ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX2004] Setting The Alpha?
Jul 4, 2004
I am having trouble setting the alpha of a movie clip (this is a bitmap, if that matters). My code is as follows:
on (change) {
if (this.getSelectedItem().data == 3) {
set (this._parent.ahouston._alpha,100)}
if (this.getSelectedItem().data <> 3) {
set (this._parent.ahouston._alpha,0)}
I don't believe it is a problem with my combobox actionscript, as just putting:
set (this.ahouston._alpha,100)
in the only frame of the parent movie clip doesn't work either.
EDIT: Now it shows it with 0% alpha, but won't turn to 100%. I was wrong. It is a combobox problem.
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May 23, 2005
I'm using Flash Remoting to grab a result set from a SQL Server database. Then, using the total records in the result set, I'm creating the respective number of movie clips on the stage. Each of these movie clips is an instance of the "button_mc" movie clip I have in the library, named "button_0", "button_1", ..."button_n". The library movie clip that I'm using to create the instances contains a standard Flash button.
Anyway, that part is working fine. What I want to do is dynamically generate the onRelease event handler for each of these unique buttons. When I try to do this within the for loop, it sets all the event handlers to the last item in the list. What I want to do with the event handler is change the text of a dynamic text field based on the button name.
e.g. buttonName.onRelease = function() {
myDynamicTextField.text = "button_"+i;
In some ways it makes sense that the event handler is always going to be the last available in the loop, as the handler is called after the loop is completed. However, I'm hoping there's a way to make the handler "stick" after the loop is completed.
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Oct 23, 2010
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Aug 11, 2011
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import flash.display.*;
When I change if(i==0) to if(i==6) that is, anything higher than 3 it works fine.
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Dec 6, 2009
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Jul 10, 2005
like my movie container in my _root, how do i set it`s alpha to 0? does this work: _root.contMovie.setAlpha(0); ? or is there any other possibility to set it`s alpha to 0?
the best thing for me would be if i could fade it to alpha via AS command, i can't control it direct because the movieclip is 2 levels above....:-)
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Jan 7, 2011
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Nov 2, 2005
is it possible to to change the value of the alpha setting of an attachedMovie
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function attachBk (thisBk, nextBk):Void {
if (thisBk == undefined) {
this.attachMovie(nextBk,"bkHolder1", this.getNextHighestDepth());
When I click a button I want bkHolder1 to fade out but so far I haven't had any success, I tried doing bkHolder1._alpha = 0 just to see if it would affect it's property but it didn't.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:SparkButtonSkin xmlns:fx="[URL]"
minWidth="21" minHeight="21" alpha.disabled="1">
[Code] .....
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_action1Button = new Action1Button();
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The error was that _action1Button is not the actual button, rather, it's the container of the button. Doh! Switching it to _action1Button.actionButton.enabled = false; fixed the issue.
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Dec 16, 2009
I am currently trying to set a movieclips alpha property from an external text file. The movieclip is called Text_Main_Slide1
The text file:
which contains:
I have currently written:
loadVariables("banner_settings_468x60.txt", 0);
Text_Main_Slide1._alpha = Alpha_Main_Slide1;
which doesn't work.I can however set it manually: Text_Main_Slide1._alpha = 0;
But I need to be able to set the number from the text file.
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I've tried combinations of tn_group["tn"+i].tn_button.tn_pic._alpha = 85; and such but I'm still a big newbie
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Apr 3, 2011
What I am trying to do I think is pretty simple.
Consider this code:
ActionScript Code:
var imageContainter:String;
var fileName:String;
This code appears to be working. I'm dynamically creating a bunch of movieclips that each contain an image. The also code stacks each clip on top of each other.
I'd like to be able to now set the alpha or visibility of all of those movieclips to 0 or false, except for the first one. I have other code that will set specific movieclips to display based on mouseEvents.
How do I refer to all of them? And should I be using arrays as well?
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Jun 7, 2005
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But this did not work for some reason.
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Feb 5, 2008
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Oct 26, 2008
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Mar 12, 2012
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p.s. For reference, here's the entirety of my AS3 on the first frame:
thing.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doClick);
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Jan 13, 2004
How do you use that??? I'd like to duplicate a MC and give it dynamicly a position but i don't know how to tell that to flash...I'm using that code :
for(i=0; i = nb_titre; i++){
_root.bande.duplicateMovieClip("bande" + i, i, .......................)}}
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Mar 15, 2004
for (x = 0; x < 10; x++){
for (y = 0; y < 10; y++){
this.createTextField("_txt"+depth, depth, x*20, y*20, 20, 20);[code].....
the above script is from senocular's isometry tutorial, but when i place it on the first frame in MX04 and test the movie -> the result is one box with text "9:9".
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Aug 10, 2004
ive done a little media player for my mates website.means i didnt understand the xml and loading audio that way i decided to try another way,which was to load external .swf which contained ive done this everything working.the problem is i tried to add a timer, so that when the 30 sec sample was done it would go to the next frame which loads a different track.i found a piece of timer code which is
loadMovieNum("track2.swf", 1);
if (bytes_loaded == bytes_total) {
var time = 0;[code].....
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Jan 15, 2004
I have that loop:
for (i=1; i<this.nb; i++) {_root.bande.duplicateMovieClip("bande"+i, i, {_x:originex, _y:(originey+(bandeheight*i))});
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Jan 5, 2004
I just started learning actionscript and decided to make something easy. Some draggable points and make a like between two of them, but I can't clear the previous drawn line.
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Jan 14, 2004
im aware of the movieclipinstancename.enable=false;but i cant seem to get it to work.I want it to work because i slide in a sound control panel over my content (also in a movieclip) but the mouse still reacts to mouse events of the content under the sound control panel. eg i have a flash email form, and the icon changes to it.
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Jan 5, 2005
why I cannot use a variable in a path?
I can work my way around it, but why doesn't it work?
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Mar 18, 2005
I don't know How to do it. I have a quiz in xml and what I want to do it's to open randomly a quiz from 3 xml... In fact, there is only a place in the script where it talk about the xml : myData.load("quiz.xml");and that's at the end of the script on frame 1... How do I set to randomly chose between different xml files.
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Mar 18, 2005
Well it is quite simple but I don't know How to do it. I have a quiz in xml and what I want to do it's to open randomly a quiz from 3 xml... In fact, there is only a place in the script where it talk about the xml : myData.load("quiz.xml"); and that's at the end of the script on frame 1... How do I set to randomly chose between different xml files.
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Oct 2, 2005
the movies go the next row but they stay all in the same x location
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