Flash :: Flex Be Forbidden If Performance Is Top Requirements Compared?

Dec 20, 2010

I looked at this demo: [URL] Flex seems very slow compared to silverlight 3. Unfortunately can't see pure flash but should flex be forbidden if performance is top requirements compared to Flash ?

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Performance - Simple Flash Test Application Runs Very Slowly Compared To Exact Same Processing Applet?

Mar 3, 2011

I get a working application in Flash made that lets the user click to create blocks which subsequently gravitate towards the mouse. I made the exact same thing in Processing too, just to compare speeds.However, when I run the Flash version and add around 15-20 blocks, the framerate drops to 5-10 FPS.In the Processing version I can add ~60 with no noticeable slowdown. What's the deal, Flash?

Links to each version's source:

Flash version
Processing version

Here is the source for each in case you are a wizard and can help just by glowering at the code sternly and telling it to behave:

Flash version:

import flash.events.Event;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />
<tabnavigator />

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Mar 19, 2012

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May 20, 2010

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Jul 26, 2011

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Jun 11, 2009

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Feb 9, 2010

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I need a file upload component that has a progress bar and "upload" button next to it (= standalone functionality, no connection to the submit event of a surrounding form).

It should be either Flash or Prototype based. No JQuery or Moo, as the app runs with prototype.

If server-side scripting is needed, it must be PHP. No Perl, no ASP.

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The possibility of filtering file names before upload (no Umlauts, spaces..) would be a plus.

I will try to give this question a bounty in a minute if I'm allowed to.

Edit: I can't seem to open a bounty. Do I have to wait first?

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Aug 17, 2010

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Sep 12, 2011

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Jan 11, 2011

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Oct 25, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Descrease The Size Of A File As Compared To Working With The Timeline?

Nov 20, 2005

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Projector Minimum System Requirements

May 26, 2009

This information must be on the Adobe site, but I've not had any luck tracking down the information... When creating a Mac and Windows projector in CS4, what are the minimum system requirements to open the created files on a Mac or in Windows?

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Media Server :: Hardware Requirements For FMS?

Nov 8, 2011

I work on a project where FMS will be used as the main streaming server. We are going to use p2p/multicast technology which is available in FMS. My first question is : What are the approximate hardware requirements for such a server ? REMARK : this server will be connected to a switch with 1G/bits ports. If we use p2p/multicast technology the maximal number of users which the system can handle is (theoretically)unlimited, is this right ?

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.net :: Silverlight Application Hosting Requirements

Sep 16, 2010

I want to build a silverlight web application that could installed on a user's computer. So any hosting requirements would be subject to whatever configuration the user has. What are there requirements to host a silverlight application? I need the same question answered for Flash and WPF.

Is it required that the .Net framework (or whatever Flash uses in that case) be installed on the machine? Obviously some webserver must be installed, what are the restrictions on the webserver for these three technologies?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Specific Requirements Are To Be Able To Export Symbol

Apr 26, 2004

I'm trying to make a paper doll sort of program. I've got a bunch of PNGs of clothes cut out and I'd like to dynamically load them in with attachMovie.So I imported the PNGs into my project, but when I try to export them for ActionScript, the checkbox to do so is greyed out.Does anybody know what the specific requirements are to be able to Export a symbol to ActionScript?

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Flex :: How To Improve Performance Of App

Jan 19, 2010

I am working on a flex application. The application occupies 100% of the browser screen, but it is slow to load. How should I improve the performance, what are the best techniques one should follow for improving the performance of a flex App. I did try some stuff though, I am not using relative layout instead i am using absolute layout and putting the buttons/images etc at exact places in a Canvas, still i feel it is slow. Can I profile the App or flex code to see where exactly the app is taking the maximum time to execute.

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Media Server :: H264 Rtmp Poor Video Quality Compared To VLC Play

Apr 8, 2011

Same file streamed from FMS4 (same on 3.5) with rtmp protocol has very poor quality compared to real file quality. Is there some low level configuration to do on Flash Server? Is the streaming server making some kind of transcoding before sending the stream? Or it can be Flash Player? Tried unchecking "hardware acceleration" but nothing changes. I am on a local gigabit network, so no network bottlenecks. Video seems very pixelated on the edges (not soft/antialiased). These are the file details:


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Flex :: Performance Of HtmlText In TextField

Mar 18, 2010

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