ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Mediaplayback Play All Tracks?
Sep 5, 2010
I am working on a mp3 album collection project and I am using Mediaplayback component for playing the mp3 files, a List component to show all the tracks (and select one) and the songlists are stored in XML data located in one folder for each album.It is working fine, but I want to have a button to "Play all tracks" like when you place a CD in the Windows Media Player, that is, starting playing the first track and so on.... until the last one.
Here are the parts for the mediaplayback:
lista.addEventListener("change", ifchanging);
function ifchanging(evento) {
if (evento.type == "change") {
But it just play the last track. I think it must go on one of the events or in a if..else including the EventListener... I'm just beginning on ActionScripting and I am using parts of what I saw in other codes.
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May 26, 2009
I am working on a mp3 album collection project and I am using Mediaplayback component for playing the mp3 files, a List component to show all the tracks (and select one) and the songlists are stored in XML data located in one folder for each album. It is working fine, but I want to have a button to "Play all tracks" like when you place a CD in the Windows Media Player, that is, starting playing the first track and so on.... until the last one.
Here are the parts for the mediaplayback:
lista.addEventListener("change", ifchanging);
function ifchanging(evento) {
if (evento.type == "change") {
But it just play the last track. I think it must go on one of the events or in a if..else including the EventListener... I'm just beginning on ActionScripting and I am using parts of what I saw in other codes.
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Oct 13, 2009
I am working on a mp3 album collection project and I am using Mediaplayback component for playing the mp3 files, a List component to show all the tracks (and select one) and the songlists are stored in XML data located in one folder for each album. It is working fine, but I want to have a button to "Play all tracks" like when you place a CD in the Windows Media Player, that is, starting playing the first track and so on.... until the last one.
Here are the parts for the mediaplayback:
lista.addEventListener("change", ifchanging);
function ifchanging(evento) {
if (evento.type == "change") {
that is for when you click (or press) on a selected item in the "lista" List.
I tried something like:
for (var i = 0; i<num_total; i++) {
player.setMedia(urlnow+"/"+lista.selectedIndex[i].data, "MP3");;
But it just play the last track. I think it must go on one of the events or in a if..else including the EventListener...
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Aug 11, 2010
I have a MediaPlayback component on stage, i have a sound with linkage name "sound1" in the library;
Why mediaPlayback.contentPath = "sound1" wouldn't work?
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Dec 19, 2010
I need to play three musical tracks one after the other in a circle. It is necessary that its are not loaded again and were in the cache. I use this code. Everything works fine on localhost, but only works after restart the app on the server. And wrong to re-download tracks every time.
[Code]... - it is the object with the parameters that is called when the app starts or when i call a function change the settings.
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Apr 19, 2007
for the following xml sheet:
<cd thumb ="album_music/image.gif" albumtitle="album1" artistname="yoohoo" tracktitles="blah blah">[code]...
I have the following actionscript to navigate between each cd to play tracks within.i need the on release function to be corrected for me so that when u click on the icon - THE PARTICULAR cd is played which the icon represents. right now my on release function plays the first mp3 of the first cd no matter which icon u click on.
var item_spacing = 110;
var item_count = 0;
var tracklist = new Array();[code]....
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Aug 6, 2011
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Aug 13, 2009
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Here is the SWF file; [URL]
You will see that the Pause/Play button only works on �Kiss My Dogg� which is track 1.
Here is the FLA file; [URL]
Below is some of the Script I wrote. The pause/play is the part I can�t figure out.
//function to load different tracks
function loadMusic(evt:MouseEvent):void{
//stop whatever is playing
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// Flash 8, AS2
var flv1:String = "flvs/DrJoy_corner_KevinIntro.flv";
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Jul 4, 2008
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For this post, I'll first send the "combined" .fla file then I will post them apart to see if anyone can find a better way.
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Dec 9, 2009
I think worded the question wrong or posted in the wrong catagory I keep geting error messages with this code in AS2.0
if (key.isDown(key.getCode(81))) {
_root.samplesound=new Sound();
This is the message fore both pieces Statement must appear within on/onClipEvent handler Im trying to get the letter "q" to play a linked mp3 in my library When I apply the code to a seperate layer No error messages shows, but no sound plays. When I apply the code to a movie clip/button object, that message shows up!
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May 30, 2011
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Jan 15, 2010
I've got a problem to play MP3 with MediaPlayBack, calling from a XML playlist. The playlist seems to work but not the MediaPlayBack which doesn't load the MP3...
Here is my XML code named mp3list.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<musique url="musique/01.mp3" desc="titre 1" />
<musique url="musique/02.mp3" desc="titre 2" />
<musique url="musique/03.mp3" desc="titre 3" />
[Code] .....
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Nov 3, 2010
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Nov 8, 2010
I'm building a custom Audio Player. The whole thing drives a MediaPlayback component. I have a scrubber set up that moves with the progress of the song. I want to be able to click and scrub with it though. Currently I have it set to set the playheadTime equal to the percent distance the slider is dragged to times the totalTime of the playback component. After the release of the slider I trace out the playheadTime and it seems to be fine, but I can't get it to resume playing at all. Here's the code in the controller:
var totalDistance = bar_mc._width - slider_mc._width;
var wasPlaying = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function(){
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Jun 9, 2004
I'm trying to use the MediaPlayback component with an external .flv The video shows fine, but for some reason the progressbar isn't working.
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Jun 9, 2004
I'm trying to use the MediaPlayback component with an external .flv The video shows fine, but for some reason the progressbar isn't working.
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Sep 10, 2005
Whenever an MP3 is initiated to stream (well, progressively download really) with the mediaPlayback component, it will contue to dl to the cache until done or the browser is refreshed. The occurs even when the component has been unloaded from an empty movieclip. This is an issue when folks browse alot of MP3s on the site, because even though it's inaudible, suddenly there are many files simultaneously dl'ing to their cache. Cant find a stop stream type of command in the media class, which I think is the only class for the media components. If I were doing real streaming with the Comm Server for example, I could use stopStream.
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Feb 28, 2007
I currently have this code:
var vLoad = new Array();
vLoad = vidURL.text;
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Sep 22, 2010
A quick question. Is it possible to play a mp4 video file with 2 audio tracks in it and switch between the two audio tracks? In stead of subtitles we want to provide the user with audio in their own language. As a test I received a mp4 video file with 2 audio tracks, an English and a German. When I load and play the mp4 video file I default hear the English audio track. Is it possible to switch to the German audio track?
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Jan 12, 2011
I'm a games design student from the UK I'm currently working on a music project. for this I want to create a soundboard where the user can select a multiple number of files and then play them as one track, my plan is to record background, rhythm, melody and random event tracks and have the user select one of these elements from each bank of samples and have a button for them to hear the outcome.So far i can get the soundboard elements to work, but no matter where i look or who i ask no one seems to know how to make this idea work, someone suggested using an array but when i started looking at arrays there seems to tutorials on creating them but not implementing them.
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Feb 19, 2003
I saw many flash web sites that has multiple music tracks to choose. I would like to learn this nice feature. Is there a tutor? how i can add multiple soundtracks for my flash presentation, I know how to add one soundtrack into my flash movie but i don't know how add several music tracks and how to make button to load one and unload the other.
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Jul 4, 2011
Ive used mediaplayback component on a webpage and it works fine except the playhead pointy thing doesnt move as the video plays. Isnt it supposed to do that ? It just stays at the start while the video is actually playing.If i drag the pointer to a different part of the streaming bar then it does what its supposed to do but that doesnt look right.
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Sep 25, 2009
I am looking to replicate the way the music tracks are presented on this website:[URL].. I'd like to create something somewhat similar, in which I can simply type out the name of each track and then have the small Play/Pause button icon. Are there any templates that are packaged with Flash CS4 for something like this? Otherwise, if you could point me in the right direction as to how it is constructed and/or a tutorial for creating. - But is the text that lists the tracks done in HTML? If so, then this is pretty simple really.
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May 7, 2003
I'm trying to create a music bar that will have next/prev track buttons.I thought of creating an array of the tracks and navigating through the array.Naming the tracks "track1", "track2" etc, start with track1 and increase the number after every pass through the loop. Although I thought of these I could not get the code to work.
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May 8, 2003
I was wondering how i could load 4 different mp3 tracks into my flash movie. also, how would i be able to have something say loading while it is doing so, or would i have to make the sound stream?
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Apr 5, 2007
I'm making some scripts to load mp3 tracks. For this I'm using some scripts from the as cookbook. But I'm having some problems with it.
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