ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Flash Form To Work?
Apr 6, 2008
I'm in the process of building a flash form I've been following tutorial:
But I've made a change to the work layout (details below) and now I can't get my:
ActionScript to work so when you press the send button on the form page the play head doesn�t advance to the thank you frame.
In the tutorial shown all the frames are on the main timeline. Because of existing content layout in the site I�m building this form for I have to build the same form and placed it in a movie clip aptly named "form" so it will occupy only one frame on the main timeline.I think the problem lines in the:
Part should it be a:
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Jun 23, 2010
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Slides and Forms documents are not supported in this version of Flash. open in a previous version.
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Oct 18, 2009
i've created a basic flash form which uses the following script for the send button:[code]it works well when i test it locally in the flash IDE.. it also works when i upload the SWF and the corresponding HTML file that holds it to url...but when i upload it to a subdomain (ex. url..), it doesnt work anymore.. after pressing the "send" button, my "sending input" animation shows up as expected, but then it gets stuck there and never proceeds to the "input sent" animation.. the message never gets sent to my email..
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Dec 16, 2011
The contact form isn't work and message isn't send.
nametxt.text = eventtxt.text = reviewtxt.text = "";
sendbtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, bsend);
clean_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clean);
var timer2:Timer;
var var_load2:URLLoader = new URLLoader;
This code is used for "review" (without e-mail).
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Nov 25, 2010
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on (rollOver) {
}on (releaseOutside, rollOut) {
}on (release) {
for (i=1; i<_parent.fields_descriptions.length; i++) {
if (_parent[_parent.fields_descriptions[i][1]] != undefined) {
[Code] .....
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Mar 8, 2011
is it possible to make an email form work offline? I had it working with PHP but now the whole thing is wanted to be used offline, so.. tried to Google, but no luck with that. It doesn't have to be an email form actually, sending data to a text/xml file works just as well.
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Apr 21, 2009
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ps. contact_tween is the name of movie I created to fade the whole contact page in and out.
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Apr 12, 2005
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Apr 12, 2005
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Feb 17, 2010
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Sep 28, 2004
I recently had a client ask me to fix a previously designed Contact form on their Flash site. The form works perfectly, except for the fact that the missing fields test does not seem to work. (In other words, it doesn't recognize when required fields are left blank.) Below is the script that is called when the Submit button is should jump to a frame that contains this:
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Nov 6, 2011
I have a qtwebkit browser with Mozilla NPAPI plugins from which I access a web page. This page contains flash forms and I need to be able to access and manipulate its elements. Does anyone knows if this is possible and how?
PS: I don't want to use flash's ExternalInterface
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Sep 16, 2005
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Aug 27, 2003
ok, i made a form and i want to count how many characters you can type so i got this far...
mlength = message.length;
charsleft = 466-mlength+" characters left";
that works except when i made the movie 2 frames and looped it back the form wont work
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Oct 19, 2009
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submit_btn.onRelease = function() {
var emailform:text;
emailform.email_txt = email_txt.text;[code]......
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Jul 15, 2011
I am having a problem getting radio button data into php and I can not seem to find any answers. My project is simple I have a group of radio buttons, when one is selected and a submit button is pressed I want the data from the radio button to populate the subject line of an email and send it.I can make a form work with input fields but not with radio button data.
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Jan 13, 2012
I have a flash form that need to submit values to a PHP file.I am using in flash: varsToSend.send("subsrcibe.php","process","POST"); The "subsrcibe.php" contains a form that is connected directly to a database.What i want to do is, to load the variables from Flash to this PHP file, and then submit them automatically to the database (The PHP page should not open to the users).
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Feb 4, 2009
I am having some issues with a php email form that I am using in my AS3 project. the form works perfect and all communication is good.however when the user is on the page and wants to tab to the next text field it jumps to one of my hyperlinks on the same page and not to the next text field down on the php form.
is there any way to stop this from happening.I have tried placing the php form on a seperate layer in a seperate mc and I have done the same with the hyperlinks .you can see what I mean by visiting this development site.(after entering go to contact)http:[url].....
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Jul 17, 2010
I have only two fields Name and Email in a Order form and a PayPal button for payment at PayPal ( into my account).I can do the mail portion but have no idea about PayPal code, however on search here I found one code and after pasting this one to the PayPal button it redirects to my PayPal account.But the question is anybody can post a message and leave the site without paying me. How can I do this thing so that the user will forced to pay before posting the mail form.
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Feb 12, 2012
How can I replace the value in the getstring for parameter partNumber=a100 with whatever the user typed into the search box.
AS3 Code
var link:URLRequest=new URLRequest(" E&partial=true&theAction=search" + search_txt.text);
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