ActionScript 3.0 :: Not Working When Uploaded To Linux Server

Jan 21, 2009

Works like a charm when I preview it but when I upload to the server (tried 3 different ones) it just ignore the actionscripts all together no matter what I use.

What I have is a rotating banner system. I set it up to randomly start at a specific one. If I preview it locally or run in in my .html file locally (just using preview in dreamweaver) it works like a charm and starts at a random one. When I upload it it just starts at the first one like the actionscripts do not exist.

Using Flash CS3 and AS3.

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XML :: Main Flash SWF Not Working Once Uploaded To Server

Oct 13, 2009

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#include ""
When I test the movie in Flash CS4, everything works fine, it loads all the data from the XML file menu.xml which is in the same folder. Using the Simulate Download function from Flash, it also runs fine, with not one error, everything loads. Now comes the headscratcher, once I upload it and run it, it does not work. The server is a Linux box and I work on a Mac. Everything I load externally is in the same folder as the SWF, so I have no absolute paths, all relative to the SWF. Can this be some sort of sandbox issue? [URL]

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var swfu_settings ={upload_url : "upload.php",
flash_url : "flash/swfupload.swf",
button_placeholder_id : "upload_flash",


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P.S. no need to mention security, this is only allowed to be used by the server admin with external access anyhow, plus there's the front-end limitation on the files he can select (images). There was no point securing it further.

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I'm loading thumbnail images from youtube and upon adding them to the stage I have encountered some issues.

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Note: The commented section is the one that is working locally but not uploaded.

private function buildThumb() : void {
$loader = new Loader();
$loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);


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Media Server :: Set An Username And Password For The FME In Linux

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I installed FMS into a linux server with its own flash media encoder uthentication add-in. I restarted the fms service. The fms is working fine, i can stream and also visualize the stream on a client. When I connect to fms with fme i'm not asked for username and password. How do I set up users in fms so that the access to it should be restricted?

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Dec 16, 2011

1. I've installed FMS on OpenSuse 11.4 64 bit, I know that according to the requirements it is not recommended distribution, but common opensuse is very modern and complete.

2. During the installation I had to make a link into the directory where installFMS script was present (because installer says that there is no libcap library which is not true)

3. Completed the installation without installing apache (I have apache on this machine but disabled -> free 80 port)

4. I have left default configuration (regarding user, group, ports: 80 & 1935 + 1111, added the admin user)

5. I started the server with the command ./server start

6. My htop shows: - several processes ./fmsadmin -console -conf ./conf/Server.xml

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8. I can not connect to the rtmp service or rtmpt service

I am using:


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Media Server :: Webcams Not Always Being Detected In Linux?

Mar 18, 2012


My webcam works great with Skype and Cheese and it used to work great with a program called FaceFlow but now when i try to use it with FaceFlow i get the following pop-up: Adobe Flash Player can't locate a camera on my computer? I have installed via Synaptic the latest version of Adobe Flash Player which is 11,1,102,63 but without any affect?

Would it be possible to uninstall the present version of Adobe and use an older version in the hope that the webcam will be recognised?"
I did a quick test of FaceFlow the other day ......  I have two webcams for testing, one is an older model and the other a uvc compatible device.

Faceflow would not recognise the older model, only the uvc camera.

Seems you have come across the same problem  "

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Local Swf On Linux Box Cannot Communicate With Server

Aug 9, 2009

I have a swf file stored locally on a linux machine, that is launched on boot up via opera. the swf communicates with the server to login and retrieve xml data, and then loads other swfs on the server.

i have added the crossdomain.xml to the root of my server, and added the appropriate'my domain').

this process works fine on a windows machine, but with the linux setup, the call to login with 'sendAndLoad' does not return a successful result.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrollwheel Not Working When SWF Uploaded To Site

Nov 17, 2009

I have a thumbnail scroller, it's working when I preview it in flash or in IE when the files are not on my server, however when I upload them to my site, the scrollwheel no longer works.

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Media Server :: Listening Audio Nellymoser 8k In Linux And Mac OS

Jun 11, 2009

If I publish using an Adobe Flash Media Encoder 2.5 or a normal client a netstream with codec NellyMoser at 8Khz, the audio stream is incomprehensible for a MAC OS or a Linux Adobe Player.Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a new Actionscript Project in Flex Builder, for example: AdobeBug.

2. Start a Flash Media Server 3.5 in localhost(rtmp://localhost/live).

3. Insert the following code in the Default Application file: AdobeBug.[code]

4. Compile and play the file. 5. Run the Adobe Flash Media Administration Console and play the stream named livestream using a Linux or a Mac OS system, but not a Windows system. This stream should be a Nellymoser audio at 8KHz.

Playback starts, but audio is unintelligible in Linux and Mac OS Adobe Flash player.Doesn't happen if I listen the stream using a Adobe Flash Player plugin or a Flash Media Administration Console for Windows systems.

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Media Server :: Install And Run FMS On A Red Hat Enterprise Linux System?

Nov 18, 2009

I'm attempting to install and run FMS on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system.  At one point, it did function properly, but now it will not stream video at all, and I keep getting a constant stream of errors.  No changes were made to the FMS configuration to make it stop working.  Attempting to load it in console mode results in the following:
-bash-3.2$ ./fmsmaster -consoleAdobe Flash Media Server (Master)Console mode.FMS detected IPv6 protocol stack!FMS config <NetworkingIPv6 enable=false>FMS running in IPv4 protocol stack mode!Host: uberserver IPv4: starting...Edge (13199) started, arguments : -edgeports ":1935,80" -coreports "localhost:19350" -conf "/opt/adobe/fms/conf/Server.xml" -adaptor "_defaultRoot_" -name

The assert errors continue until I terminate the process.

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Media Server :: Make An Application Signed With FMS In Linux?

Nov 27, 2010

I've already enabled the FMIS: Please enter your Flash Media Server 3.5.1 serial number.xxxxxx Congratulations. You have enabled theAdobe Flash Media Interactive Server! But my own application still fails :


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Media Server :: RTMPS In Chrome And Firefox / Linux

Apr 25, 2011

I've been working with the Beginning AS3 Tutorial which streams a video from Flash Media Server. I've been trying to enable RTMPS for this demo and it works correctly in Firefox and IE on Windows (usingTLS == true) but does not work (usingTLS == false) in Firefox on Linux and Chrome on Windows. Why Flash does not currently support either of these browsers? I've verified against Openssl using s_client connect that the certificate chain was properly installed from the website's wildcard certificate -> intermediate certificate -> root certificate. Why doesn't it work in all browsers on all platforms?

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Media Server :: Upgrading FMS Software On Many Linux Systems?

Sep 9, 2011

We have several systems, inside and outside (development, test and production), that we need to upgrade FMS on  Over time, I have found the process utterly cumbersome, prone to errors and time consuming... and outright annoying therefore.The permissions are never consistent, usually insecure (tmp and other directories world writable), and so onI wonder if anyone here has come up with a nifty way to work around this. For example, our setup is pretty uniform, so it's really unnecessary to do an interactive install all the time -- I could of course strip down the installFMS script, but I don't want to conflict with future changes

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Media Server :: Live Streaming With DVR On 64-bit Linux Platform

Nov 9, 2011

I deployed FMS 4.0 enterprise edition on my  64-bit linux platform. in the applications folder of FMS, i create a "dvr" subfolder and at the same time create a dvr.asc. the code is as the following :

application.onAppStart = function()
trace("app fme started!");

i expect the live stream will be recorded on the FMS server , but unfortunately nothing happened . But if i use my pc ( 32-bit windows xp platform) , everything works well. when i connect to my win_xp pc, the fms server automatically created a streams\_definst_myVideo.flv file under the dvr folder.
then the fms server on 64-bit linux cannot create the myVideo.flv file ?

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Flash Won't Work When Uploaded To Server

Sep 30, 2009

I made a flash website for a client and there is only ONE thing wrong with it. Everything works when I preview it in Adobe Flash Player. And I have it embedded in a Dreamweaver CS3 file, and when I preview works. THEN when I upload it to the server, two of the INTERNAL links fail. I have two links that say "Behind the Camera" and "Contact". [URL] You can see when you click on either of the links, it just randomly skips ahead in the first scene. What I really want them to do is when you click Behind the Camera you go to Scene 2 and Contacts you go to Scene 3. I have coded everything correctly, because everything works when I preview it. But once I upload the .swf file to the server, those links fail.

The code I used for the buttons are:

BTC.onPress = function(){
gotoAndPlay("Scene 3", 1)


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Media Server :: Fail To Generate Core Dump In FMS On Linux?

Jul 6, 2009

I have failed in generating core.I have added a line "ulimit -c unlimited" in server's start function. I killed the fmsedge process by "killall -6 fmsedge". The process do be killed but no core. file is seen in /opt/adobe/fms finally.

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