ActionScript 2.0 :: Equally Distributing Around In A Circle?
Sep 23, 2009
I have n number of movieclips, each with a different name, I need to arrange them around a centered movieclip. The movie clips are in the library, so I assume I will need to create an array and work from that?
I've been using the great tutorial on Interactive Image Panning - [URL]
Is it possible to make the image pan equally to the left or right? At the moment it move mostly toward the right-hand side, but I'd like it to move left first if the mouse hovers on the left-hand side, for example.
How can I do an animation like in the attachment. There are four stages. Every picture shows the next stage of the animation. So I want a picture to lighten from the middle to up and down equally.
say I load an external SWF, "objects1.swf" onto a skeleton of a car. Inside the car movieclip, there are headlights, door, and hood, each that need to be loaded with the movieclip inside of the car's respective movieclip. Instead of loading objects1_hood.swf, objects1_door.swf, and objects1_headlight.swf separately into their respective locations, I would just like to load objects1.swf, and take the 3 movie clips in it, and distribute them into their spots, eg ""
I am using a slightly modified version of [URL]. The problem I am having is that my thumbs get arranged out of order because they aren't all the same width. The way the code from the tutorial works is it reads the width of the image onLoad, then multiplies it by the number image it is.
This doesn't work, cuz some images are much thinner, so the thin images end up way too far left.
My method was to define a starting width (curWidth), then set the position of my thumb by using that value. once that is postioned, add the width of the image to curWidth plus a space. Reapeat for each image.
Code: curWidth = 10; function thumbnails_fn(k) { thumbnail_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("t" + k, thumbnail_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); tlistener = new Object();
The problem with this is it puts the image out of order. In fact, it orders them based on the order they download. I understand why (cuz of onLoadInit) but I am not sure what to do about it.
In one of the application I am working, List has been used. I am required to display items in the form of tiles. I do not want to change the component as of now. Is there any way to achieve this layout in list only.
Lets say we have an online application written in AS3 and served from a server as a SWF. The first version to go out is V1.0.
Several users, some behind a proxy server, use the V1.0 application and now there is a cached copy on the client machines and the proxy server.
V1.1 is released and placed on the server. All users should see V1.1, but results will vary, some will be served the fresh copy, some will for a period receive their cache's copy, and finally some will be served the cache'd copy in the proxy server.
I can be code in the V1.0 that checks a server variable to see if it's out of date. BUT if it is out of date, is there a way in AS3 to force it download a fresh copy, or apply the differences into itself?
Considering that I don't have access to the proxy server and can't manually or automatically clear the cache.
I'm loading several thumbs of a XML gallery in sequence, one after another, in the _x coordinates. The problem is that the thumbs do no have all the same _width, so they create some empty spaces between them if I set a distance. how can I set a distance of 5 pixels between the thumbs, no mather the width they have?
I'm developing a game atm, and I need some help on the mathematics/coding of colliding circles (and their change in x/y speed). What i need to know is how to calculate the direction and speed a circle has after colliding with a static (non-moving) circle. I know how to detect a collision between the two, but I'm not sure about the maths I need to give the circle the right speed and direction after the collision
If i do know how far away the two circle-points (in the middle of each) are to each other (in both x and y coords) would it be easy for me to find the new speed and direction of the large circle in the example above? I know that I somehow should use the angles to pretend the circle hits a flat "wall" (as it only hits one point), and then calculate the new speed/direction. My only problem is that I'm not sure how to decide the angle of this flat "wall" and how x and y speeds should change when colliding with a wall that is angled. Does anyone here have any insight, links or tips on how I can du this?
What i need to know is how to calculate the direction and speed a circle has after colliding with a static (non-moving) circle. I know how to detect a collision between the two, but I'm not sure about the maths I need to give the circle the right speed and direction after the collision.If i do know how far away the two circle-points (in the middle of each) are to each other (in both x and y coords) would it be easy for me to find the new speed and direction of the large circle in the example above? I know that I somehow should use the angles to pretend the circle hits a flat "wall" (as it only hits one point), and then calculate the new speed/direction. My only problem is that I'm not sure how to decide the angle of this flat "wall" and how x and y speeds should change when colliding with a wall that is angled.
I`m working on a app that you can draw circles, rectangles... my problem is when a user draw a circle for example....i wanna be able to paint (change color) inside of this circle. I`ve tried working on Shapes with cacheAsBitmap = true and Bitmaps with BitmapData but it doesn`t seens to work.
Trying to do circle circle collisions via math which I'm really having trouble with. One circle (player) just moves from keyboard. The ball reacts to the player. All the code shown is in my players class and I passed in a reference to the ball.
On my enterframe I have:
Code: var xmov1 = xSpeed; var ymov1 = ySpeed; var xmov2 = ballRef.xSpeed; var ymov2 = ballRef.ySpeed;
Perhaps I'll go with a box2d equivalent instead of trying out my own physics shenanigans.
Here I what i need is : Start drawing first circle and when first circle is on half way, Start second circle.same way second and third circles. and after completing 3 circles, just gotoAndPlay 2nd Frame .
Let's say I have array foo and a positive integer y, where foo.length > y.I want to remove elements from foo so that foo.length becomes y (or very close to it).Also, I need to preserve the first and last element of foo. The indices of the removed elements must be spaced apart as equally as possible. Foo can be sliced, or it can be used to create a new array.
Example: if foo = [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,1,2,3,4,5] and y = 6, then trimmedfoo could be [a,c,e,g,2,4,5] or maybe [a,c,e,2,4,5], but not [a,c,e,g,2,4] because the last element of foo is missing.
I have a simple three ring animation where the three rings fade in and out.On the stage the rings are a perfect circle, in the publish preview they look fine, but once I publish the SWF, all of the sudden the rings are not perfectly round anymore.
They are almost perfect but right at the top and bottom there is just a small portion which has sort of "flattened out"...
I bought a Flash video tutorial online for Animating and the FIRST step is to create a circle with the circle tool, and the guy does it online, and it fills itself in. I repeat his actions exactly and I cannot get the same result at all. I just get a circle.
I have two MC's, circular in shape. One of the circles is stationary and you can drag the other. I'm trying to get the moveable circle to be able to move around the circumference of the stationary circle, but not overlap. I'm able to detect when they overlap, not using hittest. I just can't figure out how to code it so that the draggable circle can't be moved over the stationary circle.
I have been trying to get this right for hours now it cant be as hard as I am finding it! but basically I have a circle and in that circle is a circle and all I want is for the inner circle to not be able to leave its parent. that's it but I just cant get it to work.
I have been given the task to create something similar to the flash navigation on the link below. I have tried googling things such as "flash image rotation", "flash rotation circle", etc?[URL]
I am trying create a rotating circle with buttons/menus around the edges and this would simply rotate around, not like a 3D carousel, just basic rotation of a circle triggered by movement of the mouse on a vertical axis!I have attached a jpg example to give you an idea of what I am trying to create.Would anyone be able to direct me to some tutorial something similar as I can't seem to find anything.