ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash CS3 - Convert String To Function Name
Oct 1, 2008
I am using AS 2 in Flash CS3 and XML. I have the function named in the XML file which I would like to be called via a rotating banner. However I can't seem to convert the string (read via the XML file) to convert to the function name. a trace reveals that the correct string is being called: _parent._parent._parent.loadFunction. urls[count] is the array that stores the function name. Here is the script:
There's an array, lets called it arr1. There is a switch, that pushes argument to this array, but after the switch ends, I'm stuck at join("").split("");
var arr1 = []; switch (myString) { case "apple": { arr1.push("apple"); break; }}} arr1 = arr1.join("").split("");
I know is simple, but I never had experience with arrays in flash before, I just realized join("") was used to convert the Array to string, but isn't split reversing this?
How do I convert an integer to a string value? This must be easy. "Ya guys in SO are da best at explaining." I'm still working on these dumb counters.
//My counter project "sends to dynamic text field" var timer:Timer = new Timer(10); var count:int = 0; //start at -1 if you want the first decimal to be 0
I need to convert a base64 encoded string from a server (being sent via amf) to an image. on the server the raw image data (gif / jpeg / png) is being encoded to base64 (which already works fine), and I need to decode this string and display the image in my flash movie.
One trick shown me that I could use bytes+"" which convert into String but not a pure String. It is acceptable by any UI components except it won't accept when I throw bytes+"" into switch statement. How do I convert bytearray to pure string?
private function socketDataHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void { try { rsocket = as Socket;[code]............
Flash will be receiving a string from the web, either Javascript or query string from the URL(which I'm comfortable with). GOAL: Use that string as a byte array and convert it to bitmap data and display on the screen.MY PERCEPTION: Use ByteArray and readBytes (I've worked with neither before) to parse the string. Then convert that into Bitmap Data and draw the bitmap on the stage.
So I am trying to take an XML document, load it in, then organize the elements into an array of Objects with the elements nodes as the properties of each object.All of that I am able to do so far.What is the real problem here for me is when I try to take one of the properties and try to assign it to a dynamic Textbox's .text property.I can trace the object property, but it will not go into a textbox.[code]Also, I noticed that when the code hits the first output error, it never executes the rest of the code in the changeQuestion function; or else I would have gotten more than one output error.
I have an array of string values that represent accessors to another array. I need to be able to use those to access the secondary array, so I need to find a simple way to convert the string to the actual array accessor.[code]...
However, it seems like there should be some way to cast the string into AS, that Flash can use to access the proper array, without having to do the complex string.slice statement.
Something like: var str:String = ActionScript(arr3[i]); would be much easier to type, as many times as I'm going to need it, than the .slice statements.
It is possible to converta string to a name?want to make a text to speech project that plays the sounds by name and i use the charAt function to split the text.[code]...
how to convert a string to an's the thing when I use Number(myVar) it returns NaN. The string that I am trying to parse has a leading number followed by because I'm using loadVars and in order to make it more readable I'm trying to make a new variable on I can do this I just need to remove the .
Scenario: 4 areas on 1 stage which are quite similar (eg webcamconference, each area has the same functions)
Buttonobjects are numbered(eg area 1 has playbutton1,mutebutton1,namebutton1,namelabel1, etc)
every area gets a close-Button which closes/shuts down the area.(close1,close2,close3...)i want to archive the following:
if(close1.isPressed){ function invisall(1); }[code]....
this should do the trick via dynamic Nr at the end of each default button(eg playbutton) but ofc
doesnt work because playbutton1 is still a can i take the String as a Buttonname /ButtonObject? do i need to write an new function? this would destroy the purpose of less code. for now i will split the area into frames that i put on the stage.
Is there a way to write a UTF-16 string into a ByteArray in Flash/AS3? Basically I have a string (var test:String="allan"; for example) and I would like to write that into a ByteArray with UTF-16(LE) encoding. In this case it would be "61 00 6C 00 6C 00 61 00 6E 00".
I've tried using utf16le.writeMultiByte( clipText, "utf-16" ); but it just comes out with what appears to be UTF8 (or just straight ASCII given the test string).
I need to convert a string such as "x*y+2" (from an input text field) into an expression x*y+2, so that it can be evaluated normally, eg f=x*y+2. The variables x and y are already defined and can have various values; I need to evaluate the strings as expressions.
I have tried f=Number("x*y+2") but it seems to work only when the string is actually a number such as "1.2e-4".