ActionScript 2.0 :: Global Variable - Enable / Disable Function Within Game
Oct 23, 2004
I have a button that I would like to enable and disable a function within my game. The button is called "flashBang". I'm thinking this may need to be done with global variables to make the switch do this procedure. How would I go about scripting this variable? Also I want to be able to target this function during gameplay, if this function is enabled do this line of code - _root.gotoAndPlay("flash");
The code needs to fit somewhere in here i guess.
//hitTest top + bottom wall
if (_root.ball.hitTest(_root.topwall) or _root.ball.hitTest(
_root.bottomwall)) {
_root.yspeed = -_root.yspeed;"flash_bang");
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public class MyGlobal
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dotVar = 1;
} else {
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function nextSong(e:Event):void
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Oct 11, 2011
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ActionScript Code:
//example 1 of global array. No passing as argument from
//primary to secondary functions. Multiple global arrays
//required for multiple primary functions in the future.
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Jan 12, 2004
enebling and desabling MC�s(as buttons) and levels.Frequently I see websites that when you click on one menu item, until something loads the menu is disabled, or in other cases is usua� to see in gallerys, when you click an image the image open on top of things, and you can�t access the button or links being the image.
1- is to put a tranparent button on top of the movie or image that loads whit some closing actionscript, but i think this way is not nice;
2-the second one I though is to write some function for enabling and disabling things, but if I have lot of elements it�s not nice, and the third one is to add a Listener to Stage whit some onMouseDown event that closes the level or the swf loaded.
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Jan 19, 2006
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Here's the code for my buttons ("undermeny1" is the mc in which the buttons live);
for(var i=1;i<=8;i++){
var meny = undermeny1;
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Aug 2, 2008
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Mar 19, 2009
Okay I just need advise on how to make this simple instead of what I have's working very well ...perhaps someone can shed light on me how to make it as more elegants code...because it gonna give me the problemo when Im dealign with 2 objects what about 6 objects my code will more longer
cbCC.visible = false;
cbBCC.visible = false;
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Jun 17, 2010
I d'like to have your opinion about the best and effective way to enable/disable properties on a list of MC buttons.Let's say I got a menu of 5 MC links and I click on one of them. I want to disable the mouseEnabled propertie on it and change its color. But most important reset all the other ones.That's what I have so far but I feel it's not the best thing to do:
selectedButtonId = (get the id of the clicked button in the buttonsArray)
for (i=0, i<buttonsArray.length, i++) {
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if (worksList[cp].attributes.button = "true"){
button.enabled = true;
}else if (worksList[cp].attributes.button = "false"){
Button.enabled = false;
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Aug 29, 2010
I have custom context menus that I wish to disable when I do a certain action in the application, and re-enable them again once the action is finished. Kind of like using save as in a program. When the save window comes up all parts of the program is disabled except the save window.
When the window appears in my application, it doesn't cover the movieclips that I want to disable context menus for. So can I do this with Flash alone?
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Oct 5, 2010
I'm doing a presentation flash and in my presentation, I don't want to show my mouse movement.
I have a text input box for me to enter text. The text box property is set to dynamic.
I have create a keylistener for me to press "I" or "i" and when I press "I", I want my text input box to enable me to type text in.
How can I code in AS to achieve this action?
Initial state of text input box is disabled, when I press "I" or "i" text input enabled and I can type in text. After that, I press another key, will disable the typing of text again.
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Feb 1, 2010
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Jun 23, 2011
How do I disable and enable an input textfield? I have tried these but it returns me with error
1119: Access of possibly undefined property editable through a reference with static type flash.text:TextField.
mc_box.txt_input.editable = false;
mc_box.txt_input.enabled = false;
I have the input textfield inside a movieclip. I have already imported:
import flash.text.TextField;
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Jun 24, 2010
As an AS3 beginner, I'm trying to translate an old AS2 trick into AS3. I want to disable then re-enable any kind of interactivity with all the display objects on the stage, at once. For example while waiting for external assets to load or after a user clicks on a menu item.
This what I used to do with AS2 :
protect_mc.onRelease = function():Void {};
protect_mc.enabled = false;
protect_mc._alpha = 0;
protect_mc._visible = false;
Then switching protect_mc._visible to true or false.
(protect_mc being an empty movie clip with the stage's height and width, at the highest depth)
My first idea is registering a listener with the Stage for the capture phase of MouseEvent.CLICK that stops all input events propagation (mouse, focus, text...), when a "lock" static variable is set to true or does nothing otherwise. Second idea is using a Custom Event...
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Apr 19, 2011
Is there a way to Enable and Disable specific tabs in a tabBar? I found one example using a VBox within the ViewStack but I'm using NavigatorContent.
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Mar 17, 2009
I have custom context menus that I wish to disable when I do a certain action in the application, and re-enable them again once the action is finished. Kind of like using save as in a program. When the save window comes up all parts of the program is disabled except the save window.When the window appears in my application, it doesn't cover the movieclips that I want to disable context menus for. So can I do this with Flash alone?
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