CS3 :: Make Movie Expand Out Of Page?

Feb 7, 2011

I am very new to Flash and would like to find some way to have a movie expand from the page and open larger. I have tried having it open in another window, but that looks cheezy. It would be great to have it sitting in the page (right now it is 375 X 280) and then when someone clicks on the video it opens, without any borders, just viewer, to 900 X 675. I have looked online at various players, but none do anything like this. There has to be a way to make this happen. Right now I am using Dreamweaver CS3 and just using the embed player that is part of Dreamweaver.

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Make Flash Page Scroll To Top?

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Aug 11, 2009

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if(Key.isDown(Key.Alt && Key.A)){
reminder._visible = true;

So when someone presses the Alt and A keys down at the same time the 'reminder' mc becomes visible?

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