Media Server :: H264 Rtmp Poor Video Quality Compared To VLC Play

Apr 8, 2011

Same file streamed from FMS4 (same on 3.5) with rtmp protocol has very poor quality compared to real file quality. Is there some low level configuration to do on Flash Server? Is the streaming server making some kind of transcoding before sending the stream? Or it can be Flash Player? Tried unchecking "hardware acceleration" but nothing changes. I am on a local gigabit network, so no network bottlenecks. Video seems very pixelated on the edges (not soft/antialiased). These are the file details:


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Flash :: Media Server - Send Video And Audio Data To A Media Server By Using RTMP Protocol

Jul 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a software which sends video and audio data to a flash media server by using RTMP protocol. Currently, my program can communicate with a flash media server correctly. RTMP specifications does not describe about the raw data in video/audio messages, so I muxed raw H.264 and AAC data into video/audio messages and sent to the server. The server seems to accept them, but a video player cannot playback the stream sending from the server. The player just says "Loading..." For a test purpose, I sniffed the network packets between Wirecast and the flash media server and ripped off only video and audio data. Then, I muxed those data into video/audio message and sent to the flash media server. In this case, the video player connected to the server can playback the stream correctly.

I checked the stream sent from Wirecast, the stream seems not to be H.264 raw data because those data are not started from 0x17 instead of H.264 start code. With those situation, I am wondering what kind of container format I should use for H.264/AAC data to the flash media server.

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Media Server :: IOS To Play H264 Encoded By Flash Player Via Relay Of FMS?

Aug 16, 2011

Probably this feature is in the next generation of FMS 4.5 However, it is said this can be achieved with some manipulation of files with current FMS. Can we do a 2-way live video session.
UserA(in webpage flashplayerV11 beta: encode using H264) -> Flash Media Server -> UserB at iPhone(either HTML5 or others to play the live video in RTMP/RTMFP)

Next step will be the reverse:UserA(in webpage flashplayerV11 beta: decode using H264) <- Flash Media Server <- UserB at iPhone(either HTML5 or others to publish the live video in RTMP/ RTMFP)Better to use UDP based.Seems the HTTP live streaming incurs huge delay 4-8sec; not really working for live video chat sessions.. So how Skype handle this on iOS? with its own encoding/decoding?

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Media Server :: Use H264 Codec In Live Video Transmission?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm trying to publish video streaming over internet. I want to use the h264 codec in FMS for that. Is there any in built property or setting to use h264 or have to use library for that. And also want to know among VP6, sorenson and 264 which is better to use.

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Media Server :: H264 Video From FMS3.5 Can't Be Played In Local

Oct 14, 2010

I stream some h264 videos to my application in FMS3.5ļ¼Œ the videos can be played in FMS, but don't work in the local playback, <s:VideoPlayer source="test.f4v" x="31" y="18" width="402" height="206"/>. I get some h264 videos from FMS application "vod", they work well.

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Media Server :: H264 Video Published With FP11 To FMS4.5 Not Playing Anywhere Else?

Feb 3, 2012

I have created an swf where I can record the webcam picture as H264 video to a FMS 4.5 (I am using the developer version).My code is looking like this:

var h264Settings = new H264VideoStreamSettings();
h264Settings.setProfileLevel("baseline", "1.2");[code]....

I can then replay the video from FMS just fine, but if I try to copy the video from the FMS application directory into a local project and try to play the video with the FLVPlayback component, or with the Adobe Media Player, it is not playing at all.Is this to be expected? Can't I record a webcam video with FMS in H264 and use that video later without FMS?

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Poor Video Quality When Embedded To Swf

May 9, 2011

I'm building a flash website where I'll show my tv commercial works. In  the flash project I placed a FLVPlayback component that will play  different flv videos. Those videos look very good and crispy when played  in quicktime player. But when I export the swf from flash and play it  the videos look bad with a lot of compression artifacts and pixelation.To show you what I exactly mean you can go to my website (url...) and click the 8th video in the scroll panel. Compare it's quality with the link to which refers the (url...)

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Media Server :: Play 2 Rtmp Videos At The Same Time?

Apr 22, 2010

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Is there an easier way like perhaps share the NetConnection, or something (same FMS server)?
Question 2
The two videos on the stage are suppose to have different size, placement etc. Still the last one created inherit the properties of the first video display. It also starts playing for an annoying couple of seconds before the first one. How can I avoid that (inherit and delay)?
var ns1:NetStream;
var ns2:NetStream;
var nc1:NetConnection = new NetConnection();


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Media Server :: Play .3gp Videos In Mobile Using RTMP (FMS) And HTTP?

Apr 21, 2010

I am not able to play video on mobile device which is .3gp container and H.263 / AMR_NB encoded. I just want to play my website videos in mobile device also just like[url]....I want to use RTMP and HTTP both. My requirement is as follows - Which codec and container will be best? Should I use FLV to play video on mobile device? RTSP required or can be use RTMP? Is NetStream and NetConnection methods different from Flash Player in Flash Lite Player? How to play 3gp video using RTMP stream, 0, -1, true) is it ok or any thing else required? For mobile browser and computer browser,can I use single player or I have to make different player for computer browser and mobile browser? It would be better if I can do it with single player for both mobile and computer browser. Sample code required for testing. If you can.I got below article in which they mention that we can play video 3gp container in mobile also.

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Media Server :: Fmis To Deliver Video Through Rtmp And Http?

Aug 6, 2009

I'm setting up my fmis to deliver video through rtmp and http.I'm on a locked down network.What ports need to be open to allow people outside of the network to access the rtmp/http streams? I am correct to say only port 80 and 1935?

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Media Server :: Rtmp Not Connecting - Sample Video Not Streaming

Nov 22, 2010

I am developing an application in Flash that runs locally and it uses FMS 4.01, locally. I have been using adobe FMS 4.01 for months with no problem. Today I cannot connect to my server and I cannot even play the sample video on the Flash Media Server Start Screen. The sample video for the http plays after I changed the permissions for flash, but rtmp does not play. I have reinstalled the server; 3.5, 4.0 and 4.01, none of them will connect to rtmp. I receive this error on the flash media server start screen that says "the connection timed out".

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Media Server :: Unable To Play HTTP Sample,RTMP File Is Not Working?

Aug 12, 2009

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Media Server :: One Play Back RTMP Files In Internet Explorers Browser

Jun 25, 2010

I use video player from the flash media server and it will playback url.. as this originates from Flash media encoder then i have to enter this on the videoplayer but when i replace localhost with my IP address i get no joy at all. Also i can run url...ok from videoplayer in the media server but it allows the user to use http so how is this achieve as i cannot get it to work at all. tells me there is no connection. also this i try using local host and my IP address as well but no joy.

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Media Server :: Fms3.5 NetConnection.Connect.Rejected - See Video Through Rtmp?

Jun 9, 2010

today I install fms3.5 on my pc.

1)I can use rtmp://localhost/vod/mp4:sample2_1000kbps.f4v , it works ok. But when I use rtmp://, I got Netconnect.connection.rejected. is my fms server IP.

2)When I set fms use port 1935 and 80, rtmp:// works ok on other pc. But using wireshark(Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows.) I found , the flash player connect 1935 port at first, it send "connect",the server replay "connection.rejected" and "no scope "vod" on this server". Than it connect to 80 port, so I see the video is not send throw 1935 port with rtmp, but throw 80 port with rtmpt. Why? How can I see video throw rtmp?

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Media Server :: Can't Get Good Quality Audio / Video

Apr 28, 2011

I'm creating a video chat application, and no matter what combination of Camera/Microphone/NetStream properties and functions I use, I cannot get high quality video/audio. I get occasional audio latency, pixelated video, occasional frozen video and the degree of each depends on the combination of properties/functions I set/call.

Others such as TokBox, TinyChat, Chat Roulette, etc. have achieved great video/audio quality with FMS, what is the secret? At least point me in the right direction, because right now I'm not impressed with FMS ability to provide a good video/audio experience. BTW, I'm using a P2P mesh using a group specifier, not NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS.

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Media Server :: Cannot Get Good Quality In Video Chat

Sep 27, 2011

I cannot get good quality in video chat. I have 3mbps line but i did not get good quality video, and my video is too slow. Also i will subscribe my FMS on influxis server.

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Media Server :: 2.0.5 - Video Image Quality Versus Bandwidth?

Jul 8, 2009

Does anyone know if Flash Media Server can be configured to reduce the image quality of a publish stream if available bandwidth goes down or there are delays in the connection?
When I (locally) play back videos recorded on poorer/intermittent connections, video frames are dropped, so the image freezes up.

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Media Server :: 'Connection Error' Sample RTMP Video Used To Work, Now No Longer Works?

Sep 12, 2010

I had FMS 3.5 developer package installed on my server installed about a month ago. I used to be able to go to the /webroot/ page to see the sample RTMP video play and it worked great. Today, I go to view that page and find that it no longer plays. I get "Connection Error. Please preee Play to try again."

Pressing the play button does nothing, so I click the RTMP thumbnail and it reloads ony to give me that same error again. I can click the HTTP thumbnail and see the video play just fine. But, I want RTMP and after over an hour on the phone with my managed hosting tech, we can't find anything wrong.

Here's the thing: I haven't done anything, I have not changed anything, I have not manipulated the server software whatsoever. It just stopped working and gives me "Connection Error."


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Media Server :: Recording High Quality Video Using A Local Buffer With FMS 3.5

Jun 16, 2010

I'm currently working on a webcam recorder to record high quality video. I had the recorder working before, but the video quality was quite poor. Instead I'm trying to use a client side buffer and then upload the buffer after recording has stopped. I thought after I unattached the video and audio from the NetStream that either a NetStream.Buffer.Empty or NetStream.Record.Stop event would be sent when the buffer was finished uploading.

What is actually happening after I start recording is two NetStream.Record.Stop events are being sent in a row, so recording never really happens. Also, on the server side I'm trying to save a user name and password into a variable, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that since the application script is just a bunch of callback functions.

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Media Server :: Detecting Bandwidth Quality For Live Video Streaming?

Dec 21, 2010

We have an application that is using FMS to  share slides (swf,jpg, etc) with another client. We added a video as an option. We would like to verify as often as possible the bandwidth quality between communications in order to suggest the user to close video if we notice bandwidth is not optimal.
We've been experimenting doing a bandwidth detection every 60 seconds, but I am wondering if there are specific guidelines to do this for live video, like how many times one should verify bandwidth? Is it ok to take one reading or should we take a few readings and then average out?

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Media Server :: Recording Webcam Video Quality/audio Sync?

Jan 21, 2011

I'm trying to record a stream from a webcam using FMS4 developer edition.  The streams are recording on a linux box in .flv files.  These files though have problems.
1 - The video quality is terrible.  Fuzzy/blocky.  Any kind of motion looks awful.  Is there any way to improve this?

2 - The sound jumps/skips and goes out of time with the video.
As it is now this is useless.  I am trying to make a system where a user records a short video from the camera and then I upload it to YouTube from my server.  If you use Youtube's webcam page the video quality is quite acceptable and the audio is obviously in sync too, so they must know something I don't. [URL]..

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Media Server :: Possible To Adjust FPS,video Size And Quality Per The Bitrate While Playing A Live Stream?

Jul 30, 2010

So far , I only found tutorials on control these attributes while publishing the stream

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Flash :: RTMP Streaming Server Implementation: Connect/createStream/play Message Sequence Passed, But No Video/audio In Flashplayer

Oct 8, 2010

Writing RTMP Streaming Server for streaming AVC+AAC video. And it works fine with rtmpdump. But I can't force it to work in flowplayer and other flash video players.The message sequence after handshake is similar to FMS / RED5 / erlyvideo / haxevideo servers: I've tried a lot of variations.

From Chrome debug console I can see, what all negotiating messages passed to the flowplayer. The last one is onMetaData. And after this the working sample (rtmp:// gets NetStream.Buffer.Full. And streaming from my server don't get it.

I'm starting with AVC Header message, containing sps/pps. After it first AVC picture passed. After - AAC header and AAC sample. And then AVC/AAC samples. This dumped OK by rtmpdump - I have working flv on exit. But flowplayer and others does not work.


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Media Server :: RTMP & Flash Media Streaming Server Live Application?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm running Flash Media Streaming Server and have only been serving VOD up until now.  I had my network administrator open up port 1935 to the outside world during the setup process and now I can't remember if that was actually required for streaming VOD to clients.  Most documentation I've read says that this port should be open, but I seem to recall reading something at one point that suggested it wasn't necessary.

I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server.  An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.

If I leave port 1935 open to the outside world, there would be nothing to stop anybody anywhere from streaming video via my server.  Anyone else running a default install of Flash Media Streaming Server and with port 1935 open to the outside should see that this is true of their setup as well.  I'm wondering if I can safely close port 1935 without limiting the functionality of the server or if there's some way I can require authentication prior to publishing a live stream even though I'm not on the four-and-a-half-times-more-expensive edition of the product.

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Flex :: Resolve Poor Flex Video Quality With Red5?

Aug 11, 2011

I am using Flex for displaying videos streamed using the Red5 server. Basically i have two perspectives - one who relays and one who receives the broadcast. On the Flex side, in the video display, the video quality is good but on the receiver side it appears pixelated. I can't find the cause. Does this have anything to do with Flex encoding of videos or any Red5 server settings?

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Media Server :: FMS4 - Change The Default Path (rtmp://serverName/vod/ To Rtmp://serverName/sites/)?

Jan 14, 2011

We had FMS2 installed before and the paths to all our videos are like rtmp://ServerName/sites/.... (the default path on FMS2) Now we upgrade to FMS4 and we would like to keep these paths the same because we have many HTMLs that reference these videos. However, the default path on FMS4 is rtmp://ServerName/vod/... Is there a way to change "vod" to "sites"?
I tried to change VOD_COMMON_DIR in fms.ini from /install_dir/webroot/vod to /install_dir/webroot/sites, and also changed the document root in httpd.conf, but rtmp://ServerName/sites/ is still not working.

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Media Server :: On Server Side Makes Video Choppy?

Apr 30, 2010

I have an *.flv file on a FMS. When I play it on the client side the video plays just fine, but when I call, 0, -1, false) on the server side the video turns out really choppy.I both cases I use NetConnection to connect to an rtmp and NetStream to play the stream, but in one case I connect to a stream and request the server to play my file on that stream. Apparently that doesn't work with files? It works just fine for live streams.

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Media Server :: Recording FMS H264 / AAC Stream In FLV Format

Aug 18, 2010

I am trying to record a H264/AAC streamin FLV format on my FMS server and all I get in the recording is the metadata but no media content. Is H264 recording only supported in F4V?

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Media Server :: Record A Stream With The New H264 Classes?

Dec 16, 2011

I just tried to record a stream with the new H264 classes, PCMU as audio codec to FMS 4.5. with MetaData problem. I got only the half of MetData without any duration: neither any audio codec


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Media Server :: FMS 4.5 Edge On H264 Recorded Streams?

Jan 4, 2012

We have 2 FMS 4.5 servers, one working as origin one as edge we are running our custom DVR application on Origin server, wich records streams. Clients are connecting to edge server and they can watch live or rewind back and watch recorded stream, the problem is after too many clients are connecting to edge server the rewind option becomes unstable, form our investigation we determined that rewind working bad only on that parts of file wich is not cached on edge server yet (caching is working fine when there are not too much clients).
We have currently upgraded from FLV Streams to H264, FLV was much stable and was able to handle much more connections.

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