ActionScript 2.0 :: External SWF Accessing Root Variables

Dec 10, 2007

My flash project is structured as follows, with the nested external swfs being loaded to clip holders using loadMovie():

In home.swf, I've defined a text box with instance name contentWindow_txt, and assigned its path to _root.cw_txt. Now, when I type the following anywhere in home.swf:
_root.cw_txt.htmlText = "testing!";

The dynamic text box contentWindow_txt will display "testing!" when the swf loads. Unfortunately, when I make the same call in sponsors.swf, I get nothing. Is there something about external swfs or variable inheritance I don't know?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Variables On The Root Timeline?

Feb 18, 2008

I have some variables declared on the root timeline that I need to access from some MovieClips. In AS2 I would do something like this _parent.myVar from within my MovieClip. I intend on getting fully up to speed with AS3 but right now I need a quick fix.on the root timeline I have a variable : var myHitTest:Boolean = false;My MovieClip needs to access this var so I tried it several ways listed here. I've had no success.



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Parent Root From External Swf?

Jul 23, 2009

I am able to access main root from an external swf by doing this:


but how to avoid getting an error when testing external swf alone? Is there any try catch system I can do to avoid thoses errors?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Root Level Function And Variables From External Loaded Swf File?

Jul 15, 2010

I have small issue in as3.  I am load "mainmenu.swf" file into "main.swf". through loader class. so now "main.swf" is parent "mainmenu.swf" file children how can call "main.swf " variable & function from "mainmenu.swf" .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Variables In A External Swf?

Dec 11, 2007

accesing the movieclips/function/contents of a extenal swf.I used movieclip loader to load the swf.i have two files.. preview.swf and main.swf preview.swf loads an xml and renders its content. the xmlpath is embedded in preview.swf. when i play the file directly, it seems to load the content. however when i load preview.swf into main.swf with a moviecliploader, it does not load or render the xml.i cant even access the functions / variables in the file preview.swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing External Variables Works In IE, Not In FF?

Jan 7, 2008

I have a swf file named main.swf and it is loading (using moviecliploader) the file book.swf . There are a bunch of variables and functions in book.swf that main.swf will access. So upon finish loading (onLoadInit) these variables are used.

I tested it locally on IE and works like a charm. However, when I tested it locally on Firefox, it does not work ! Meaning that, it does load the book.swf file, but none of the variables become accessible. When I upload both files temporarily onto a server and test it, it does not work neither on IE or FF.

I really made sure that the file was loaded first, and at the event of onLoadInit , the variables were accessed. But they just return undefined. I tried reading about the security allowDomain() function, but I dont think that's the problem since both files reside under the same directory.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Timeline And Variables From External Loaded SWF?

Nov 22, 2011

I'm trying to check for an external swf file being loaded using"pubResCHETNA" and currentFrame == second frame of scrollPaneGroup movieclip (the scrollPaneGroup movieclip is from a external loaded swf file)

Here is my code:
var currentSWF:MovieClip= new MovieClip();
currentSWF = MovieClip(loader.content);
if("pubResCHETNA" && ?????? )
How should I place the condition over here?
fCbtn is a movieclip reside in second frame of scrollPaneGroup movieclip of "pubResCHETNA.swf".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Random Variables In External .txt File?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a .txt file with 10 variables containing 10 sentences. The variables are named myText1, myText2, myText3, etc.

I want to be able to load one of these sentences at random into a dynamic text box.

My plan was to generate a random number i and concatonate it to the variable name (ie myText + i) then call that in a LoadVars.

However, I am not able to properly reference it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing MC In Root Of Movie?

Apr 16, 2009

here's my problem/code:
I have a mc in the main timeline named contactBox_mc, within this mc I have another mc named closeBtn_mc. I have added an EventListener to closeBtn_mc to set the visibility of contactBox_mc to false on MouseEvent.Click.. but no matter what method I try, I get the following error:
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method contactBox_mc.
This is the code I placed within closeBtn_mc to set the visibility of its parent movie to false:
closeBtn_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeBox);
function closeBox(e:MouseEvent):void{
contactBox_mc(this.parent).visible = false;
I also tried: root.contactBox_mc.visible = false; and got the same error,

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Xml :: Accessing Root Node In Flex

Jan 9, 2010

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I can change the "Type" attribute above with X.@Type="xyz"; But how do I change "Content123" to something else? If the xml document were longer/deeper, I could say something like X.Entry[11].Cost=2.22; But what do I say in this case? Obviously X="Content456" doesn't work...

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Flex :: Accessing Root Of Loaded Swf?

Mar 4, 2012

I have a SWf application built in flex 4. One part of the application relies on accessing a public variable ("step1") set at the application root, and is accessed with

var app:Object = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;
trace("step one is "+app.step1);

This, while not optimal, has worked fine. Now, hoever, I need to load this entire application into another application, and I can't figure out how to access my step1 variable any longer.I have been loading the swf into the new parent application like so:

public var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
public var pizzaContainer:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
private var myUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("chickensoup.swf");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Mc Functions From The Root?

Sep 22, 2009

How can i access a function that is in a movieclip from the root?

i've tried these :


but all of them didn't work at all.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Text Box In A Movieclip From Root

Mar 23, 2007

I'm trying to change the text on a textbox called "text1" that is part of a movieclip called "menulist" using actionscript. How can I access text1 with actionscript?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Accessing Root Function From Timeline?

Aug 17, 2009

im attempting to keep it as portable as possible so its easier to edit later, and i dont have to go around copying/pasting too much code. - i'll cut to the chase..

On my main timeline, i load all the image-file names, as variables.. using loadvars into thumbnails, which ive given instancenames Loader_1 to Loader_20, inside these thumbnails is the Loader component Thumb_1. Here is the code on the main timeline, to load these variables.

BigLoader._visible = false;
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
// load variable function


how i could make this more portable without -completely- changing the format its in [so i can still understand it]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Root From A Dynamic Clip?

Jun 13, 2009

Basically I have a _mc that I am calling in from the library. When I get to the end of the clip I want it to advance the root time line to frame 3.This is the code I have at the end of the _mc


This is the error I get :Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object introScene/frame91()

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Stage@44370ba1 to flash.display.MovieClip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Class Instance At Root From Movieclip

Nov 15, 2010

I have declared a object in my 1 st frame of application.

ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();

I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error

ActionScript Code:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property objTest through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObjectContainer.

How to access a object instantiated at root from a movie clip.

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Professional :: Accessing Class Instance At Root From Movieclip?

Feb 25, 2010

I have declared a object in my 1 st frame of application.

ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();

I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Class Instance At Root From Movieclip?

Nov 16, 2010

I have declared a object in my 1 st frame of application.

ActionScript Code:
var objTest:Test = new Test();

I am tring to access the object from a movie clip. Movie clip is located in frame 2. I am getting error

ActionScript Code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Directly Call Root Variables

Jan 10, 2011

can I call directly root variable from external loaded swf files. with conditions from external loaded swf file. like parent.parent!=null conditions.

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Actionscript 3 :: Changing Root Variables From Withing A Function?

Apr 2, 2012

I'm new to Actionscript 3, just started working with it after years of working with AS2,

What I'm trying to do at the moment is to change a variable that's located in the root from a function,

Something like this:
var myVariable:String = "String test";
function testFunction():void
myVariable = "new String";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Of Variables From Root Or Document Class?

Nov 13, 2010

Anyways, I've been trying to figure this out for quite some time.Let's say I have my document class. I'm guessing the document class can correspond to the first thing that gets run? (such as the "main" function in most C++/low level languages).If I set a variable in it:var myNumber:Number = 10;how would Iaccess: "myNumber" from other objects in my stage?Like a movieclip on my stage for example.If I go inside that movieclip into the movieclip's first frame, how would I say:trace(TheDocumentClass.myNumber);Another similar question is, what about the actual stage frame?If I click on frame 1 of my stage, set a variable:var aNumber:Number = 5;how would I access it from other objects?In my movieclip's first frame, what would I put?trace(root.aNumber); ?trace(stage.aNumber); ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Root Variables From Loaded Clip

Oct 20, 2010

How can I access variables defined on root from a loaded movieclip? The loaded movieclip path can differ, so I cannot get to root like parent.parent, for example. I thought something like this.root.varName may work, but it obviously doesn't.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Passing Stage/root Variables To Movie Clip?

Oct 12, 2009

Just need to figure out how to pass root level variable to a movie clip which contains a dynamic text box to display the passed variable. How is this possible? I usually use global variables when i was coding in AS2...but it appears this feature is dropped in AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Relative Variables Of Movieclip Instances From Root Or Other Movieclips

Feb 1, 2010

In AS3, how can you access a relative variable within a specific movieclip on the stage?I have a test file that changes the variable "myVar" in one of the displayobject movieclips drawn on the stage. I want to simply trace the current value of this displayobject's myVar for additional purposes.In AS2, you would achieve this by calling the instance name and then the variable contained within.Assuming 3 movieclips existed on the stage named Container1¯, Container2¯ and Cotainer3¯trace(_root.myContainer2.myVar);// returns Hello which is value of variable "myVar" within the movieclip instance named "Container2".How would you do this in AS3?[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does "_root" Reference The Root Of The External Swf Or The Swf That Contains The External File

Mar 3, 2007

If you load an external swf into a movie and this external file references "_root", does "_root" reference the root of the external swf or the swf that contains the external file?

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From External As File To Root?

Sep 16, 2010

I have my main fla and then I have a actionscript named in the I create a bullet using "this" throughout the script now how would I call the bullet on my main timeline?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Accessing Variables From One .swf From Another .swf?

Sep 14, 2009

I have one .swf file inside a second .swf file. How do I have one .swf access variables from the second?

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AS3 :: Flash - Accessing PHP Variables Using Without Using OO?

Apr 21, 2011

I have the following PHP file with a variable I am trying to access to place in a dynamic text box on my flash stage.

PHP code:

$returnVars = array();
$returnVars['username'] = "test";
$returnString = http_build_query($returnVars);
//send variables back to Flash


The code was adapted from a tutorial using a class. However I do not get on with classes so wont be using any.

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AS3 :: Accessing Variables Between 'movieclips'

Jun 16, 2008

I have finally started with AS3 and flip-'eck its a different animal that AS2

I have a swf called login.swf and in it have declared the variables var total:uint=0; and loginState:Boolean=false

All my scripts for logging in sending/receiving variable from/to server scripts are all working!

So... when a user supplies a correct password another swf (userLogged.swf) is loaded (note: in AS3 this process is seriously different than in AS2) swf dont seem to be loaded 'into' another movieclip anymore... and this leads me to the puzzle!

How do I access variables declared in the project.swf, from within the userLogged.swf!

the old AS2 way = trace (_root.loginState);

or trace (_root.project.loginState)!

I am stumped by this new approach of AS3 of loading in other swf files. The _root. options is no longer available in AS3 (that much I've descovered, some tuts say use root. but I cannot get that to work)

trace (root.loginState)

var userLoggedIn=root.loginState

gives me the error

1119: Access of possibly undefined property loginStatus through a reference with static type flash.displayisplayObject.

when I try to publish the userLogged.swf

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Load External Files From SWF Root?

Jan 14, 2010

I have been provided with some flash movies/apps to include in a web design that I am doing.  These flash movies load an external xml file.This is failing.The problem appears to be that when the flash movie goes to load the file using a relative directory path, it starts at the very root of the web directory, where the main jsp file is, instead of the where the .swf file is located.[url]...

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