Using CS5 and Code Snippets, how do I tell the Timeline that when it gets to a specific frame to go to another one? I want it to go back and play the first frame to create a looping effect.
I have a small flv embedded in the timeline of my movie clip (instance name = bg)
now what I want to happen is when I hit my button (instance name = b1)I want the bg movie clip to goto and play the from the next frame on the timeline.[code]...
I have a Flash movie that uses three scenes. In scene one I have a button with some actionscript to take it to a frame label in that first scene and play the movie from that point on. It works fine. The problem is, in the third scene, I am trying the same action with a different button, going to a different frame label in that third scene. I am getting an error saying the frame label does not exist in that scene. Even though it does! I've checked for typos and everything looks fine. I've copied and pasted the simple actionscript from the third scene below. Is there a line I need to add to make this work in a scene that is not the first scene?
rocketstart_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, rocketbutton); function rocketbutton(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndPlay("rocket"); }
I have this action on my buttons: on (press) { _root.nPage = "company";; } on (press) { gotoAndPlay(3); }
I am trying to have a button change frames on the main timeline (gotoAndPlay X) and also load a MC on the same click. I think what is happening is because the on(press) is separate it is causing my pages to load at different times when I click real fast when AnimationMC is playing. However if I wait for the animation to load first it works %99 of the time.
im trying to do is load an external swf file into a "base" file but play a certain frame number or label in the external file.I have a file called base.swf file which is level0In base.swf i have nothing but 1 frame with the following AS code:loadMovie("top.swf", 2);This works fine and loads and plays top.swf, but how can i load top.swf and play a certain frame label or number as soon as its loaded. Ive tried the following which does work but i hope it kinda explains what i want to do.
How I can make a button goto and play a frame of a movie clip. Basically the first frame is blank and when the button is clicked the movie clip will go to frame 2 and play. I'm also going to have some other buttons make it go to other frames.
What is the actionscript if i want to go to a frame in a movie clip from another movieclip? And also for future reference, how do you go to a frame from a movieclip/button to a frame in the main scene? Is it something to do with root?
I'm learning AS3 and I can't get this to work for me. In AS2 I would add a unique var to my buttons. If you clicked any of them they would just play() the main time line. Then when they got to the next keyframe it would look for the var and then go to the corresponding keyframe. How do I do this in AS3?
What im trying to do is play a movie clip between frames. So say we have two menus, when you are on menu 1 and you click the button for menu 2, a short movie clip plays and then you stop on menu 2. I realise I can do this by putting the movie clip on the main scene timeline, but is there anyway i can put it on the button? I think the action script would be something along the lines of "On release play MovieClip and goto frame X" As i said i want the movie to play as an almost filmic transition between menus, with a fade up and then out (Have got that bit sussed using the alpha controls)
I am designing a website with html pages and flash pages. When the user open a flash page (embedded in an html page) i would want to have a preload script. I found a couple of them but they all need to start at the first frame and have a go to and play script after. So my problem is that I already have an important script that make a image follow my mouse and the script needs to be on the first frame to. Is there any way to have both or maybe to have the preloader on a separate file or even change the way my script is written ?
I made this movie in actionscript 2 and it needs a trigger. I have a counter, an integer called totalcount, and when that totalcount reaches 9, the program should jump to another scene.So I tried to put following code into the main timeline:
if (totalcount == 9) { gotoAndPlay.... }
But even though I put a dynamic textbox on the stage with variable name totalcount, it works but it is never triggered.
I'm new to Flash and am looking to use the following tutorial to create an advanced button. I know it is probably a very simple fix, I just cannot figure it out. [URL] In the tutorial the rollover and onrelease has the following script this.onRollOut = function(){ rewind = true;} this.onRelease = function(){getURL [URL]); } I have tried to change the on.Release command to go to and play another frame in to movie instead of opening a new url. But I'm not getting it to work correctly.
In cs5.5, I have a frame with a movie clip on it. When a user clicks a button, I want the movie clip to stop and the user to be directed to another frame. It is correctly redirecting to a different frame, however, the movie clip is still on the stage and playing. How can I modify the following code to make it not just go to a different frame, but also stop the movie clip that is on that frame from playing?
btn_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame); function fl_ClickToGoToAndStopAtFrame(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndStop(10); }
I am using Flash CS5 on an iMAC, running OSX 10.6. I created a file that uses a Combobox on the first frame, and I would like to connect the buttons to go to and stop/play on multiple labels.
I'm building a flash application where the user can play multiple 30 sec .flv movies (one at a time) in slowmotion by pressing or holding down the left and right arrows keys.The user can hold/press "keypress right" to move to the next (key)frame and "keypress left" to move to the previous (key)frame in the .flv files.I have tested embeeding one .flv movie to the stage and it's working fine.But since I will be using many flv's I want to load the .flv's dynamiclly (on button clicks) using netstream or FLVPlayer. Would it be possible to step beetween keyframes in the same way if the .flv's are loaded dynamiclly? Or, must I embeed each .flv file into separate swf's and then dynamiclly load the swf's to my main stage?
Just finally making the transition from AS2 to AS3.All i need to do at this point is make two buttons which will control the movie to goto next frame and previous frame. I have gotten how to make the buttons go to a specified frame number and also a button to go to a specified external url but no success in making a simple next/previous pair of buttons.
i created a two layer in time line in one layer there is a movieclip called mc1. In the same layer in 15th frame i have another movie clip mc2. Inside the movieclip mc2 i created another movie clip at frame10 now if i clik the the mc1 on first frame The movie clip should goto and stop at tenth frame
at first, I thought I could manage this myself searching the forums about "preloader" but none of the solutions seem to work. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm using the FLVPlayer with an external file. What am I looking for?
1. Well, the preload code for frame 1 that makes sure the external F4V (movie.f4v in the same dir) is loaded 100% before it jumps to frame 2 where the movie should start playing...
its a gambling game of chance and I want it to go to a random frame which will play a movie when the button "one" or the button "two" is pressed. so on each button, I have the code:
i want to trigger a shine i labeld the frame shine created a hit area by making a box on a seprate layer and converting it to a symbol in the properties box and gave it an instance of shineStart
its not working im getting an error 1120: Access of undefined property _OVER.
my code is
shineStart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, _OVER); function _click(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndPlay("shine"); }
I'm trying to create a "back" button, but when the user clicks on this button I want the animations to go in reverse and then go to the frame that it is calling. so for example i have 5 notes, what happens first is that "note 1" is on the stage then you click on 'next' and then "note 2" slides in from the bottom and pushes "note 1" up and out of the frame and stops and shows 'back' and 'next' buttons. what i am trying to do is, if the user clicks on 'back' , I want the movie to rewind and have "note 1" slide back down. Or if they click on 'next' 2 will be pushed up and 3 is revealed the same way 2 came in.
im creating a website, and i have scene 1, which is an enter page to the website, with a button set to 'goto and play scene 2' but it doesnt, it plays scene 3, and then i cant get a button to goto and play scene 2 either.
Create frame at frame 1 Insert text Insert keyframes at two different points down the time line Change the last frame to what I want it to morph INTO Break apart all keyframes, and Insert shape tween in between the first and second, and second and third keyframes.
When I go to play the movie, it flashes the text that is in the last frame ONLY.
I have a scene where my movieclip loops between frame 1 and 2.In frame 3 there is a gotoAndPlay (1);.Is there a code that I can put in frame 1 where it tells to jump to frame 4 every 7:th second?
I am trying to right a code that will help me make a random gotoAndPlay hits test script like you see the the popular game Pokemon. I have a character that is going over top of another movie clip but i want it to start generating random number and once it its a certain number i want it to go to the frame it is assigned to.[code]
I am working is CS3 and am experiencing problems changing the first frame on a graphic symbol. When I type in a new number it jumps back to the old one. When I try to change play once/loop/single frame setting it jumps back to the previous setting. I am trying to simply modify this on a keyframe in the symbol's layer on the main stage. I've experienced this on multiple occasions, but can't get the workaround this time. I know I can do what I am attempting. In fact, I do it at a couple of spots earlier in this symbol's instance without problems.