ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Form Doesnt Work When Uploaded To Site

Oct 18, 2009

i've created a basic flash form which uses the following script for the send button:[code]it works well when i test it locally in the flash IDE.. it also works when i upload the SWF and the corresponding HTML file that holds it to url...but when i upload it to a subdomain (ex. url..), it doesnt work anymore.. after pressing the "send" button, my "sending input" animation shows up as expected, but then it gets stuck there and never proceeds to the "input sent" animation.. the message never gets sent to my email..

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HTML Code:


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Scene 1, Layer 'Action Script', Frame 291, Line 3 1021: Duplicate function definition. 1st Code that works fine send_details.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendData); function sendData(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{ trace (fullnames_txt.text); trace (email_txt.text); trace (contact_numbers_txt.text); trace (postage_details_txt.text); trace (message_txt.text); var [code]....

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sliderF = function () {
this.onEnterFrame = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Website Does Not Work When Uploaded

Jul 20, 2010

I've created this simple website which consists of a 3d carousel style gallery of images. When I tested it locally everything worked perfectly, however, the version on the web-server is not working. The website is at dansawesomeweb. site11. com. I renamed the html file so you can browse the websites folders if you wish. After much testing I believe the problem of the website lies within me loading external images. You see two of the images(the only two that you can see) are loaded from the same domain and specifically the same directory as the website itself. It seems to be unable to load any image from any where else on the web.It could be to do with the image url's I used: i'm not entirely sure how they should be formatted? (As you can tell I'm not familiar with this kind of stuff) Do you think it's my host? -but from what I hear 000webhost does fully support flash. Or do you think it's purly how I programmed it in as?

The way the website works is that the base.swf loads the caro.swf. The caro.swf's doc class is The flash makes use of some custom classes that are in the class folders. The class called 'Obj' is an image holder movieclip that loads an image off the web into itself: These make up the carousel. There is also one class that is supposed to load a higher resolution of images when you click on one of the Obj's, and also show a description. The image url's, captions and descriptions are held in an xml document which is loaded by the caro.swf at the start. Just go to the webpage and click on the CaroData.xml for the XML.

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Published Files Work On Local Site But Not On Remote Site?

Nov 4, 2009

the flash4 published set of files, with a variety of skins tried, works well on the local drive, even when moved to a different folder structure. when index.html is opened on the remote web site, the browser (firefox3 and ie7) displays the player conrols and a rotating horizontal barber pole, green and black, but no flash video.some of the skins i've used are: SkinOverPlaySeekFullscreen.swf, nOverPlayStopSeekCaptionVol.swf and SkinUnderPlay.swf. all work locally but do not play the .flv file on the web site. no problem playing flv movies on the remote web site if the file set is created by dreamweaver.

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Preloader Doesnt Work After Cacheing?

Jun 30, 2009

I have an app with a preloader - works fine until the content gets cached, then for some reason wont progress to the next slide - Fullscreen mode is set to full (if that makes a difference). It doesnt seem to happen consistently either.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveaddEventListener Doesnt Work?

Jun 8, 2011

here is the code



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Actionscript 3 :: Stopdrag Doesnt Work As It Should?

Aug 23, 2010

i'm trying to drag something, and on stopdrag it should start a function if certain requirements are fullfilled. My code looks like this.if( == targetName ||"cloud").getChildByName("itemPlacer").getChildAt(1) == targetName){

I got 2 questions, first, this works good when i drag and stopdrag correctly(the requirements in the if are fullfilled). but if the requirements are not fullfilled i get an error saying that the place i'm referring to cant be null. I know that the problem lies after the || part but dont know how to resolve it. 2nd, isnt there a shorter way of doing these checks? Atm i'm going through alot of parents and getchildats and was wondering if there was another way.

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Aug 15, 2006

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IDE :: Navigation File Just Doesnt Seem To Work

May 9, 2009

i am having a serious problem with my navigation my file just doesnt seem to work heres the code:[code]ill upload the FLA in a sec if anyone could please take a peek this is for a project at uni i need to have it handed in by monday and ive been stuck with this problem since 15:00 in the afternoon uk time and its now 22:15.url...

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