ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Storing Information In MC?

Jan 29, 2007

I want to load small thumbnails in my project, and each thumbnail presents a button.When I click on thumbnail bigger picture should show.I put information about picture in each thumbnail movie clip but when I click on thumbnail flash can�t see that information?

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Jul 10, 2010

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import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
import fl.controls.ScrollPolicy;
import fl.controls.DataGrid;


This all works well, but if I've updated a user(s) information, I'd like for my scrollpane to be updated as well. Is it possible to update a scrollpane's source attribute?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8]Input TextField Align - Put Information Dynamically?

Jan 11, 2007

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create Rows Of Information In Flash Using CreateTextField In A Dynamically Attached Movieclip?

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I'm trying to create rows of information in Flash using createTextField in a dynamically attached movieclip. I have the autoSize property set to "center" to account for varying lengths of text. However when I try to obtain the height of the current textbox so I can set the _y property of my next record, Flash doesn't seem to be recognizing the autoSize property and returns the same height for each record.

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how I can get the height property right away after creating the textbox?

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I want to get the name of the user and the X and Y position! Is there a way I can get this information without a load of fuss from functions and other junk remember im kinda noobish.

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IDE :: Storing To A Txt File PHP?

Jan 9, 2009

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on (release) {
time = new Date();
url = "./store.php?time="+time.getTime()+"&post="+escape(po


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I need some help with my code please. I have a for loop that creates sprites and loads images into the sprites theough XML. I have additional nodes for each image and sprite that get created that I want to store and call when I roll over the thumbs. What would be the best way to do this? I had to "improvise" and have the for loop create text fields to hold the data and then call it when I roll over throught "


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Storing Path In A Var?

Jul 29, 2008

I'm not entirely sure how to go about this, but I want to store a path inside a var to reuse throughout some interface code:

var thisPath:Object = pageText_mc.pageCntrls_mc;
[thisPath + "."]prevButton_mc._visible = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Storing Variables From Php?

Jan 13, 2009

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Jul 15, 2009

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IDE :: Storing MANY Images In Effeciently

Feb 3, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Name Of Classes In Array

May 16, 2007

I am doing an AS3 application. In the beginning of my AS file, I need to embed different textures as the following:
[Embed (source = "./myImage1")]
public var Image1:Class;

I have to embeed n bitmaps. Then I have to create an instance of each oh thease classes.
I want to store the names of thease classes in an array so I will be able to create an instance of a class by accessing the array.

Something like this:
var arrayOfClasses : Array = new Array();

Then I want to go through the array and do :
var variable : Object = new arrayOfClasses[0];
But this dosen't work! How Can I build an array of classes? Is it doable?

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Storing Multiple Animation Files?

Aug 19, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Keypress Storing Data More Than Once?

Sep 19, 2010

When a key is pressed, data is sent to PHP to be stored in a MySQL database. For each key press, only one entry should be posted. it re-posts exponentially (e.g., 1st key press = one post, 2nd key press = two posts, 3rd key press = three posts; thus, totaling six posts).Initially, the event listener for key press existed alone on a single frame. When that was the case. This issue did not occur. I added an additional frame so that I could set to clear out all variables and start fresh.

so frame 4 will have :

KeyListener = new Object();
KeyListener.onKeyDown = function(){
if (Key.isDown(69)){ // if key pressed is "E"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Storing Variable To Use In Another Movieclip

Jan 5, 2011

This script from MC 1 loads an template from the library and then creates as many instances as the XML says.

It also creates a dynamic variable called ppp. This variable i want to store in each of the newly ceated instances and then use it in another movieclip to load the right path where i want to load another xml file in Flash....

This is what i want to accomplish:


This code is in another movieclip (MC2) and gets loaded in frame 5 of MC1.

Another soltuions is if it is possible to read the value that is loaded in the dynamic textfield nummer_txt from the template:
Actionscript Code:


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Data Integration :: Storing Value From XML Into A Variable?

May 17, 2006

There is a combo-box by the name "cbJobs" and it gets its value from the XML file named "data.xml".. I want to store the value transferred from this XML file into a variable.. so basically someone told me to use the code

on (change) {
_root.subject = this.getValue();

the only problem with this code is that it gets activated only after I "change" the value in combobox by pulling it down.. I want to use this value obtained from _root.subject as a subject in the script


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Url In Text File?

Apr 9, 2009

I have 1 buttons in my flash movie. and want to use this swf in some other projects. just this button link will change in each project, so will also the button text. I dont want to edit flash file for each project. Can I use a text file for URL of button and I change text file to edit link of buttons and text of button?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Set Of Values In An Array?

Sep 9, 2009

I have 15 sets of x and y values, that should be stored together. I was thinking I could have an array, holding 15 other arrays, each holding the x and y value? Is that a valid way to do this? Also, is there a way to create those arrays holding the x and y, dynamically, so they just get numbered?
subArray[x1, y1];
subArray[x2, y2];


Obviously, above is not correct AS. Is this even a way to do this? Are there other much better ways?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using And Storing Instance Names?

May 30, 2011

I know you can store instance names in an array and call on the array values to reference the instance names in it.I was wondering if there is any way I can take an instance name, feed it directly into a function and use the name of the function variable/array/whatever to affect the object instance of whatever I name.

if it's an array of instance names, what is it actually an array of? Also, is there any way to hold and reference an instance name in a single value? sidenote: this doesnt have much to do with my question, but can arrays be fed directly into the header of a function?

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Flex :: Storing A List Of Functions?

Jan 21, 2011

The code

for ( var i:int = 0; i < markers.length; i++ )
markers[i].addEventListener( MapMouseEvent.CLICK, function( e:Event ):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Storing A Number To A Variable?

Jul 28, 2009

I have made a variable and am trying to store it as a number that the user enters from an input text field. I am trying this, but it does not work:

var myNumber:Number = myTextField.text;

when i trace myNumber, it comes out blank. How do i get the variable to be the number that is typed in the myTextField?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Movieclip Name In A Variable

Oct 14, 2009

I am trying to create a navigation where a button is highlighted with a glowfilter when clicked and then unhighlighted when another is clicked. I have this code that I think should be working, but for some reason the variable lastClicked is never assigned and always returns null.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Randoms In Array

Nov 12, 2009

I have randomly generated 6 numbers, I need to know how I can store these in an array, and from this array the numbers will be compared with 6 number of another array to see how many balls are matching!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Storing Numbers To Vars?

Jul 13, 2010

i wonder if someone know i way to save different numbers to a new var everytime the enterframe is updating. and then be able get the number out of that war later when its needed.[code]when i traced(theX);in the first.i can se that it got my numbers. but they do not get stored. so i cant use them when i want to get the numbers back.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Brightness Value In Memory?

Nov 7, 2011

This is my fully working brightness slider.

ActionScript Code:
var colorTransform:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
function Main():void


today I'm attempting to store the current value in my slider so I can trace the value...

How should I store the brightness value?? should I create a new variable such as

ActionScript Code:

I tried to do that and it just gave me 'null' when I traced it. I used trace(currentValue). and it gives me '0'. even when I go brighter!

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Storing Mic Input In A Bytearray?

Dec 9, 2008

I'm planning out an app that will (amongst other things) let the user speak into his mic and replay his voiceclip. I don't really need to permanently store the sound, it's enough if I can record it, replay it and overwrite it again if the user records another sound clip.

So far I gather this is impossible in Flash without the use of a mediaserver. Then again if I'm right the only way a media server can help me is by actually streaming the microphone input to the mediaserver, actually storing the sound as an mp3 file or similar, and then serving the mp3 file back to the app. It seems a bit overkill for just replaying short soundclips while the app is up, soundclips which are going to be re-recorded over and over while the user is using the app and trashed when he stops using the app.

Anyway, I recently heard something about how the flash 10 player actually allows you to store an mp3 or dynamically generated sound in a bytearray. It doesn't seem like a great leap to me to assume that if you can generate a sound and stick it in a bytearray, you can store mic input in a bytearray. But I haven't been able to find any info on the latter.

Has anyon experimented with this or found out a nay or yay on (temporarily) storing mic input in bytearrays?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Storing Lot's Of Data At Runtime?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm now writting a little drawing tool, that will allow users to save their drawings and the redraw them. Now I'm only concerning myself with diferent colored lines with diferent thickness. So now I only need to store the values, that will be used later on when calling the canvas object's graphics.lineTo(....); method. I'm planning to save all of my drawings in XML, but I still need to load them up when I want to use them.

Given my situation, what's the best way to load up my data (after loading it in chunks): Arrays, Dictionaries, anonymous objects. We're talking about loading up, let's say ~ 1000 Point instances for a very simple shape, since I want the drawing to be pixel-perfect, since I will be modifying it to a more sophisticated tool later.

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