ActionScript 2.0 :: What Specific Requirements Are To Be Able To Export Symbol
Apr 26, 2004
I'm trying to make a paper doll sort of program. I've got a bunch of PNGs of clothes cut out and I'd like to dynamically load them in with attachMovie.So I imported the PNGs into my project, but when I try to export them for ActionScript, the checkbox to do so is greyed out.Does anybody know what the specific requirements are to be able to Export a symbol to ActionScript?
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private var stopBt:stopBtn;
private var playBt:playBtn;
private var pauseBt:pauseBtn;
private var mutebt:muteBtn // no such datatype.....
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Nov 22, 2011
I have a project in Flash Professional CS5 and ActionScript 3.
I have a movieclip symbol (referred herein as "background" with scripts on various keyframes inside of that symbol. I need to hide or show another symbol (referred herein as "object") sharing a stage with "background".
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Dec 25, 2004
what i want to do is, when certain button is clicked, replace a certain symbol(button) by another symbol(movieclip) stored in the library. i try things like loadmovie("","") to replace the symbol from a external jpg, but some how it does not align even both images are exact dimension. can i replace an image straight from the library?
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Aug 5, 2011
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Sep 3, 2010
How do i get the hitTest() function to test if a certain symbol is hitting another symbol, but, only if drawn parts of the symbol are touching, not thier outer bounds.
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May 16, 2011
Basically there's an object in a movieclip. I want to find the location of that object in relation to the movieclip, not of the object's symbol. So when i look at the x and y of it, it wont show 0, it will show the x and y location in the movieclip it's in.
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Jul 10, 2010
I'm, trying to create a duplicate symbol and then be able to drag the symbol around the screen.I have an image - once converted to a button and on the stage as paddock_btn. The other converted to paddock_mc in the library, with a linkage identifier of "paddock".I want to be able to click the button, and create a duplicate, which can be dragged and placed on the screen.Unfortunately, I don't get any output errors here.
//create a function to duplicate paddock
function dupe_paddock():Void {
i = i + 1;
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