returnObj) {
var plid = int (returnObj[varName]["plid"]);
var varState = String(returnObj[varName]["state"]);


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Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to paginate text in flash using actionscript.Basically there is a fla file with a layer for the actionscript, a layer for the text fields and a layer with next and previous buttons. (next_btn and prev_btn).The flash file looks like an open book, with a multiline dynamic text field on the left page and also on the right page.I want to be able to paginate the String in the "text" varible so that it fillls page 1 of the open book and displays the next chunk of text on page 2 of the open book.Then, when the next button is pressed I want the next bit of next to appear on the left page of the book (page 3) and the next piece of text after that on the right etc etc.At the moment I can only get this to work for a single text field. I need to split the content over two text fields.[code]

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Nov 14, 2008

I've been unsuccessfully trying to implement pagination in a xml gallery with thumbnails. I use the method on the kirupa site for loading the xml and generating the thumbnails:

function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
xmlNode = this.firstChild;


I have a mc with 15 thumbnail holders in which the first 15 images are loaded, then I want to have a prev and next button which will load the next 15 images into the holders.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Integrate A Pagination In Photo Gallery?

Jan 18, 2011

I'd like to integrate a pagination in photo gallery project.

How would I make dynamically?

Ex: < 1 2 3 >

Let's say I have 13 photos and want to display on each page first 6 photos. So in total, I must have 3 pages of 6 photos each and each page number is clickable to display the maximum of 6 photos.[code]...

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Jul 7, 2008

How do you pagintate with AS3? I'm using a htmlText to display XML info but I cant figure out how to paginate with that object.

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Javascript :: Professional Quality Flex Datagrid With Pagination - CRUD

Nov 20, 2010

high quality datagrid with: pagination CRUD - adding/deleting/updating rows by users other nice options such as filters, optionmenu, toolbar, etc. there seems to be several very good options in Javascript (Ext-jS, several Jquery plugins/widgets (JQGrid, Datatables, at least 6 more good open source components...) which are very well designed, implemented, documented and professional grade (and free).

however, everything i've seen to add above features to flex/AS seem to be hacks...
(there is one solution - flexicious - it isn't anywhere as good as some of the Javascript datagrids - not free either) can someone point me to any good solutions in Flex/AS (like Javascript Datatables or JQGrid)?

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IDE :: Relative Positioning With X AND Y?

Feb 13, 2009

I'm looking to create something like the link below, [URL].. however I need it to work on both x and y,I've been trying for days to figure out a way to pull this off,

can anyone point me to a tutorial or an example of something along those lines?

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Mar 9, 2009

I am trying to position my loader for an external swf. Can anyone help me. Here is the code that I currently have to load the swf. These are the positions that I need x=0, y=180.


var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
myLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, swfLoadComplete);
function swfLoadComplete(loadEvent:Event)


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Jul 12, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Positioning MCs According To Height?

Aug 24, 2010

I need to create the attached jpg, but i'm not sure of the best way to tackle it. The news posts are loaded from XML and will vary in height so they need to somehow be sorted so that if one is going to come off the page, then it's put into the next page - where the user will click the scroll buttons to view.

1/ Load article from XML

2/ Create a postMC_0 and add article bits to it (date, title, body)

3/ Record height

4/ Create a newsColumn_0 and add postMC_0 to it

Then a loop:

5/ Load next article

6/ Create a postMC_1 and add article bits to it

7/ If difference between postMC_0 height and newsColumn_0 height is greater than the height of postMC_1, then add postMC_1 to newsColumn_0.

8/ If not, then create newsColumn_1 and add postMC_1 to it.

9/ Loop back to 5 (increasing the numbers each time, so postMC_2, etc) Then just make the scroll buttons function according to how many columns have been created..

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