Actionscript 3.0 :: Export Swc Without Symbol Folder?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to export and swc files from only .as classes. I did it both in flashdevelop and flashbuilder but i always obtain an SWC file with two folders inseide: "Classes" (ok) and "Symbols" (i don't want it). A long name file ("_69162136b9125b99edd9216dfb3111de7cbbe4f1d0e981a1747ac31b0919d496_flash_display_Sprite") is also generated in both folders.

How i can export an swc that contains only the "Classes" folder (like swc provided from, for example, Google or PureMVC)?

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private var pauseBt:pauseBtn;

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(2) add to the folder

(3) add


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this.createEmptyMovieClip("empty_mc", 1);
empty_mc.loadMovie("pageflip_loader.swf");this.cre ateEmptyMovieClip("empty_mc", 1);


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Jul 10, 2010

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//create a function to duplicate paddock
function dupe_paddock():Void {
i = i + 1;


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on (release) {
gotoand stop(4)

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Button From Within A Symbol Effect Frame In Another Symbol?

Sep 25, 2009

So i've done SOME work with flash and AS3, right now i'm working on a website for my boss, he bought some template online which has stuff laid out and animated and everything already, now I just have to integrate our content.My issue is this, I've got 2 symbols on the screen, one of which contains alot of buttons that list our services as company, the second symbol contains the content (or descriptions) of those services, which on are separate keyframes.What I'm trying to accomplish is that when you hit the button in "symbol A", it affects the "symbol B" and goes to the corresponding keyframe.For example when I click "button 2" in "symbol A", "symbol B" goes to keyframe 2.Now if they were in the same symbol it would be something like



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Professional :: Putting A Symbol Into Another Symbol?

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