Form Loaded Into Main Movie Doesn't Work?

Mar 31, 2007

I have created a main swf file which holds a movie container which other swf's load into. One of the sections has a form in it. When I preview this section on its own the form works, but when I preview through the main swf file (or online) the text fields cannot be typed into. How can I fix this? Files can be downloaded from;[url]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Movie Doesn't Work When Loaded On Another Movie

Jan 31, 2012

Greetings. I've been doing this tutorial. [URL] And worked pretty well. In order to adapt to my needs i made it a movie with a drag and drop parameter to be loaded in another movie (with loadMovie or loadMovieNum). The problem is than the movie loads, drags but doesnt drops. Even i tried with the example movie and nothing happens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX, Text Scroller Doesn't Work When Loaded Into A Movie?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Guestbook Doesn't Work When Loaded Into Empty Movie Clip?

Jan 20, 2004

I have made a simple site with some simple transitions. each button on my site loads in an external swf file into an empty movie clip.

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Now then, when i load in the guestbook into the main swf, nothing happens on the server when I test it - I am lost and now come to you people for advice. It obviously has something to do with being loaded into an empty movie clip that is causing conflict.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Flash Form Doesn't Work

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Professional :: CS4 Flash Form Application Doesn't Work In CS5

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Slides and Forms documents are not supported in this version of Flash. open in a previous version.
Is there any known work around to be able to maintain a Forms flash project in CS5?
How long will CS3 or CS4 be supported?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3 Main Buttons Doesn't Seem To Unload Loaded .swf?

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2.) 3 main buttons doesn't seem to unload loaded .swf...

Main .swf code:

PHP Code:[code].....

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Doesn't Work When Loaded Into External Swf?

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// Custom Mouse Controls


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Externally Loaded Swf Doesn't Work?

Mar 13, 2009

I am still trying to get comfortable with AS3 so I kind of understand the problem, but can't figure out how to go about fixing it. I am developing a flash site where there is a main container swf which basically contains the site's navigation and a blank movieclip into which external swfs are loaded when the user selects a section. Loading the swfs is not an issue, but getting the actionscript in the external swfs to work is. They work fine standing alone, but when loaded into the container swf they do not.I'm assuming the issue is that the path to the eventlisteners, functions, ect. are broken when loaded into the container. I tried adding the instance name of the blank movieclip to the path but that didn't seem to work

i.e. if my blank movie clip is called "swfContainer_mc" then
Code: Select allexampleMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, testRoll);
gets changed to:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: ComboBox Does Not Work When Loaded In Main SWF

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I am going to make one contact form with Combobox with some input fields in it. The problem is when I tested the contact.swf it works fine and I can easily select any item as I like. But when this contact.swf loads in the main swf by clicking the contact button in the main swf the combo box does not work at all. I attached these two flash for your look. [URL].

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader In External.swf Does Not Work When Loaded Through Main Swf

Jul 11, 2009

this is my final bug then I can finally launch this bloody site. here's my problem, I am loading an external .swf, which contains a pre-loader. the preloader in the external .swf works fine when I test it online by itself (not being loaded via main.swf) But when I test the external.swf through the main.swf the preloader does not work. the external.swf just plays through like it does not recognize the stop in the first frame to initialize the preloader skipping it is my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame Doesn't Work For A Clip Loaded With LoadMovie

Aug 9, 2004

I haven't been able to find documentation on why loaded movies via 'loadMovie' into another movie clip don't seem to obey onEnterFrame commands. The following code represents a movie clip, 'container', which has a loaded external .swf file, 'box.swf'.

I have set the container to begin a decreasing alpha change. I've also added a trace to see if the onEnterFrame is performing at all. What happens is that the box does not appear to have an alpha change. There is, however, a trace that returns an output of '100' only. But no other numbers, suggesting that the command has stopped.

// Start
container.onEnterFrame = function () {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame Doesn't Work For A Clip Loaded With LoadMovie?

Aug 9, 2004

I haven't been able to find documentation on why loaded movies via'loadMovie' into another movie clip don't seem to obey onEnterFramecommands. The following code represents a movie clip, 'container',which has a loaded external .swf file, 'box.swf'.I have set the container to begin a decreasing alpha change. I've alsoadded a trace to see if the onEnterFrame is performing at all. Whathappens is that the box does not appear to have an alpha change.Thereis, however, a trace that returns an output of '100' only. But noother numbers, suggesting that the command has stopped.

// Start
container.onEnterFrame = function () {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targetting - Use LoadMovie() To Load Movie Into Main Movie - Buttons No Longer Work

Oct 1, 2003

I have a movie. In it are some buttons and a dynamic text field. When I press the buttons is should load text from a database into the dynamic text field. If I run the movie by itself (ie. not by LoadMovie()-ing it into a different movie) the dynamic text field gets filled with text and all is well and good. However, when I use LoadMovie() to load this very same movie into my main movie, the buttons no longer work; the text field stays empty.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add One To The File That Is Loaded Into The Main Movie Main Movie That Is Loading The File?

Aug 3, 2003

using the command:

loadMovie(_root.section, _root.content);how would i work in a preloader bar?? add one to the file that is loaded into the main movie or on my main movie that is loading the file?

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Can't Seem To Export Movie And Make Contact Form Work

Dec 16, 2009

I'm editing a flash template for a client - and AI can't seem to export the movie and make the contact form work. When I open up the default file from the provider - I get this output message:Forms Component - Version 0.81Couldn't load configuration.Even if I don't touch the contact page - it will never work when I export it for the web. I've been talking with the template help-desk for weeks, and they keep saying "it works for us".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Listener Of A Loaded Swf Doesn't Work Inside A 'mother Clip'?

Sep 23, 2009

Atm im putting a a game i build into my main flash app.Everything works fine except the keyboard listener.unny.AFTER a mouse click on the 'loaded' swf the keys 'arrow UP' + 'arrow DOWN' start working.I created already a script that loads the listeners IF they are not loaded yet, but i think thats not the problem. Same situation.After clicking on the movie it starts to work, but apparently the listeners are already applied. All other listeners work besides the keyboard listeners.Stand alone(the game swf running by its own) the game works perfectly!btw the game is importing a main document class.

var keybListenerLoadedUp:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Target A Loaded Movie Within The Main Timeline And Stop Sounds In That Particular Movie Only?

Apr 14, 2004

Is it possible to target a loaded movie within the main timeline and stop sounds in that particular movie only?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize External Loaded Movie To Main Movie

Jan 9, 2010

my problem is that i need to make a reisze, cause the screen resolution for other users. My main and news movie works perfect, but the others movies re-scale everything bigger. The problem of the external loaded movie is: this movie needs the funktion:

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

If i dont have this code inside the movie is not going to resize fullscreen into the main movie. Inside this movie im scalling photos and some mc's You can take a look what i mean under: [URL]

If you take a look to the bar where the Number of pictures (30) are you will see that the lower bar and the pictures is not going to scale to fill the full screen if i delete the this code;

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Form Inputs - Form Doesn't Function?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a super involved and somewhat silly site I've been working on for a long time piecing together fragments of AS2 code and modifying them to the best of my limited ability.The site is here:http:[url]....I am finally adding the last steps, a series of contact forms with a PHP script in the back end. Anyway, I implemented a form script and have it triggered by clicking the "CONTACT" button you can see on the lower bar. So, click contact and once the form opens (an external SWF loaded into an MC), type away and everything works fine unless you use the letter "f" in either upper or lowercase. It causes the screen to flash and for the form input to lose focus.It works (in that you can enter everything normally -- the form doesn't function, but that's just the PHP which I have yet to edit.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Made The Movie 2 Frames And Looped It Back The Form Wont Work?

Aug 27, 2003

ok, i made a form and i want to count how many characters you can type so i got this far...

mlength = message.length;
charsleft = 466-mlength+" characters left";

that works except when i made the movie 2 frames and looped it back the form wont work


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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Go To Fullscreen The Movie Doesn't Work

Jan 23, 2009

3 frames

on the 1st i have some XML code

in the 2nd i read the XML and send to the 3rd frame and play a FLV movie. when the FLV movie ends, if goes back to the 2nd frame to "know" what is the next movie and goes again to the 3rd frame.

When i export everything is OK, when i publish and use the Mac Projector it is ok. But if i use the Fullscreen Mode, when the movie end's the Movie doesnt go back to the 2nd frame...

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