ActionScript 2.0 :: Load 4 Different Mp3 Tracks Into My Flash Movie?
May 8, 2003
I was wondering how i could load 4 different mp3 tracks into my flash movie. also, how would i be able to have something say loading while it is doing so, or would i have to make the sound stream?
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I need to play three musical tracks one after the other in a circle. It is necessary that its are not loaded again and were in the cache. I use this code. Everything works fine on localhost, but only works after restart the app on the server. And wrong to re-download tracks every time.
[Code]... - it is the object with the parameters that is called when the app starts or when i call a function change the settings.
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Sep 25, 2009
I am looking to replicate the way the music tracks are presented on this website:[URL].. I'd like to create something somewhat similar, in which I can simply type out the name of each track and then have the small Play/Pause button icon. Are there any templates that are packaged with Flash CS4 for something like this? Otherwise, if you could point me in the right direction as to how it is constructed and/or a tutorial for creating. - But is the text that lists the tracks done in HTML? If so, then this is pretty simple really.
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Aug 6, 2011
I'm about to create some art installation using augmented reality and music. I'd like to implement some kind of sampler in it, but I can't find any way to do it.
It's gonna be a looper, I've got 12 files (each 8 seconds) and I want to play them synchronized - so they must start at the same time. this is example of something similiar to my project[url]... They must be controlled by changing volume (0 means off).
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Sep 22, 2010
A quick question. Is it possible to play a mp4 video file with 2 audio tracks in it and switch between the two audio tracks? In stead of subtitles we want to provide the user with audio in their own language. As a test I received a mp4 video file with 2 audio tracks, an English and a German. When I load and play the mp4 video file I default hear the English audio track. Is it possible to switch to the German audio track?
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Jan 12, 2011
I'm a games design student from the UK I'm currently working on a music project. for this I want to create a soundboard where the user can select a multiple number of files and then play them as one track, my plan is to record background, rhythm, melody and random event tracks and have the user select one of these elements from each bank of samples and have a button for them to hear the outcome.So far i can get the soundboard elements to work, but no matter where i look or who i ask no one seems to know how to make this idea work, someone suggested using an array but when i started looking at arrays there seems to tutorials on creating them but not implementing them.
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Feb 19, 2003
I saw many flash web sites that has multiple music tracks to choose. I would like to learn this nice feature. Is there a tutor? how i can add multiple soundtracks for my flash presentation, I know how to add one soundtrack into my flash movie but i don't know how add several music tracks and how to make button to load one and unload the other.
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Mar 2, 2010
How to load a movie[.swf] at the end of another movie[.swf] in AS3?
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Jun 2, 2010
I am working with a project that has many scenes. Each scene has a movie clip attached to it. The first scene is simple...just a couple of buttons and that is it. My worry is that when I add all of the videos that correspond with each button and publish the SWF will be a huge file. THE QUESTION: Does flash load ALL scenes of a movie or does it load the first scene and then load the other scenes when the user needs to view them?
My ultimate goal is to just have the first scene load and then when the user clicks on the buttons contained within that scene that only upon release does the corresponding scene load. Maybe I am doing this completely wrong and should look at doing it another way.
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May 26, 2009
I am working on a mp3 album collection project and I am using Mediaplayback component for playing the mp3 files, a List component to show all the tracks (and select one) and the songlists are stored in XML data located in one folder for each album. It is working fine, but I want to have a button to "Play all tracks" like when you place a CD in the Windows Media Player, that is, starting playing the first track and so on.... until the last one.
Here are the parts for the mediaplayback:
lista.addEventListener("change", ifchanging);
function ifchanging(evento) {
if (evento.type == "change") {
But it just play the last track. I think it must go on one of the events or in a if..else including the EventListener... I'm just beginning on ActionScripting and I am using parts of what I saw in other codes.
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Oct 13, 2009
I am working on a mp3 album collection project and I am using Mediaplayback component for playing the mp3 files, a List component to show all the tracks (and select one) and the songlists are stored in XML data located in one folder for each album. It is working fine, but I want to have a button to "Play all tracks" like when you place a CD in the Windows Media Player, that is, starting playing the first track and so on.... until the last one.
Here are the parts for the mediaplayback:
lista.addEventListener("change", ifchanging);
function ifchanging(evento) {
if (evento.type == "change") {
that is for when you click (or press) on a selected item in the "lista" List.
I tried something like:
for (var i = 0; i<num_total; i++) {
player.setMedia(urlnow+"/"+lista.selectedIndex[i].data, "MP3");;
But it just play the last track. I think it must go on one of the events or in a if..else including the EventListener...
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Sep 5, 2010
I am working on a mp3 album collection project and I am using Mediaplayback component for playing the mp3 files, a List component to show all the tracks (and select one) and the songlists are stored in XML data located in one folder for each album.It is working fine, but I want to have a button to "Play all tracks" like when you place a CD in the Windows Media Player, that is, starting playing the first track and so on.... until the last one.
Here are the parts for the mediaplayback:
lista.addEventListener("change", ifchanging);
function ifchanging(evento) {
if (evento.type == "change") {
But it just play the last track. I think it must go on one of the events or in a if..else including the EventListener... I'm just beginning on ActionScripting and I am using parts of what I saw in other codes.
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May 7, 2003
I'm trying to create a music bar that will have next/prev track buttons.I thought of creating an array of the tracks and navigating through the array.Naming the tracks "track1", "track2" etc, start with track1 and increase the number after every pass through the loop. Although I thought of these I could not get the code to work.
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Apr 19, 2007
for the following xml sheet:
<cd thumb ="album_music/image.gif" albumtitle="album1" artistname="yoohoo" tracktitles="blah blah">[code]...
I have the following actionscript to navigate between each cd to play tracks within.i need the on release function to be corrected for me so that when u click on the icon - THE PARTICULAR cd is played which the icon represents. right now my on release function plays the first mp3 of the first cd no matter which icon u click on.
var item_spacing = 110;
var item_count = 0;
var tracklist = new Array();[code]....
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Jul 30, 2009
We're creating video that is destined for multiple countries - we've created a framework that has a video page (using the FLV playback component, w an external FLV w/ progressive download) for the given languages we're using, and subtitles for each, etc.. Until now, we've been using the same English video & audio for each, but the client is looking into having the videos dubbed into different languages.
We're hoping to avoid re-encoding the video for each language in order to accommodate for the different audio tracks. Also, having different video files for each language would mean using more storage (since we're talking about a lot of video files, so it adds up). Is there a way to use FLV playback to progressive download an FLV file (video only) while playing a separate mp3 file? Most inquiries into playing separate audio and video has led me to embedding video, which isn't feasible in our case.
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Mar 14, 2012
Is it possible to access a video's audio tracks when playing an flv, mp4, m4v, etc? I am trying to build a player where I can switch between different language tracks but can't find how to access this property.I am using the FLVPlayback component:
ActionScript Code:
mPlayer = new FLVPlayback();
mPlayer.width = 957;
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Jan 4, 2004
where on this site or another site can I find a good in dept tutorial or tutorials on control over music and sound IE loading, playing, and so on. I know the basics but im trying to make a player with multiple tracks and songs that are too big to just place in the flash movie
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Feb 25, 2004
i'm having this weird pb i don't understand, could someone help me? i'm driving crazy here..what i do is load a movie from a movie but the 2nd movie load a variable. when i test the 2nd movie, it loads its variable and displays it as wanted, but when i load it from the 1st movie, the 2nd movie loads but seem not to load anymore its variable..
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May 11, 2011
I am attempting to create a music site with multiple cd pages using frame labels. I am seeking the best means to utilize XML playlists that include a full playable list of tracks from each CD at multiple label "stop"'s. I am struggling with whether I can create one long set of code that accesses the entire multi- cd playlist or whether I need to create unique code at each CD section at it's label "stop" that includes a 'local' xml playlist. Both options are giving me trouble. I am trying to extrapolate on actionScript 3.0 Classroom in a book "controlling Sound with ActionScript" example to multiple webpages - slowly and frustratingly thus far.Does actionScript 3.0 consider the actions within each label set of frames as unique code - meaning when a button takes you to another label new code is required that is fully unique to that new label section? I either get duplicate function or when I atttempt to re-define each function to a unique function in the new label I run into other errors.
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Jun 24, 2009
I am building an as3 site where users upload a 5sec audio using there micraphone on there computer. The audio tracks are saved to the server. I am looking for a script that will dynamically merge all the tracks into 1 track to be played back on the site.
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Aug 13, 2009
I have a Flash file that has two music tracks. The player I built works well so far except for this, I am trying to make a Pause/Play button the works on either track. Right now it only works on one. With my limited knowledge of AS3 I tried different solutions but none worked.
Here is the SWF file; [URL]
You will see that the Pause/Play button only works on �Kiss My Dogg� which is track 1.
Here is the FLA file; [URL]
Below is some of the Script I wrote. The pause/play is the part I can�t figure out.
//function to load different tracks
function loadMusic(evt:MouseEvent):void{
//stop whatever is playing
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Jul 12, 2010
I am in the process of creating a very large map for a client, and need to add a miniature browser that shows the entire map and tracks mouse position.
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Jun 10, 2009
New to flash and actionscript. Here's what I'm using:
Flash CS4
Actionscript 2
I'm creating a mixer interface that plays multiple tracks at the same time. I can play and stop all tracks, but I'm having a tough time figuring out how to pause/unpause the tracks. I have a [pause_btn] and an [unpause_btn] just don't know the code to get them working.
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Dec 3, 2009
I'm currently making an animation which will eventually exceed the 16,000 frame limit (don't ask haha), so, short of making two movies and having to just start up the next one, what is the code for loading a movie? I presume they need to be in the same directory? So basically all I want is on the last frame of the movie the code executes and the second movie file opens up and starts. I guess I'd want the current movie to close, too.
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Feb 12, 2009
I Have 3 Movies:MAIN.SWF, contains loading movie actions for Nav.swf and Home.swf.NAV.SWF, contains navagation menu loaded on Level 2 in Main HOME.SWF, contains slideshow for home page loaded on Level 1 in Main In NAV.SWF, there is a MOVIE CLIP "graphmc", which contains a BUTTON "graphicbtn", When this button is clicked, I'd like the HOME.SWF (which is loaded into Main.swf on Level 1) to fade out and unload, and load and fade in Graphics.SWF in place of it.
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Feb 2, 2011
I am trying to build an online teach tool that shows a presentation/slideshow. It needs to have the ability to track and make sure users are staying through the whole process. The client used this example to show me what they were looking for visually:[URL] Now, I let them know that with a flash video, there would really be no way to do any sort of tracking. What I envision is creating a multi page slideshow which has you click next for the next page. This "next" button would use some sort of javascript to enable the next button after a specified amount of time. A person would be logged in during this, so every-time the person moves on to next slide, I would track their process in the database. My question is, is there any better ways to do this tracking. Also, doing simple animations like cursor movements etc, can really only be accomplished well by using flash I assume? They mentioned using voice over etc.
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