ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Loaded Scale Doesn't Work

Apr 28, 2010

i have external swf with a size of 750x500, then it loads to main swf where it size is 750x700 now i want my external swf loads to main with its fix size which is 750x500, how should i do that?i've tried stage.stageWidth etc and swfLoader.width etc, but doesnt work.

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Doesn't Work When Loaded Into External Swf?

Aug 30, 2011

I've only been working with flash for about 3 weeks and I'm fairly new to programming soI'm using Flash CS5 with AS3 btw.

// Custom Mouse Controls


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Guestbook Doesn't Work If It Is Loaded Into Another Swf?

Aug 12, 2010

I made a wedding website for a friend of mine and it went well until I stumble accross this Guestbook problem.

The GuestBook.swf I made it as a separate file & whenever I run it in the server it works well but if I load it into my Main.swf it didn't work...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Externally Loaded Swf Doesn't Work?

Mar 13, 2009

I am still trying to get comfortable with AS3 so I kind of understand the problem, but can't figure out how to go about fixing it. I am developing a flash site where there is a main container swf which basically contains the site's navigation and a blank movieclip into which external swfs are loaded when the user selects a section. Loading the swfs is not an issue, but getting the actionscript in the external swfs to work is. They work fine standing alone, but when loaded into the container swf they do not.I'm assuming the issue is that the path to the eventlisteners, functions, ect. are broken when loaded into the container. I tried adding the instance name of the blank movieclip to the path but that didn't seem to work

i.e. if my blank movie clip is called "swfContainer_mc" then
Code: Select allexampleMC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, testRoll);
gets changed to:


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Form Loaded Into Main Movie Doesn't Work?

Mar 31, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseEvent Doesn't Work On Loaded MovieClip

May 4, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Invisible Button Doesn't Work In Loaded Swf

Aug 12, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame Doesn't Work For A Clip Loaded With LoadMovie

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I haven't been able to find documentation on why loaded movies via 'loadMovie' into another movie clip don't seem to obey onEnterFrame commands. The following code represents a movie clip, 'container', which has a loaded external .swf file, 'box.swf'.

I have set the container to begin a decreasing alpha change. I've also added a trace to see if the onEnterFrame is performing at all. What happens is that the box does not appear to have an alpha change. There is, however, a trace that returns an output of '100' only. But no other numbers, suggesting that the command has stopped.

// Start
container.onEnterFrame = function () {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: FMX, Text Scroller Doesn't Work When Loaded Into A Movie?

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This scroller doesn't seem to work once i load it as an SWF, is there any reason why, if so, how can i fix it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame Doesn't Work For A Clip Loaded With LoadMovie?

Aug 9, 2004

I haven't been able to find documentation on why loaded movies via'loadMovie' into another movie clip don't seem to obey onEnterFramecommands. The following code represents a movie clip, 'container',which has a loaded external .swf file, 'box.swf'.I have set the container to begin a decreasing alpha change. I've alsoadded a trace to see if the onEnterFrame is performing at all. Whathappens is that the box does not appear to have an alpha change.Thereis, however, a trace that returns an output of '100' only. But noother numbers, suggesting that the command has stopped.

// Start
container.onEnterFrame = function () {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Guestbook Doesn't Work When Loaded Into Empty Movie Clip?

Jan 20, 2004

I have made a simple site with some simple transitions. each button on my site loads in an external swf file into an empty movie clip.

One of these swf files is a guestbook which works when i dont load it into the empty clip and test it alone on my server (sending in the guestbook swf, html, php, and empty text file)

Now then, when i load in the guestbook into the main swf, nothing happens on the server when I test it - I am lost and now come to you people for advice. It obviously has something to do with being loaded into an empty movie clip that is causing conflict.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Listener Of A Loaded Swf Doesn't Work Inside A 'mother Clip'?

Sep 23, 2009

Atm im putting a a game i build into my main flash app.Everything works fine except the keyboard listener.unny.AFTER a mouse click on the 'loaded' swf the keys 'arrow UP' + 'arrow DOWN' start working.I created already a script that loads the listeners IF they are not loaded yet, but i think thats not the problem. Same situation.After clicking on the movie it starts to work, but apparently the listeners are already applied. All other listeners work besides the keyboard listeners.Stand alone(the game swf running by its own) the game works perfectly!btw the game is importing a main document class.

var keybListenerLoadedUp:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag And Drop Movie Doesn't Work When Loaded On Another Movie

Jan 31, 2012

Greetings. I've been doing this tutorial. [URL] And worked pretty well. In order to adapt to my needs i made it a movie with a drag and drop parameter to be loaded in another movie (with loadMovie or loadMovieNum). The problem is than the movie loads, drags but doesnt drops. Even i tried with the example movie and nothing happens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Masks - Trail Doesn't Resize And The Mask Still Doesn't Work

Oct 16, 2009

I decided to try to use setInterval for myanimation, which is just a mouse trail.However, I'm trying to get teh mouse trail to be a dynamic mask.In my previous swf this was achieved by using a holder mc with the animation inside and then using this as the mask. But this time I just canpt seem to hit on the right way to get it to work. The code I am using for the mouse trail is:

var i:Number = 0;
var myInt:Number;
var t:MovieClip;[code].....

in the function, but now the trail doesn't resize and the mask still doesn't work.

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IDE :: PrintAsBitmap That Doesn't Scale To Fit Paper?

Aug 5, 2009

I have looked at the help files and tried all 3 possible parameters, bframe, bmovie and bmax.

The only thing I want to print is a JPG I am loading into an empty mc and I don't want it to scale to fit the paper. Looks bad and wastes ink.

If the mc is empty, I guess it has no bounding box parameters.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: "stop" Inside Frame Doesn't Work When Loaded Inside Swf?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a flash code where i am loading an AS 2 SWF inside AS 3. The thing is if i put the AS 2 SWF on same domain its working fine but if i put AS 2 SWF on different domain it loads the SWF properly but the "stop()" written inside the AS 2 frame doesnt work... and it keeps on playing all the frames continuously...
Here is the loading code..

var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(); 
if(Security.sandboxType == Security.REMOTE){ context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain };
var objLoader:Loader = new Loader();var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("SomeURL.swf");objLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, onSWFLoadComplete);objLoader.load(mRequest, context);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Doesn't Scale, Even When Dimensions Of The .swf Are Changed?

Feb 16, 2009

How would I create a something that dynamically places buttons and things near the edges of a Flash movie that don't scale, even when the .swf is embedded with different dimensions?ort of (exactly) like YouTube's embeddable video player...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Image Doesn't Scale Beyond Certain Height And Widths?

Oct 28, 2010

http:[url]....In my opinion, the way in which the photographs on this website scale, is perfect.I know how to load an image, dynamically, and add it as a child and in fact scale it.What I don't know, is how to scale it in the way the designer has in the example above.
The code I use to scale the Child (the image) at the moment is this:

var ratio:Number = (1052/700);
//SET HEIGHT OF CHILD[code]......

The designer appears to have used minHeight and minWidth commands to ensure the image doesn't scale beyond certain height and widths.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Width Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Apr 21, 2010

I have a button object that I need to scale to align with the variable width of an array of images.However, when I set the width in code, the button does not actually become that width. Tracing out the width gives me the correct value, but on screen.. it's off.

I've proved it to myself by scaling the same button object manually in the properties pane and visually comparing. Both of the buttons below have a width of 410.

navigatorDown_btn.width = 410;
navigatorDown_btn.x = (stage.stageWidth/2)-(navigatorDown_btn.width/2);
trace(navigatorDown_btn.width); // output: 410

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Preloader Doesn't Show Percent And Scale Of Progress Bar

Jun 13, 2011

I used the preloader AS3 found here and it work fine localy but in firefox 4.0.1 it doesnt show the percent and the scale of the progress bar.
is there an issue ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create A Scalable Flash Movie That Doesn't Scale The Contents?

Nov 16, 2009

I've created a flash file which loads an image using loadMovie, this all works fine but what I need to be able to do is load different size images into the swf. I have tried changing the size of the swf in the embed tag and using the 'noscale' option, however the stage appears to be moved to the center (see screenshot), I need it to be at the top left.

I've also tried passing the new width and height to the swf via flashvars and then setting the size of the stage to these values, however this makes no difference to the outcome.

how I can create a flash movie that I can scale using the width and height parameters that doesn't scale the content and keeps the content in the top left corner?

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Flash :: Loaded Font Doesn't Show Up When Parent Swf Creates TextField In Loaded Child Swf

Jun 14, 2011

Im working on a project that has a main swf file associated with the document class. It loads XML that provides the text content for the project, then it loads a swf that contains a font in its library, then it loads the first of several content module swfs. When the font swf has inited, I'm registering its library font with Font.registerFont(), and using it in a TextFormat object. After everything is done, I can add code to the document class to create a text field on the stage of the main swf and format it successfully with the TextFormat object, but when I try to do the same thing inside the loaded content module swf, the text doesn't show up there at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loaded Font Doesn't Show Up / When Parent Swf Creates TextField In Loaded Child Swf

Jun 15, 2011

I'm working on a project that has a main swf file associated with the document class. It loads XML that provides the text content for the project, then it loads a swf that contains a font in its library, then it loads the first of several content module swfs. When the font swf has inited, I'm registering its library font with Font.registerFont(), and using it in a TextFormat object. After everything is done, I can add code to the document class to create a text field on the stage of the main swf and format it successfully with the TextFormat object, but when I try to do the same thing inside the loaded content module swf, the text doesn't show up there at all.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Can't Make Scale BitmapData Work

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to resize each image without success. After pulling my hair a few time, I can't figure out to make the smoothing works on Stage. Basically I want to be able to resize any pics: 600x900 -> 400x600

Code: Select all // Call LoadBitmap class, bitmapWidth & bitmapHeight are the desired 400x600
loadBitmap = new LoadBitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight);


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Flex :: Scale A Loaded SWF?

Sep 2, 2009

I want to load a swf into a Flex application and scale it down into a thumbnail-size.I've looked at http:[url].... but it does not really address my need: I want to size it and keep all the pieces inside a container.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loaded Sound Doesn't Stop / When A New One Is Loaded

May 8, 2009

I have three btns on stage, clicking on each one i want them to load an external mp3.The problem is the previous loaded sound doesn't stop when a new one is loaded so I have all sounds playing at the same time

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scale A JPG Loaded Externally?

Sep 2, 2009

I have the code below working great except for not being able to scale the JPG file once it's loaded.

The code below loads my JPG files into a a group of MovieClips. Once clicked the Current_mc will jump to the top and enlarge. Once clicked again it scales back down. My plan is to load in a large JPG file (800x460) in the loader but have the size be small until someone clicks one to enlarge it. So...long story short I want to know if I can load the JPG file and set it's width and height in the loader

ActionScript Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


one last thing. Is their a way with AS to set "Smoothing" to true? If my images come in smaller they will probably look like crap till they are scaled up to 100%.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animation Popping - Only The X Or Y Will Scale Or The Buttons Won't Work Correctly

Jul 2, 2009

Have small thumbnails that will enlarge when the mouse is over them and shrink when it's not. For some reason sometimes only the X or Y will scale or the buttons won't work correctly. The animation will pop and I don't know how to fix it. The only reason I drop the opacity on all the others is because sometimes other images will get in the way.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scale And Smooth Dynamically Loaded Images

Jun 22, 2009

I've got a nifty bit of script that loads some images from an XML file into flash. It loads the pictures into specified movieclips:

ActionScript Code:
xmlImages = new XML();
xmlImages.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlImages.onLoad = loadImages;
function loadImages(loaded) {
[Code] .....

Each instance of the movieclips are called picture_mc1, picture_mc2 etc. On the frame where these picture_mc's sit, I've got this code:
ActionScript Code:
function randomImage() {
if (loaded == filesize) {
image = (imageFileName[0]);
picture_mc1.loadMovie(imageFileName[0], 1);
[Code] .....

Everything works fine, but my image scaling is making my picture_mc's look really pixilated. I've seen references to bitmap image smoothing, but i'm not sure the best way to approach this. It seems that each time I try and smooth my images, the code is smoothing the image placeholder, rather than the jpg that's being loaded into it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Collada Files In Papervision3D Scale Param Doesnt Work?

Mar 25, 2009

I am trying to import a DAE file, and it gets put on the stage, but for some reason I cannot control the scale of it. I know you have to pass a 3rd param to the Collada() constructor to be the scale, but no matter what I put there, it doesnt change the scale.Alas, I cannot get the scaleX or scaleY or scaleZ to change anything.Just need to know how to adjust the size/scale of this model.

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