ActionScript 2.0 :: Goto Frame Labels Of A MC

Nov 19, 2003

I have a button on the main stage, and a movieclip "qccontent". When the user presses the button, I am trying to check if the MC is on a specific frame label. The MC starts on a stopped frame labeled "closed". Right now, each time the button is pressed, it currently goes and plays the label "closemenohit". It is not reading the first part. Am I doing something wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Two Buttons Which Will Control The Movie To Goto Next Frame And Previous Frame?

Oct 5, 2009

Just finally making the transition from AS2 to AS3.All i need to do at this point is make two buttons which will control the movie to goto next frame and previous frame. I have gotten how to make the buttons go to a specified frame number and also a button to go to a specified external url but no success in making a simple next/previous pair of buttons.



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ActionScript 3.0 :: If Click The The Mc1 On First Frame  The Movie Clip Should Goto And Stop At Tenth Frame?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Navigate From Btn Of Mc_B To FRAME Of Mc_A Using Frame Labels?

Jul 28, 2009

Im using Flash MX (the pre-02004 version) to design a photo portfolio that will be distributed on CDs to potential clients.Its broken up into subject galleries, each of which is its own movie clip.The pages of those gallery movie clips are all separate movie clips, too, regardless of whether they contain single images or layouts of images. Frame labels with stop codes separate each gallery_mc.

Within each gallery, previous and next buttons allow page-to-page navigation.From the last page of gallery_A_mc (e.g.), I can to go to the first page of gallery_B_mc by using the following ActionScript:

on (release) {

Id think that this should make it go to frame 5 of gallery_B_mc,which is on the gallery_B_ FrameLabel, but it doesn't make it go anywhere.

on (release) {
this._parent.gotoAndStop("gallery_B_mc", 5);

Also doesnt make it go anywhere.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell _root To Goto Frame And Then Play Certain Frame Of Movieclip?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader: Frame 1 Stop On 100% Goto Frame 2

Jan 20, 2010

at first, I thought I could manage this myself searching the forums about "preloader" but none of the solutions seem to work. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm using the FLVPlayer with an external file. What am I looking for?

1. Well, the preload code for frame 1 that makes sure the external F4V (movie.f4v in the same dir) is loaded 100% before it jumps to frame 2 where the movie should start playing...

2. If possible, a progress bar.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frame Labels And Frame Numbers?

Feb 19, 2002

For example if I wanted an action to occur untilt the movie hit the frame label I would ideally be able to do somethign along the lines of:

do {
play ();
} while (_currentFrame != "label name");

This does not seem to work, but I am hoping that this is close to something that willObviously, I can put an action to stop the clip in the labeled frame, but I only want it to stop there under certain conditions . . .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Frame Labels Instead Of Frame Numbers?

Mar 2, 2012

I am building a large project that could be subject to change during it's construction, I am stressing out a bit because I am relying on the timeline to go foward and backward through the structure, (as well as user having the ability to use a menu to go where ever they want). So apart form the menu that specifies where to go, there is a forward and back button using next and previous frame to go forward and backwards.

So, what if after building a large section of this, the client wants to put in an extra page? this will upset all of my navigation (OR if I put the extra page at the end of the timeline the menu will work fine but the forward adn backwards buttons wont work properly) So should I be using frame labels instead of frame numbers? (How do I do this gotoAndStop(?) Or is there some other way I should be approaching this? like having a variable to keep track of page number instead of frame numbers?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Different Frame Labels Are At Frame 1?

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Use Frame Labels Instead Of Frame Numbers?

Mar 1, 2012

I am building a large project that could be subject to change during it's construction, I am stressing out a bit because I am relying on the timeline to go foward and backward through the structure, (as well as user having the ability to use a menu to go where ever they want). So apart form the menu that specifies where to go, there is a forward and back button using next and previous frame to go forward and backwards.

..  So, what if after building a large section of this, the client wants to put in an extra page? this will upset all of my navigation (OR if I put the extra page at the end of the timeline the menu will work fine but the forward adn backwards buttons wont work properly)
So should I be using frame labels instead of frame numbers?  (How do I do this gotoAndStop(? );)Or is there some other way I should be approaching this? like haveing a variable to keep track of page number instead of frame numbers? Use frame labels instead of frame numbers?

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Navigate Among Frame Labels?

Sep 15, 2009

I use scrollbar at the bottom of the timeline to go to different frames. This is slow if I have thousands of frames. I wonder if there is a similar interface like the Actions window for labels on timeline. I mean you can see all the scripts at left pane and be able to go there directly by clicking on anyone on the list. I would be nice if you can see all your labels in a menu and click to go there directly (I believe Director has that). Maybe I can put some dummy script in different label and then I can use Action window to travel to there.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Go To Frame Labels Of A MC?

Nov 19, 2003

I have a button on the main stage, and a movieclip "qccontent". When the user presses the button, I am trying to check if the MC is on a specific frame label. The MC starts on a stopped frame labeled "closed".

Right now, each time the button is pressed, it currently goes and plays the label "closemenohit". It is not reading the first part.

on (release) {
if (_root.qccontent._currentframe("closed")) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Goto Previous Frame Viewed As Opposed To Previous Frame On Timeline?

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Apr 1, 2010

I have a Flash project with several labeled frames. The user will be doing a lot of moving about those frames, so I wanted to simplify my navigational interface code-wise. There are six buttons, I have attached functions to them like so:

Actionscript Code:
topnavbt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,lookUp);function lookUp(event:MouseEvent):void { 


...instead, I get "TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "skylights" to flash.display.FrameLabel."

I can't seem to wrap my head around what these errors are saying, but I'm sure there's a simple solution I'm missing. I think I just don't know how to define the frame label correctly.

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Preload Movie At Different Frame Labels

Aug 16, 2009

I've got a preloader file for a website which loads my main movie into an empty movie clip. I need to create different versions of the loader which load the same main movie but at different frame labels (each frame label is a section my site- about, contact etc.) Here is the relevent part of the actionscript for my preloader. I can't seem to get it to load to, for example, frame 3 which is a label called "credits"


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Flash - Link To Frame Labels

Apr 21, 2010

I have a mainMovie clip that consist of different movie clips. Inside of my mainMovi I have another movie clip that is called "Menus" this where all my navigation is but the frame labels are inside the mainMovie.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Website With Frame Labels?

Aug 28, 2009

I'm currently designing a website (Flash, Actionscript 2) using Frame Labels.The main nav bar has 4 link buttons, each one linking to a certain Frame Label e.g. 'Home', 'Gallery' etc. When you click on a link it will bring you to the frame label, play small animation and stop. The problem I am having is, when I click on a new link I would like the current scene to animate out and then go to the next chosen frame label. I basically want a smooth IN/OUT transition between links.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Frame Labels And Activating Them?

Oct 23, 2009

I have a game I am working on currently, and say I have an animation that plays (this is in a seperate mc) when you click. So it's basically a function. Anyway, one the animation plays through inside the mc, the last frame I put:

ActionScript Code:

After this, I added five or so frames on a seperate layer with another animation on it, put the same code on the last frame, and gave the first keyframe of this second animation the label name "reload".If I then go back to the main stage, how would I code it so that if, for example, I press the down key, it would play that particular frame label?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pre Scan All Frame Labels?

Dec 2, 2010

When I first open my project, I want the visuals to stay on the 1st frame, while Flash scans through and creates an array of all the frame labels and their relative frame numbers.

Would be useful to be able to specify a layer to search for labels on, and/or search for any and all frame labels in an mc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using GetURL With Frame Labels?

Aug 23, 2005

i'm using buttons with the getURL action to navigate to different pages in my site. each "page" in effect, is an .html document comprised of an embedded there a way to target to a specific frame label in the requested .swf, when the getURL action is initiated? in other words when i press the "info" button that brings up the "info.html" page, is there a way i can navigate to a specific frame label from within the info.swf? seems like it should be a really simple thing to do. i don't quite know if what i'm asking makes sense, but in essence, i would want something like this button script to accomplish what i'm talking about:



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Labels In Array?

Oct 17, 2009

I have a movie clip which contains 5 frame labels : one,two,three,four,five And I have next and prev button to move around

I have put them in an array and using for loop to call them but it jumps straightly to frame label 'four' instead of reading one by one. I tried to find the problem by using trace (this.currentLabel) and apparently, it traced out fine like it works from frameLabel"one", "two" to frameLabel "five"

I can't find what exactly the problem is Here's my code for a clear understanding what I'm trying to say


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Loop Until Mouseover Then Goto Frame X?

Dec 21, 2009

Where to even begin. I want to loop frames 1-25 until a mouseover, then i want it to go to frame 26.

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Arrow Keys Goto Next Frame

Apr 29, 2011

I have been using powerpoint all long for my presentations, but I'd like to move on with Flash. My question is therefore as follows: How do I use the arrow keys to go to the next frame and optionally, the left key to go to the previous frame?

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Professional :: Goto And Play First Frame?

Dec 6, 2010

Using CS5 and Code Snippets, how do I tell the Timeline that when it gets to a specific frame to go to another one? I want it to go back and play the first frame to create a looping effect.

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Rollover Goto Frame And Stop?

Mar 9, 2011

I've got 3 buttons on a background and would like each to perform this:Rolllover=goto another frame to see graphic and stopRollout= go back to frame 1 and stopClick=goto URL

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Actionscript 3 :: Goto Next Frame With HitTestObject?

Mar 16, 2012

I'm making a game in which you have to pick up a key first with your character and then go to the door. When you hit the door, you should go to the next frame. Without the key, you can't pass the door. You should pick up the key with hitTestObject and go to the next frame with hitTestObject too.Here is my code:

var gotKey:Boolean = false;

if(Jack.hitTestObject (unlock))

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flv On Complete Goto Frame 2

Jan 2, 2009

So I have a custom flv player addapted from lee brimelows video basic tutesI want it to goto and stop on frame 2 in the main timeline when the flv has completed.Not got it cracked, so here is my code so far and the fla is attached.[code]

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Sep 3, 2009

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So communication from one swf to another.

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