ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 - Linking URL To Thumbnail When Clicked
Mar 24, 2009
I want to add an OnRelease get URL to each thumbnail. The flash gets the URL from the XML file. How to link a URL to each thumbnail when clicked? This is an example that I've been following, but I also need to get the URL from the XML file and open it in a new window when the thumbnail is click: [URL]. Any ideas to adding actionscript or code to the existing flash and xml files?
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linking my thumbnail photos to the img. photo using action script 2.0?
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Jul 24, 2009
How do I do this effect:To make the clickable thumbnail transition like that into a viewable window.
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Jan 23, 2009
I'm working with XML and setting up a portfolio gallery. I basically want a thumbnail to be clicked and have an image opening, but i want the instance name of a button that is clicked to be stored in a variable that can be used when calling the images from the XML. I'm just trying to get the number that is in the instance name of btn2, and use that number 2 to reference the ID # in the xml file. I know there are easier ways to do this, but I didn't want to write new functions for all the numerous thumbnails on the site.
PHP Code:
btn1. addEventListener(MouseEvent.Click, _onBtnClick);
function _onBtnClick( e:MouseEvent ):void {
var clickedBtn =;
Also the thumbnails are not being loaded through the XML, would it be easier to load the larger images without functions for each thumb, if I had the thumbs being referenced through the XML?
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Dec 30, 2008
I'm creating a portfolio site with a handful of thumbnails. I want a short description of each thumbnail to appear when I rollover the thumbnail. I've got it set up to appear, but I want them to fade in. I can't seem to figure that out. In addition, I want an image to appear and move to the front when the thumbnail is clicked. I can get it to appear, but if it's not on top, then it will just show under the other images visible. I'm thinking that a simple command would solve all these issues, but I cannot seem to figure it out. I've included the action script for one thumbnail.
Ideally, I'd like for the clicked image to fade out and the next clicked image to fade in, but I think that that is beyond my Actionscript understanding for now.
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Nov 28, 2007
I have made a image-viewer. I've this AS for the viewer:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
function loadXML(loaded) {[code].....
Now i would like to make a loop for the thumbnails so they don't have a beginning or end(Now when i scroll to the right the thumbnails stop at the last thumbnail, i want it to begin at the first thumb again).I'm also trying to make that the middle thumbnail represents the photo in target_mc.
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Jul 10, 2007
I am making a gallery, which you can view here:[URL]ok, firstly, when you click a thumbnail, you cannot scroll them until you roll off the click thumbnail, and I'm not sure why. is it just a movieclip thing? or can I put some code in to re-get focus of something? ok, now for the two general questions:
1. When you roll over the thumbs, they go up, sometimes they flick back down though, even though you are rolled over them still. is this just because they are moving?
2. Does anyone know why when I add this:
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Oct 11, 2009
Im trying to create via xml and a for() loop a thumbnails wiewer and each thumbnail have a simple onrelease function.....but my probleme is that my 'container' movieClip and 'BT' movieClip dont show when I export the movie...also when i trace()them the output is empty. maybe is because they are inside x.onLoad(xml){} function ? At the end of the script you can remove // before the trace() function for ckecking in the output panel. here is my code:
xml file: TumbLoader.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><slideshow><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/1.jpg" /><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/2.jpg" /><photos thumbnail="thumbnail/3.jpg" /><photos[code]...
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Jul 28, 2009
the project im working on is all database driven, there are no html files and all coding that is created is made by php then stored within a db to be called later on. now because of this i can't use relative links at all with anything i.e. images, videos and swf files.
so.....i am using swfobject to link to a swf file using absolute linking as shown in the coding below. but what i need to do now is link an .as file in my swf using absolute linking so i can call some arrays from the file.i have doubled checked to make sure my vars can be passed by local testing and it works but now i need it as this possible?
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Jun 9, 2010
I have 4 navigation button and like home, about us etc.... And i want to disable home when it is click and cannot clicked it until the user click another button first. means if a visitor is at home page then home navigation is disabled, and all other are active, and when they click at aboutus button then the pages goes to the about us page and the about us button is disabled and other get active. I want this solution in AS3 with oop concept.
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Feb 7, 2007
I've got about 6 buttons laid out, one on top of the other in a list format. In their normal state the buttons are grey in colour, when I rollover them, the buttons flash and turn to orange. Now, what I need to happen is this: I want the buttons to stay orange once clicked and only roll out back to grey when the user has clicked on another button in the list. I've been told that the best way to do this is via adding a listener, however I am a little unsure as to how to go about this. I've checked the flash help file and have a basic understanding of how listeners work...but can't really wrap my head around applying it to this situation. Perhaps I will need to have all the buttons as separate broadcasters?
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Sep 9, 2009
I have parent movieclip and in that many different children movieclips
What i want to do is when i CLICK, i want to detect which movieclip it has clicked and call corresponding function (defined by onpress event) of that movieclip.
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Nov 6, 2011
What does the code look like if I want the user to click two specific buttons then go to a new frame. I've been trying different methods, but I am honestly not brilliant with conditional statements. This is what I've got so far...
about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickAbout);
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickMain);
if (function clickMain(event) && function clickAbout(event))
View 7 Replies
Jul 5, 2007
Yes, I'm making a photo gallery like everyone else. I'm making it so people can order pics from the site. There are going to be about 500 photos per album in 5 different categories. The photos can be shrunk down to about 60kb a piece. If I use the actual pictures as thumbnails, just scaled down, the total size of all the pics will be about 30mb. I know this is a lot.
Either way, the people looking at the album will most likely look at nearly all the pics so they will be using up bandwidth either way. Plus, if I use the actual pics as thumbs the user will not have to wait to see actual pic when it's clicked on because it's already loaded. A preloader is annoying to me. I do realize a preloader would be wise when loading the thumbs. Just dislike them after you click one for the big picture.
So is using shrunken thumbs a necessity or if the big pic is under a certain size it shouldn't matter if I use it for a thumb also?
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Feb 8, 2011
I haven't been able to find a solution that fits my project. I am working on a 50 state map, where I need each state to stay down once clicked, but go up when any other state is clicked. [code]...
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Apr 21, 2010
i was wondering, how can i extract thumbnail from a flash-video file, then display it in a listbox.the listbox is suppose to have many videos which i need to extract thumbnails from programatically with actionscript.the flash-player is going to be on the web, and the extraction must happen when the swf file is loading, therefore, the method must not be too time-taking.
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Dec 25, 2010
I have to make thumbnails from banners in swf file format (flash 9). I want to use php, but if that's not possible anything which work in a linux command line is fine by me.
I tried to open them with ffmpeg-php, but it says: Can't open movie file /where/the/file/is
The file is there and is readable by the user.
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Dec 2, 2009
I'm still a newbie at this, so pleasse bear with me. I have a links page on a website for myself. I wish to create a link from a hidden button over the text to a pdf file within the project folder. I keep getting errors saying that it cant find the file and points to an address which is totally wrong.[code]Is this the right way to link a pdf file to flash?Is there some other code I should be using?
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Aug 24, 2009
I've been watching a tutorial on making a thumbnail photo gallery with Flash. Unfortunately the only tutorial I could find that explained everything step by step was for Flash MX and I'm using Flash CS4. It seems that the scripting code is different. I've never written Flash script before. I am trying at this point to give a rollover effect to a thumbnail image, so when the mouse goes over the thumbnail the thumbnail will get brighter. The code given in the tutorial didn't work, but by looking at the debugger messages it seems like the script should be something like:[code]I converted the thumbnail to a button symbol and then created an instance of the button called thumb1. The code is applied to a keyframe.
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Nov 17, 2009
I have redesigned my site from a flashmo template and all is fine except for my thumbnail string not loading/showing in any browsers or even in my dreamweaver & flash previews.
my site is [url]... if you press on the 'decor' button you'll see the place where the thumbnails should be coming up and loading - but all it shows is a permanent loading sign on the first thumbnail and nothing else.
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Dec 13, 2009
I have a very simple question about makeing thumbnail slide in flash. The code follows:
I need scrolling the all ["box"+i] movieclips, up and down with mouse position included.
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Sep 8, 2007
[URL] how to make a Flash Thumbnail Photo Gallery. I am designing a bigger photo gellery based on this code how do I have the photo gallery to list 2 rows of thumbs 5 accross and 2 rows. This code is the code that designs the thumbnail movie clip.
function thumbnails_fn(k) { thumbnail_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("t"+k, thumbnail_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); tlistener = new Object(); tlistener.onLoadInit = function(target_mc) { target_mc._x = hit_left._x+(target_mc._width+5)*k; target_mc.pictureValue = k; target_mc.onRelease = function() { p = this.pictureValue-1; nextImage(); }; target_mc.onRollOver = function() { this._alpha = 50; thumbNailScroller(); }; target_mc.onRollOut = function() { this._alpha = 100; }; }; image_mcl = new MovieClipLoader(); image_mcl.addListener(tlistener); image_mcl.loadClip(thumbnails[k], "thumbnail_mc.t"+k); }
View 11 Replies
May 2, 2006
Right I have created a flash banner ad and taken it into dreamweaver, I thought I could just link it to its website easily in DW but I can't.
Do I have to set the url in the flash doc, if so what do I do
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm working with Flash CS4 / ActionScript 3.0I just wanted to know how to link my finished flash ad to its corresponding webpage.-->Click anywhere on the banner and it links you or whatever :]
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Feb 23, 2009
Project is a map of Europe - in Flash 8, with an xml document linked to it. for each country (or group of countries, where they need to be grouped together), there is going to be ultimately a URL link which displays a relevant article. The xml document needs to 'tell' the flash file there is an article - with the default being that there isn't (if that makes sense) - if and when there IS a story, that country needs to change to a button, which can be clicked by the user to open the article .. probably on a new page. thus far I think I need to have an xml document something like this (forgive my fumblings):
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Aug 25, 2011
I have a flash image gallery that loads images through xml. Images have to be croped for thumbnails. So u have to have two folders, one for the thumbnails an another file for the big size images. I would like to know if there is a way to load only one image ( and not this image's thumbnail too) and with a script or something, to resize this image to get the thumbnail. To make my self clearer here is the xml code:
image../gallery_flash/imageGallery/images/watches/i1005.jpg image
thumb../gallery_flash/imageGallery/thumbs/watches/i1005.jpg thumb
(For some reason it doesnt show the xml right...) I dont want to have the line (thumb>../gallery_flash.), but only load one image and get the thumbnail also.
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Aug 7, 2005
I learned from great kirupa tutorial and implemented the thumbnail gallery in my site.If I open the site in browser Opera or Firefox (FP i see only 1 thumbnail image - is it bug in Player? In IE 6 I have FP and I can see all thumbnails in the navigation bar - also correct.
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Oct 22, 2005
I was looking for a way to make different grid layouts for xml loaded jpg thumbs, so I read and applied a lot of the tutorials and posts about galleries, xml, thumbs and grids around here. Some of the script I used comes from Kirupa's adding thumbs tutorial. I also applied the concept in Creating Grids with Flash/AS. The result is attached here. A lot of the parameters, like row and column numbers and scaling of the thumbs,spacing, alpha, rotation, etc, can be changed easily in the script. Also, the idea is that you could write different prototype functions to get different grid layouts effects.
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Aug 30, 2006
I've been going through a lot of tutorials online regarding photo galleries etc., and not many seem to facilitate shrinking the actual photo for use as a thumbnail (possibly due to the performance limitations). My project won't have that problem, as it will be stored on an internal network. basically, I want to dynamically load a picture and shrink it for use as a thumbnail in a gallery.
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Feb 5, 2007
I'm trying to get two thumbnail movieclips on the same page to display two different arrays of pictures. It's not working though and I'm not sure why, could someone please look at my xml and ActionScript and see what I'm doingwrong. I've been at this for a few hours now and I can't see whats wrong.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
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