ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Does Not Work When Site Is Uploaded To Linux Server

Jun 27, 2010

I am building a flash intro page, but when I publish the file on my computer and even run for errors, everything works and comes clean... But when I load it onto the server, the ENTER button, no longer works...

If someone could check the actionscript for the button... I checked and double checked my code, and it seems to be right

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Working When Uploaded To Linux Server

Jan 21, 2009

Works like a charm when I preview it but when I upload to the server (tried 3 different ones) it just ignore the actionscripts all together no matter what I use.

What I have is a rotating banner system. I set it up to randomly start at a specific one. If I preview it locally or run in in my .html file locally (just using preview in dreamweaver) it works like a charm and starts at a random one. When I upload it it just starts at the first one like the actionscripts do not exist.

Using Flash CS3 and AS3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Form Doesnt Work When Uploaded To Site

Oct 18, 2009

i've created a basic flash form which uses the following script for the send button:[code]it works well when i test it locally in the flash IDE.. it also works when i upload the SWF and the corresponding HTML file that holds it to url...but when i upload it to a subdomain (ex. url..), it doesnt work anymore.. after pressing the "send" button, my "sending input" animation shows up as expected, but then it gets stuck there and never proceeds to the "input sent" animation.. the message never gets sent to my email..

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Flash Won't Work When Uploaded To Server

Sep 30, 2009

I made a flash website for a client and there is only ONE thing wrong with it. Everything works when I preview it in Adobe Flash Player. And I have it embedded in a Dreamweaver CS3 file, and when I preview works. THEN when I upload it to the server, two of the INTERNAL links fail. I have two links that say "Behind the Camera" and "Contact". [URL] You can see when you click on either of the links, it just randomly skips ahead in the first scene. What I really want them to do is when you click Behind the Camera you go to Scene 2 and Contacts you go to Scene 3. I have coded everything correctly, because everything works when I preview it. But once I upload the .swf file to the server, those links fail.

The code I used for the buttons are:

BTC.onPress = function(){
gotoAndPlay("Scene 3", 1)


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Media Server :: Convert A Windows App To Work On A Linux System?

Jan 17, 2010

For the past while, my developer has been working with me on a small project to put together a live interactive whiteboard app, powered by Flash Media Interactive Server. Well, everything is finished & ready to go, but there seems to be a big problem:
The app was developed & tested on a windows machine, while my server and all my website files (to integrate with) is on a Linux system.
It's been a month since this problem arrose, and there had not been any further progress with this project for the time. My developer doesn't seem to know much about how the 'conversion process' works, if there is one.
Do you know if this is possible (to convert a windows-programmed app to work on a linux system)? If so, do you know roughly how it should be handled?

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Feb 23, 2010

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My website: [URL]

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XML Gallery Works Fine Offline But Doesnt Work When Uploaded To Server?

Sep 1, 2009

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Sep 1, 2009

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I have made some buttons that call in external swf files and these work perfectly on my own machine when tested in various browsers. My problem is when i upload to the server and then test in the browser, the buttons don't work anymore. perhaps if you have server space you can test it out for me and then delete them?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button/transitions - Dont Work When Uploaded?

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Php :: Linux - SWFUpload Image Upload Fails With 'Partial File Uploaded'?

Nov 4, 2011

I'm using SWFUpload to upload images without reloading the page (with a fancy progressbar too), this works fine when I'm on localhost (Wamp server), but it goes nuts when I try to do so on my real linux server (which is the only possible flag as far as I could see), it's running Apache2 and PHP5. As I said the front-end is fine (apart maybe from the fact it's flash).The back-end code is as follows:

var swfu_settings ={upload_url : "upload.php",
flash_url : "flash/swfupload.swf",
button_placeholder_id : "upload_flash",


The only error that I get is from $_FILES['Filedata']['error'] = 3, 'Only part of the file was uploaded'. The destination directory does have 777 permission and you can see I made the required checks. It simply will not work, I have no idea why. Also, the files I tried uploading had no spaces in the filename, so that shouldn't fit under the issue 206 with SWFUpload.As far as I can tell it can be either due to the front-end SWFUpload or back-end server configuration.

P.S. no need to mention security, this is only allowed to be used by the server admin with external access anyhow, plus there's the front-end limitation on the files he can select (images). There was no point securing it further.

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Professional :: .flv Will Not Play Once Uploaded To Server But Plays Fine Before It Is Uploaded

Aug 6, 2010

I have a flash template that I bought and customized with dreamweaver, flash and Coda html editor, the website test PERFECTLY when I test the index.html file, all of the buttons work fine, I have a total of 12 .flv videos and they ALL play back fine, when I play the index.html file, the problem occurs when I upload the files to my godaddy server, 11 of the videos play fine, the whole site is fine, it is one particular .flv file that will not play once it is uploaded to the server. I have changed the orders the video play, renamed the file and changed the html flv path to reflect the name change, I have deleted all the files off my server, refreshed the server logged out and re logged on and uploaded everything again, I have re-encoded the original .mov file to a .flv file again using Adobe media encoder, still nothing, I am wondering why would the index.html play this particular .flv file fine, but once uploaded to the server it will not play, the path is correct I have checked it, if the path were the problem the index.html for that particular file would not play when I test the index.html file before I upload it, but it plays fine until it is uploaded, I am uploading the whole folder on the root, and this particular video file is in a folder with all the rest of the .flv files, I even tried changing the path and putting this particular .flv file in a seperate folder and change the path still nothing.

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Jan 19, 2011

Is it possible to have multiple FMS installation running on 1 linux server?This mean that each fmsadmin, fmsmaster, fmsedge, fmscore will run under a specific user. (not vhosts of a single FMS install)How will this impact the performance of the other FMS instances in case there are more of them running on the same server?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: External Swfs Not Displaying When Site Is Uploaded?

Feb 2, 2010

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This frame also contains the clip (designplay) which the design.swf should load into. It appears the issue is with the paths, I've spent a long time trying to fix this and just can't get it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Not Loading Xml Data / Images When Uploaded To Site

Aug 30, 2010

I just uploaded my exported swf to the site for the first time and it's running the movie but, either not reading the xml file or reading the xml and not loading the images.

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Dec 9, 2010

I have apache web server installed on linux with one ip and some virtual hosts. Can I install fms on this server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Website Does Not Work When Uploaded

Jul 20, 2010

I've created this simple website which consists of a 3d carousel style gallery of images. When I tested it locally everything worked perfectly, however, the version on the web-server is not working. The website is at dansawesomeweb. site11. com. I renamed the html file so you can browse the websites folders if you wish. After much testing I believe the problem of the website lies within me loading external images. You see two of the images(the only two that you can see) are loaded from the same domain and specifically the same directory as the website itself. It seems to be unable to load any image from any where else on the web.It could be to do with the image url's I used: i'm not entirely sure how they should be formatted? (As you can tell I'm not familiar with this kind of stuff) Do you think it's my host? -but from what I hear 000webhost does fully support flash. Or do you think it's purly how I programmed it in as?

The way the website works is that the base.swf loads the caro.swf. The caro.swf's doc class is The flash makes use of some custom classes that are in the class folders. The class called 'Obj' is an image holder movieclip that loads an image off the web into itself: These make up the carousel. There is also one class that is supposed to load a higher resolution of images when you click on one of the Obj's, and also show a description. The image url's, captions and descriptions are held in an xml document which is loaded by the caro.swf at the start. Just go to the webpage and click on the CaroData.xml for the XML.

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Published Files Work On Local Site But Not On Remote Site?

Nov 4, 2009

the flash4 published set of files, with a variety of skins tried, works well on the local drive, even when moved to a different folder structure. when index.html is opened on the remote web site, the browser (firefox3 and ie7) displays the player conrols and a rotating horizontal barber pole, green and black, but no flash video.some of the skins i've used are: SkinOverPlaySeekFullscreen.swf, nOverPlayStopSeekCaptionVol.swf and SkinUnderPlay.swf. all work locally but do not play the .flv file on the web site. no problem playing flv movies on the remote web site if the file set is created by dreamweaver.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: SWF Resizing Code Won't Work When Uploaded?

Jul 16, 2010

Every time I preview my .swf in flash I can see everything resizing correctly as well as staying centered on the page. However when I uploaded it to the web none of it works anymore and I have no idea why.Check it out...
.swf code:
ActionScript Code:


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Media Server :: 3.5 Compatible With Red Hat Linux 5.3?

May 14, 2009

there's the Adobe requirement Linux® Red Hat® 4 or 5.2 supported OS for FMS 3.5. I would like to know, is FMS 3.5 compitable with Linux® Red Hat® 5.3 ?

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Media Server :: Adobe - Cannot Use .dll On Linux

Sep 24, 2011

Adobe I can find instructions and a list of needed for modifying Apache to work with HLS for Apple/IOS devices. However I cannot use .dll on Linux but I can possibly use the .so files .... so can you verify that FMS 4.5 HLS for Apple/IOS devices works on Linux by installing just the 3 .so files below? If it is in short why don't i need the .dll? I don't spend days trying to install FMS 4.5 in a way that is not documented or tested by you. Also is installing FMS 4.5 and HLS for Adobe/IOS devices possible on IIS? Where do i get instructions for IIS?


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Php :: Executing Actionscript On A Linux Server?

Oct 12, 2011

I have a set of ~5 ActionScript 3 classes that are currently used within a flex 4 application. Although their output is used to display graphs etc in my flex app, the classes themselves have no visual components - they are only used to do complex math computations (I originally implemented them in AS3 in order to avoid constant server calls when computations were needed by the flex app).

However, I now want to make the same mathematical computation engine available on my linux server so the computations can be done within PHP. Is there any way at all to access the logic in these classes on the server? I would really like to avoid re-implementing the complex logic in PHP.

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Professional :: SWF File Do Not Work Accordingly When Uploaded To The Browser/online

Sep 2, 2010

iv been having this problem  with swf file iv created, it consist of images somewhat like a gallery.  when played offline it works smoothly, navigating frame to frame / image  by image. iv used AS3 to compose the animations in my flash file. now  my problem is when its uploaded online, the swf is shown but once iv  clicked on a link to proceed on showing the gallery it lags and  continously loop when it should actualy stop on a frame and wait till  the next button is clicked to procced to the next image. plus the  animation iv added in doesn't seem to working at all.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Sending Mail With PHP Wont Work When Uploaded?

Jan 19, 2009

i have tried my hardest to get this mail form working but am having one final problem. When i test the form inside of flash it works fine, i get the email with all inputted information however: when i upload the swf containing the form to my server the form no longer works? i don't even get the message not sent info?

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