ActionScript 2.0 :: HTMLText And CS5 (Embedding Texts)

Jun 21, 2010

I've done my fair share on searching for this, and I couldn't really find anything about it except CSS related stuff, which is not what I am looking for. I have a text field on the stage with font Arial, and I embed Arial Regular, Arial Bold, and Arial Italic, and set my font to Font1* (Arial Regular). Then I set textfi.htmlText = "<b>HI</b> YO"; Now this worked fine in my old Flash program, but it won't recognize it in the new one.

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createTextField("dynamic_txt", 2, 40, 170, 350, 350); dynamic_txt.embedFonts = true; var emphatic:TextFormat = new TextFormat(); emphatic.size = 40; emphatic.color = 0xFFFFFF; emphatic.font = "EurostileT"; dynamic_txt.html = true;[code]...

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slideXTween = new Tween(txtField, "x", Regular.easeOut, postXFrom, postXTo, 1, true);

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//import classes
import caurina.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;


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<mx:List dataProvider="{authors}">
<mx:VBox width="100%">
<mx:Text text="{}"/>
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function loadXMLData_about(loaded)
if (loaded)


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Jun 21, 2011

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Or is it a better idea to use a combination of style sheets and the TextFormat class depending on the situation ?

Using style sheets project wide seems like a good idea but there might be things that I am missing and I would like some advices from people with more experience.

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Feb 14, 2011

We have created an application where some Chinese texts need to be displayed. The text filelds have been created dynamically and Chinese Texts are retreived from an XML. [ The file has been created with AS 2.0 ]We have experienced - that

1. [Version CS5- Platform Windows 7]When setting the TextField.embedFonts property to TRUE, even when we create a new font in the library and provide an identifier to be exported, the fonts do not appear. But, interestingly setting embedFonts property to FALSE shows those Chinese characters.

2.[Version CS5- Platform Windows XP, SP 3 ]The Chinese characters does not show up at all, and unknown characters are shown.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use ASFunction With Dynamic Texts And IP Addresses?

Oct 20, 2003

How would I use ASFunction with dynamic texts? Can someone gimme a example (code not .fla)...How would I display the IP address of a person with flash?Complicated: A person views my signature. It shows the IP Address of a person along with a input box for their name. They type in their name. How would I make it so that, after a name is typed in and a button is pressed, both the name and the IP address are sent to a file? Only I can view the file. Well, the file could be called list.php or list.txt...and then I can CHMOD it so others can't view it...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Texts Missing At Times?

May 18, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Different Texts In Different Text Fields Through One .txt File?

Sep 9, 2011

If i have different text fields in one flash page like price, description.. is it possible to load different variables like "&price", "&description" from one .txt file? If you take a look at my example there are 2 text fields: the first one loads simple text. the second one is called dayNames and had to show this .txt content:

"&dayNames=Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursda y,

when i test the movie those contents are shown in the output panel (it was a tutorial) but it's not what i was looking for! how can i load different texts in different text fields through one .txt file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cleare TextArea Texts When I Press Enter Key?

Nov 3, 2009

How to clear the texts that I have typed into the TextArea when I press Enter Key?I have now added a TextArea instance called input_txt to the stage and added an component event listener to detect when I press enter key. Then an event fires up which first reads the input to a string variable.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set The TextField Width To Lengths Of Loaded Texts?

Dec 3, 2009

I'm loading some texts from external. How do I set the TextField.width to the length of the texts I'm loading from external file?

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Professional :: Automatically Rotate Three Images And Texts Every 4 Seconds?

Jun 25, 2010

I purchased a template from template monster that has a Flash Intro. It has a header with a previous and next button and three photos.When the site loads up the first photo drops into place and text flies out from the sides of the photo then when you hit the next button the next photo drops in with its text and so on.I was able to change the photos and text and all works fine.  What I want is for the banner to automatically rotate these three images and texts every 4 seconds or when someone hits those next or previous buttons.
Right now the images/text only move if you hit the next or previous buttons. In dreamweaver I set the Flash to autoplay and loop but that did nothting.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Get Link Texts To Sit On Top Of White Boxes When It Loads

Jan 23, 2003

I have these movie clips you on the text behind the white boxes.

1st I can't get the link texts to sit on top of the white boxes when it loads.

2nd, after loading the second or third box you'l begin seeing my swapDepths issues surface. I've tried pretty much every combination of swapDepths solutions.

Here is what I need. When the page loads and the box is small the link text is on top so you can read what you're clicking. When you click the link the section enlarges and I need the section to be on top. Whatd'ya think? Anyone up to a challenge? As a bonus question I can't figure out why the text goes all crazy looking at random... even the stationary text but not the dynamic text.

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