Flex :: Make Paragraph Text That Previews Short Amount Then Expand Link?

Aug 4, 2011

I want to be able to display a paragraph where if the text being shown is (say) over 15 lines long, then a link text will appear and if click it will expand.
This is a long line for here so I need to make more display but I cant so what will (More)... <== this more link will be clicked and the rest will show up below this paragraph expanded to show the rest of it. (Close)... <== this close link will be clicked and the rest of the page will be hidden again.
Can this be done in Flex? Here is a link example done in javascript [URL].

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Stackover flow rules, Stackover flow rules, Stackover flow rules,

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Aug 9, 2010

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2. For the life of me I can't figure out how to make text (or a button if need be) link to a specific flash frame. If you look on the site, there are a couple of spots under "What We Do" that I need clickable to take them to the Contact Us page.

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