ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Symbol Become Green When Export Into Library

Aug 26, 2010

Anyone has an idea when and why movieclip symbol become green when i export actionscript file with that movieclip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Symbol Changing From Blue To Green

May 14, 2010

In Cs4, is there any reason why library symbols would at times change to green from the standard bulueish - purple? FYI, like the lil' gear box looking avatar like things at the left hand side of each library symbol. I have one that changes to green, but I can't seem to understand why? ANYONE?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Replace A Certain Symbol(button) By Another Symbol(movieclip) Stored In The Library?

Dec 25, 2004

what i want to do is, when certain button is clicked, replace a certain symbol(button) by another symbol(movieclip) stored in the library. i try things like loadmovie("","") to replace the symbol from a external jpg, but some how it does not align even both images are exact dimension. can i replace an image straight from the library?

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Actionscript 3 :: Library Symbol Extend Another Library Symbol / Assuming Each Are Linked To Class?

Dec 9, 2010

Library symbol "Card" is linked to class "Card" which extends "MovieClip". Library symbol "Card" contains a card background image.Library symbol "Ace" is linked to class "Ace", which extends class "Card". Library symbol "Ace" contains a TextField with a big letter "A".So we have Ace extends Card which extends MovieClip. Ace therefore extends MovieClip, but does not DIRECTLY extend MovieClip.When I drop an instance of Ace on the stage and compile the clip, all that shows up is the big letter A. However, I expected the background image from Card to be included, since Ace extends Card, and the Card symbol contains the background.It seems like Flash ignores symbol content unless it belongs to the top-level class being instantiated.I think it's LAME that one symbol can't extend another. The IDE could easily draw Card as a non-editable background while I'm editing Ace which extends it, and it should instantiate Card's content and then Ace's content when an Ace is instantiated.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Movieclip Library Symbol From A Class

Nov 9, 2009

I have a movieclip library symbol exported for ActionScript with name McFloor and identifier McFloor and I'd like to access it from OneChart class.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach A Movieclip Taken From The Symbol Library To The Stage?

Nov 14, 2003

When you attach a movieclip taken from the symbol library to the Stage, by using the attachMovie function and its Linkage name, do you have to - previously - place a dummy instance of the mc anywhere on that Stage to get it works ?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load External Image To Fla Library As MovieClip Symbol Using It?

Mar 10, 2011

I have been working on code updation project wherein initially we had an image and text as movieclips in fla library. The image and the text are read by the actionscript program which then creates an animation.[code]...

I want to ease the updation process by giving the url of the image in an XML file. Read the image url from the xml and load this image in the library of the fla as movieclip. This, i think, will result in less code change and improve the updation of the final animation image.
The problem i am facing is not been able to figure out how can i change the image (after fetching its URL) to a movieclip and then load it in the library?

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Actionscript 3 :: Must Subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' Since It Is Linked To A Library Symbol Of That Type

Sep 5, 2011

Here is the title error with complete paths:

\ 5000: The class 'lib.libnote.NotesCore' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type.

Firstly, what I have tried and what I am using:


I am mainly from a Java background, so perhaps I am misunderstanding an ActionScript concept; if anybody could point me in the right direction I would be extremely grateful!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error 5000: The Class 'Particle' Must Subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' Since It Is Linked To A Library Symbol Of That Type

Jun 7, 2009

Running Flash CS3, I've reviewed the tutorial on building particle systems in ActionScript 3.0 to try and build some shooting sparks in an animation.I'm getting stuck at what I think is a really elementary point, but I can't seem to get past it. 

Basically, all I'm trying to do at this point is create a class called Particle (which I will teach to do things that particles do a little later) link it to a MovieClip on the stage in my .fla file and use the particle's update function to move it across the stage in a manner defined in the instance (so I can later give different movement properties to each AS generated instance of the MC).  I know there are easier ways to accomplish my base task without loading an external package, but this seems so strightforward that I must be doing something very simple wrong I just can't see so I thought I'd post the code here and see what I'm missing.
I start with a file called in the same folder as my Spark Test.fla file.
In I have the following code:
package{ import flash.display.*; public class Particle extends MovieClip {  public xVelocity:Number;  public yVelocity:Number;    public function Particle()  {   xVelocity = 0;   yVelocity = 0;  }    public function update():void  {   this.x += xVelocity;   this.y += yVelocity;     } }}
So I'm declaring that all particles are built with no motion, but if they are explicitly granted an x or y velocity, they will move by that much when the instance's update function is called in the timeline.
Then in my Spark Test.fla file, I have a small shape in a MovieClip called Spark.  In the Linkage properties of Spark I have chosen to Export for ActionScript and Export in FIrst Frame.  The class is called Spark and the Base class is Particle.  For testing purposes I've dropped an instance on the stage and called it spark.  Then in the actions layer in the first frame (the timeline is just the spark layer and the actions layer, one frame long each with no "stop();" so it should run forever) I have included the following code:
spark.xVelocity = 5;spark.yVelocity = -1;
function updateSpark(event:Event):void{ spark.update();}
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateSpark);
What it looks like this should do is on each ENTER_FRAME Flash should call updateSpark which is a function that runs the update() event for the spark instance which is a instance of a movieclip that has an update event which moves x and y position by their relative velocity variables.  This all seems pretty straightforward to me, but when I ctrl-Enter to test the movie, I get the following 3 compiler errors: Line 1: 5000: The class 'Particle' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type. Line 7: 1071: Syntax error: expected a definition keyword (such as function) after attribute public, not xVelocity. Line 7: 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightbrace before semicolon.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Export Swc Without Symbol Folder?

Jan 10, 2011

I'm trying to export and swc files from only .as classes. I did it both in flashdevelop and flashbuilder but i always obtain an SWC file with two folders inseide: "Classes" (ok) and "Symbols" (i don't want it). A long name file ("_69162136b9125b99edd9216dfb3111de7cbbe4f1d0e981a1747ac31b0919d496_flash_display_Sprite") is also generated in both folders.

How i can export an swc that contains only the "Classes" folder (like swc provided from, for example, Google or PureMVC)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Green Movieclip Rotate Right And Left Until It Stops?

Dec 9, 2010

I'd like to know how could I make the green movieclip rotate right and left until it stops?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Export A Symbol/movie Clip For Use In Another Fla

Oct 4, 2009

I made a very nice movie clip that now resides in the library of my current working fla. I have an external class controlling it and all is fine.

However, I want to use this movie clip in another fla file as well. The method i have used now is to have both projects open, then manually copy the movie clip from one to the other.

Like exporting a movie clip to an "external file-database of movie clips" for importing it in other projects?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: What Specific Requirements Are To Be Able To Export Symbol

Apr 26, 2004

I'm trying to make a paper doll sort of program. I've got a bunch of PNGs of clothes cut out and I'd like to dynamically load them in with attachMovie.So I imported the PNGs into my project, but when I try to export them for ActionScript, the checkbox to do so is greyed out.Does anybody know what the specific requirements are to be able to Export a symbol to ActionScript?

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Actionscript 3 :: Export A Symbol For Multiple Projects In Flash?

Aug 25, 2011

Is there a way for me to export a symbol from the library so I can use it in multiple files without having to add the symbol to each library?

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Actionscript :: Export The Button Symbol From Flash And Publish Swc File?

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to export the button symbol from Flash and publish swc file for Flex.I have successfully export 3 buttons which are playBtn, stopBtn, pauseBtn from flash and add swc file to my flex actionscript code is:

private var stopBt:stopBtn;
private var playBt:playBtn;
private var pauseBt:pauseBtn;

private var mutebt:muteBtn // no such datatype.....

error internal build error has occurred, right click for more information.Since I add swc from flash in flex, I don't have to import these button...However, when I tried to create 1 more button (muteBtn) in flash and did the same thing again in flex, it gave me "an internal build error has occurred, right click for more information" error.When I created a var and tried to type :, there are no muteBtn datatype pop up.... I have spent 2 hours on this crazy crap and don't know WTF is going on.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find The X And Y Position Values Of A Symbol Within Another Movieclip Symbol?

May 16, 2011

Basically there's an object in a movieclip. I want to find the location of that object in relation to the movieclip, not of the object's symbol. So when i look at the x and y of it, it wont show 0, it will show the x and y location in the movieclip it's in.

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How To Save / Export Library Items

Jul 20, 2009

I downloaded a flash template for my website. All the library items are not local. Here's the path:..........websites20004sources2007dekabr_#lana_2128flashps d1_ikon.png
How can I save my library items so I can edit them in FW? I have CS4.

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IDE :: Library Linkage/export For As Question?

Jan 21, 2011

currently this is the problem i'm having.i'm exporting a symbol - song1 - from my library to AS ("export for actionscript") and then using it to dynamically create some movieclips (hereafter referred to as MC's) on the stage. each MC contains a text field that is filled by an value in an array....

function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void {
songList_XML = new XML(;
var songNodes:XMLList =
var songTime:XMLList =


Now all this works without a hitch - all the trace statements produce what they are supposed to and the MC's appear on the stage where they are supposed to and with the proper text (song name song time).

BUT - here's what i don't understand - *how do i REFER to the INSTANCES of each clip*?because they are created dynamically they don't have instance names and there is no way to assign them instance names via AS (right?).i tried to use the Display List to access them by assigning each one a name (last line - commented out) and then using the getChildByName() method - for ex. getChildByName("nameSong1"). but that didn't work either... i have a few other ideas but they all seem ridiculously complicated - i believe there's GOT to be a *simple* solution for this but i've checked all the references i have (O'Reilly, AS Bible, and others) and found almost nothing. just the display list trick above which didn't work.

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Flash :: Batch Export Images From Library?

Apr 24, 2010

i have a flash .fla that was compiling as a .swc with references to images, but now I need to load all these images externally and I dont have the original assets.

I know I can export them one by one, but I have a few hundred in the file, and want to find an easier way.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Library Symbols Don't Export In The Right Frame?

Dec 16, 2010

So I added a bitmap to my library in flash CS5, and in its symbol properties I checked "Export for AS" and "Export in Frame 2" (I set Export Classes in Frame: 2 in AS settings.) On the first frame of my main timeline, I have

trace("loaderInfo.bytesTotal: " + loaderInfo.bytesTotal);
trace("loaderInfo.bytesLoaded: " + loaderInfo.bytesLoaded);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Optimization : Export For AS From Library Vs Load From Folder?

Apr 9, 2010

I have seen that exporting with AS3 from library is a lot better than loading a whole music loop. ie: A tenth of the size so would it be best to always do it that way for a game for example.But if I'm building an English teaching app with 100's of words and sentences it's easier to connect up via xml and load from folder. Which would be the best option here?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Core Library To Do Export A A Movie Clip Into A Jpeg?

Nov 24, 2009

I'm using as3 core library to do export a a movie clip into a jpeg. I can export the movie clip just fine, but I do come when I add a mask to the movieclip. When the jpeg is exported only the mask is visible. Heres how some of the code looks:

ActionScript Code:
//This is the movie clip created and imported to the Library then called again in AS3
var drawArea:DrawArea = new DrawArea();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Export SWF... From Flash Library Ignores Base Class?

Mar 24, 2009

I have a symbol in the Library with a Base Class that extends the MovieClip Class and adds some additional functionality. I want to be able to export this from the Library by right clicking on the symbol and selecting Export SWF. I was hopping this would essentially give me the same results as if the symbol contents was on the main timeline and I had declared the Base Class as the Document Class. When I import this SWF using the Loader Class it seems to loose all of Base Class functionality and think of itself as a MovieClip.

Looking at the below sample code, the alpha property is correctly set but the param1 getter is unaccessible. What the hell is going on?


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IDE :: CS5 - Setting URLs For Import / Export For Runtime Shared Library

Aug 27, 2010

Summary: I don't quite understand how the import/export URLs for symbols in a runtime library work. I can't figure out how I can set them so that the runtime library will be properly loaded and accessible for other swfs to import from, if I want it to work both in a local environment (on my harddrive), and from a remote environment (on a web page).

Relative URLs seem to work great for the hard-drive case, but fail for the web page. Is there a magic way to set the relative URL to work from the web too? And/or, is there some way of manually loading up the RSL at runtime and making the importing swfs import from that loaded copy, rather than having Flash doing it behind the scenes based on the import URL set in the symbol? Following is a longish description of what I'm trying to do, and why... I'm trying to figure out if we can use RSLs to contain common UI controls for our next project. I'm running into an organizational issue that I can't quite figure out - how to get the RSLs to work in both a local development/debugging environment, and on a production web environment, with the same exporting/importing URLs.

Here's what my setup would look like. Say I have a main application main.swf, an RSL lib.swf, and a UI module dialog.swf. Main.swf loads or embeds dialog.swf. lib.swf exports some symbols that dialog.swf imports. On a local development environment, these swfs are found in folders like so:


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Professional :: Editing A Symbol In Library

Jun 8, 2010

I duplicated a "Contact" button, movie clip symbol.Trying to edit the text "contact" in the new button but the text tied to the old button keeps getting changed.I duplicated the text symbol that is tied to original "Contact" button.Tried changing the new button again but the link to the old button is the one being changed.I can't seem to find where to unlink the text symbol attached to the original button and then add the new text symbols the duplicated button.

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AS3 :: Load Symbol From External Swf Library

May 31, 2011

I have 2 SWF, one of them (let's call it Resources.swf), that contains several symbols (most of them MovieClips) on its library, but, none of them are added into the stage ( the timeline contains only one empty frame),and then, the other swf (Main.swf), where I need to import some of the symbols from the other SWF.I have been looking around, and searching, but all the info that I saw, and tried, imports the symbols from the stage/timeline using things like:[code]If not,do I have modify my Resources.swf to work this out or do I have other alternatives?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Library Symbol Inside Swf A??

Nov 26, 2010

I have one swf (swf A) which loads swf B inside itself.

is it possible from swf B (when it loads) to get to the library symbol inside swf A?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use It To Create A Symbol In Library?

Oct 20, 2005

How I can create a MovieClip Symbol and put it into the Library using ActionScript?

I want to do this so I can dynamically create content for a ScrollPane.

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Import - Flash Export Won't Include Images Imported Into Stage Or Library

Oct 11, 2010

I have a flash file (banner ad) that uses some jpgs that I imported onto the stage. When I publish the file... It won't include the images. If the images are in the same folder as the swf.. it will work. However, just the SWF on its own will not display the images. Any ideas?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading A Symbol From The Library (with A String)?

Apr 1, 2009

I am trying to load a movieclip from the library onto my stage. But the name of the movieclip is read in from a user-entered text field. Typically, to load a movieclip from the library named, Bee, I would do the following:

var mc:MovieClip = new Bee; // this works.

But the name of my symbol is in a TextField. The following do not work:

// Attempt #1:
var mc:MovieClip = new userfield_txt.text; // No Good
// Attempt #2:
var str:String = userfield_txt.text;


I realize the new operator requires a Class data-type, so how do I get the value stored in a String or TextField into a Class type?

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