Make The URL Active Link In A Text Box?

Sep 3, 2010

I've build a simple twitter feed flash application that uses php script to read the latest tweet from xml and returns the string to flash to be displayed in a text box.

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Professional :: Make URL Active Link In Text Box / String?

Sep 2, 2010

I've build a simple twitter feed flash application that uses php script to read the latest tweet from xml and returns the string to flash to be displayed in a text box. However, I was wondering if there is some easy way to make the url in the tweet an active link? [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Link Under And Object On The Same Timeline In-active

Jul 20, 2011

if there is a way to make a linked object deactivate if another object appears above it in my swf file. Basically when mousing over the a image that covers the link object, the hot spot still works which give the impression that the image that is showing above it has a link. Btw I already know how to place the overlaying image on another timeline of which the linked object is not on, but that is not what I am looking for in this case, I actually need the linked object to remain on the same timeline as the overlay images.

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Professional :: Need A Refresher - Text As Active Link W/ Rollover Color?

Jun 30, 2011

I need a refresher for Flash CS5. If I have a line of text, and I want to make it an active link, however the only decoration I'd like is for the text to simply change to a different color on hover over state

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Flash :: Banner Not An Active Link

Mar 31, 2009

I am having an issue with making a flash banner clickable. I cant figure out why. I had this site developed by a programmer and he has the site in php with includes files (so the header is in an "includes" folder at the root of my server and the index.php and banner.swf is at the very root of my server).Anyhow, can someone please a take a look at this page and tell me why the banner isn't active to[url]...?[code]...

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How To Make Diagonal Text Link

Oct 15, 2009

How would I go about making diagonal link like this one.I drew a retangle so that my text would fit in, select both text and rectangle, F8 turn into button,then I turn them 45degree. When hover the text change color the way I want, but the problem is that the button enters the hover state way too soon when my mouse isnt over the rectangle yet.Seems like as long as my mouse falls within x and y coordinates of the text then it goes into hover state.For example my mouse is under the diagonal box, not in yet, but right under the text and it would go into hover state.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Text Link Jump To A Frame In Flash?

Mar 24, 2011

I am trying to make a text link within a scroll box jump to another frame within the same Flash file. Is this possible without having to make a button or movie clip? For some reason if I insert an object like a movie clip or button in the scroll box, it appears in a different area when I publish the file so I can't use that option for links.

I need to be able to highlight the text and then program it to jump to another frame label.

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Flash :: Professional - Make Text (or A Button) Link To A Specific Frame

Aug 9, 2010

1. The old main logo was not as wide as the new one, so now the entire new one is not clickable (to take you back to the main page). How do I fix this?

2. For the life of me I can't figure out how to make text (or a button if need be) link to a specific flash frame. If you look on the site, there are a couple of spots under "What We Do" that I need clickable to take them to the Contact Us page.

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Flex :: Make Paragraph Text That Previews Short Amount Then Expand Link?

Aug 4, 2011

I want to be able to display a paragraph where if the text being shown is (say) over 15 lines long, then a link text will appear and if click it will expand.
This is a long line for here so I need to make more display but I cant so what will (More)... <== this more link will be clicked and the rest will show up below this paragraph expanded to show the rest of it. (Close)... <== this close link will be clicked and the rest of the page will be hidden again.
Can this be done in Flex? Here is a link example done in javascript [URL].

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IDE :: Make SWF Active Without Clicking On It?

Mar 5, 2009

I am embedding an swf into an html page using the same code that flash outputs when you publish your movie. I want to be able interact with the movie without clicking on it but it seems that I HAVE to click before I can interact via the keyboard.This is happening when I view the automatically generated HTML page in FireFox v. 3.0.6.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Function Active Another?

Oct 6, 2009

What I want is to have a display box and depending on what button I roll over it displays a different image. I want to use a switch statement. I know how to do it the long way but i was wondering if i could use a shortcut by having each button active another function which checks what varible is on and displaying that switch case.[code]...

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Dec 17, 2009

I am literally at the end of my wick with this one! Here's the skinny, so to speak:

button line mc


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make The Selected Movieclip Active?

Sep 27, 2011

'tf' is the instance name of the textfield inside a series of movieclips (,, .... How do I make the selected movieclip active? and make the following onRelease action work only for the selected?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use SwapDepths() To Make The New Active Slide Appear Over Old One?

Jul 27, 2007

I am working on a slide show where the slides overlap. When a new slide is accessed, it slightly overlaps the previously accessed one (which is scaled down and moved slightly to give the illusion that it is being pushed back). The problem occurs when I try to use swapDepths() to make the new active slide appear over the old active one, the 2 movie clips that this function is applied on pause and continually swap depths with each other for the remainder of the movie. I read in the documentation that all tweening stops when this function is called. Is there anyway to bypass this and achieve the effect that I am looking for?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Menu In Active State?

May 11, 2010

how to make flash menu in active state.when i click one other button the first button remain on rollover sate and do not become active. see for your self.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Current Button/mc Change Color When Active?

Aug 5, 2011

I have a slideshow where you can click a button and it will bring you to a specific frame with an image on it. How can I code it so that the clicked button that represents the 'current' slide changes color until another button is clicked?  When the other button is clicked, it will take on the 'current' color  I bet this has been asked before, but I've only found responses for AS2.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Function That's Only Executable If The Right Frame Is Active In The Animation?

May 20, 2011

I want to make a function that's only executable if the right frame is active in the animation.In this case, the frame 1 (and make all the rest frames have it's cursor normal):

ActionScript Code:
function follow(evt:MouseEvent){


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Professional :: Make Buttons Below Inactive/active When A Movie Clip Is Playing?

Dec 31, 2009

I've got an infographic I'm working on, and every time I roll over an image (a ring) the alpha goes up to 100, then I roll out and it goes back to 50. That much I'm good with.

Then, I click on each one of them, and a movie clip (built inside of each ring/button) pops up and plays. Fair enough.
I've got a script (ugly, but it works!) that will hide all other buttons while this movie clip is playing. But, when I click to close it, I can't figure out a way to make them reappear. I tried putting visible = true again for all of them, but no dice.

The actionscript for it is right below.

I'm not sure if there's anything I can do to make it modal in AS3 or something like that. Or should I go ahead and set it up in a parent/child kind of way (not too well-versed in that regard.
All the buttons to click on are in the same layer and I'm not sure if making them different layers in Flash would make any difference.

ring1926.movie1926.visible = false; 
// add a rollover to make the inside movieclip appear 


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If Text Field Is Active?

Dec 14, 2010

I am trying to check if an input text field is being selected. I've tried something_txt.selectable, but it is incorrect. How else can I do it?

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Flex :: If The Line Is Shorter Than The Entered Text, A HorizontalScrollBar Will Get Active?

Mar 16, 2010

I have a dataGrid with a custom itemRenderer. Everytime I tab at least two times on the dataGrid, the cell below the one I taped gets selected. This doesn't happen if I uncomment the code in the method saveBackDataGridContent().The second problem is that if the Line is shorter than the entered text, a horizontalScrollBar will get active, although I set setStyle("horizontalScrollPolicy", "off");...

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" initialize="dataService.send()">

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Login - First Frame Is Not Active Frame The 2ed Is The Active And 3ed Is Blank So It Wont Show?

Jan 18, 2012

im working on my own site im lost though i copyed and pasted so much but i cant seem to figer somthing out.i have a members sys sitting on a few frames every thing works. but the profile button, i have a total of 11 buttons that are working. i coppyed them put them all on 1 frame with there own instances that contain 3 frames?the first frame is the not active frame the 2ed is the active and 3ed is blank so it wont show. so my login code at this point is

ActionScript Code:
//Button Functions
signupBtn.onRelease = function() {[code]...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Window Component - Keep Buttons From Being Active While The Popup Window Is Active?

Mar 26, 2009

I have a window component on my main timeline that gets called up on several instances. When the popup window appears, everything looks fine, except that the user can still click on links that are now behind the actual popup window itself. My question is how do I keep those buttons from being active while the popup window is active?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Mouse Event Active In Keyboard Event

Apr 23, 2009

When game starts, the car runs automatically. Then we click the SPACE button, movement of car stops. And the door of structure near car is available to CLICK.

But in coding I got this error code:

TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter listener must be non-null.
at shfg_fla::MainTimeline/key_pressed()

This is some part of my game code...

case Keyboard.SPACE :


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Professional :: Make A Button Active If Another Button Is Clicked?

Dec 13, 2010

I want to make a button (or graphic) active and visible if another button is clicked. But it must be invisible and unclickable before the other button is clicked. (this is a "find the differences between the 2 pictures game" and I want circles to appear over the differences that the user finds but only after he clicks it)

The button (or graphic) I want to become active has instance name of "sockcircle_btn" The button you click to make it appear is called "sock_btn"

In the first frame of the sockcircle_btn layer, this is my code

function sockcircledisable(evt:MouseEvent):void{
sockcircle_btn.mouseEnabled = false;
In the sock_btn frame (frame 3) this is my code

function sockcircleenable(evt:MouseEvent):void{
sockcircle_btn.mouseEnabled = true;

The file is setup to loop between frames 2-3. But the sockcircle_btn never enables even when sock_btn is clicked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text Scroller - Input The Text To Show As A Link

Nov 17, 2003

I dowloaded and played with the following scroller on this site... [URL] I see where the text is under Actions but I'm wondering if I can input hyperlinks and email links as well or will I only be able to use this with plain text. If formatting and links are allowed, how can I input the text to show as a link. Sorry, I don't know much about flash and just trying to make a simple text box with scrolling capability that will allow hyperlinks, bold, etc...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link Text Hyperlink In Dynamic Text Box To Label

Nov 3, 2010

I have an AS3 flash movie and each page is a new frame. On my pages are dynamic scrollable text boxes that I created with the text tool. I would like to be able to make a piece of text a link (ex. click here for prices) so that it will direct the view to another page (label). I cannot figure out how to do so.

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Professional :: Text Disappears At Runtime When URL Link Used In Text

Jun 2, 2010

I'm having a little trouble using URL links in text. If I select a part of the text and give it a URL link (I'm using mailto: links here), strange things are happening to all the text in that text box at runtime in some cases the leading changes, other times some or all of the text disappears. But it only happens at runtime, so I have no way of knowing if or how to compensate. And simply removing the offending link or linked text doesn't fix the problem once the link has been created the only way to fix it is to create a new text box with no links.

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IDE :: How To Make A Link

Mar 16, 2009

how can I make a link with ActionScript 3.0


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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make A Link

Mar 16, 2009

how can I make a link with ActionScript 3.0Paul Weinstock

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Url Link

Sep 29, 2008

I'm new to flash and just trying to make a url link. followed instructions and I keep getting an error" '{' expected " in line 5. It's there!!! It seems right to me. Am I missing something. it seems simple.


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