ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Active Camera Out Of Multiple Cameras?
Feb 2, 2009
I am working on a video recorder using AS 2.0. The issue i related to multiple cameras installed on a machine,Camera.get() method gets you with the first camera installed on the machine. But my problem is that if i have more than one cameras and i have to select only the active camera e.g.If i have 3 cameras installed and the 2nd one is active then how to find out which one is active ?
I know that we can use index number in Camera.get(indexNumber). But how to find that index with only one video object on stage.... the problem can be explained clearly with this link -- http:[url].....Login to this link with your Gmail ID and see the video recorder .. if ou have more than one cameras installed it will list them in the ComboBox and catch the Active one ... I
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Jul 19, 2011
I have a situation where I have to a have a few different sized "cameras" to send over a netstream depending on if its a desktop or mobile connected. Here's how I have it setup:
protected var nearCam:Camera;
protected var nearCamForMobile:Camera;
nearCam = Camera.getCamera();
If i do JUST the nearCamForMobile and send that to the mobile versaion it looks great on the phone and it's not stretched. but then obviously its 480x800 resolution looks stretched on the desktop version which is a 385x240 video box. So if i do just the nearCam it looks great on the desktop but then it looks stretched on the mobile....
So what im curious is why Cant I do both vars the way I showed above, display the nearCam, and then have the nearCamForMobile waiting to be sent when i need it to?
Can you only have one camera mode setup at a time? On the mobile version its setup so the user is holding the phone in potrait and its 840x480. The desktop site looks best when its like a widescreen video.
In the end I'm basically trying to figure out how to have 2 camera vars with 2 resolutions. Display 1 on the near side and attach the other to the netstream in a situation where the far is a mobile client. (I know how to figure out if the far is mobile, im not worried about that part)
I just need to be able to transmit a resolution/aspect ratio that looks good for a mobile client. which happens to be in a different aspect ratio than the desktop cleint.
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Nov 9, 2011
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//Load Thumbnails
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function blueDownBounce (e:MouseEvent):void {
var blueDownY:Tween = new Tween(blue, "y", Regular.easeOut, -49, -19, 1, true);
blue.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, blueDownBounce);
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