ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Link Button To Random Page
Jan 8, 2011
Is there a snippet of code I can use to put on a button in Flash where when clicked, it could link to a random new page? For example, lets say I put all possible random pages into a folder, can I link a button on my main flash page it so that any one of the .htm files in that folder could open at random? I'm using AS2 scripting.
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on (release) { getURL("whats-hot.html#_cn"); }
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var home:URLRequest = new URLRequest("index.html");
function homeDown(event:MouseEvent):void { navigateToURL(home,"_self");}
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html file 1
<a href="fullpage.html?stateVar=19">Go here</a>
html file 2 swf embed code with variable info:
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
var so = new SWFObject("yourSWF.swf", "sotester", "500", "500", "8", "#FF6600");
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i have some preloader frustrations..dont point me to a previous preloader thread...i have been there already and no im not talking about any preloader that loads the WHOLE movie at the beginning, i know how those work... I need a tutorial/explanation that will teach me how to load a move 'button by button' or 'page by page'.
By this I mean, the first thing the movie will do is load the first 'page' and say you have a few more buttons on that 'page'. It loads all the buttons and that 'page' first..nothing else...then i click one of the buttons (no matter what order) and the 'page' switches to a preloader and then when the second 'page' is loaded, it is displayed.So many sites have this kind of preloader...but i cant believe how many tutorial sites only teach how to program the type of preloader that just loads the WHOLE movie.
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Dec 17, 2009
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btn_34th.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buttonClickHandler);
function buttonClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("images/34th.jpg"));
trace("I'm Clicked!");
Again, this works fine, i just want to have the image take up the "white" space on the stage area, very similar to an IFrame.
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Feb 9, 2011
I've built a SWF with the top layer being an invisible button. As a test, I simply uploaded the file to the server and clicked it. Here is the URL where the file is located: [URL] When clicked anywhere, it should take you here: [URL] and it does. I sent the SWF to a third party vendor who have placed the masthead at the top of a page: [URL] which its on their server. When you mouse over the image, it appears clickable, but if you click it, no action takes place. It's the exact same file. Why is it working from one place, but not the other?
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Mar 20, 2008
I am trying to link from a flash site to a specific page of a 30 page PDF and have had no luck. I can open the PDF with a getUrl but can not have the PDF open to the page I need.
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Dec 14, 2010
I'm at my absolute wit's end. I'm an advanced Photoshop and After Effects user with quite a bit of knowledge using HTML and CSS. Today is my first day of Flash.
One would think that redirecting to a different page at a certain frame would be simple. I've been sitting here for 5 hours sifting through tutorials and forums and still have yet to arrive at the answer.
Here's what I have:
I clicked on the last keyframe and in the actions panel entered:"", "_self"));
I have tried many (many) other iterations. how it can be done using step by step instructions. Most importantly I need a complete example of the actual code to be used.
Why is it so very very difficult to do this? I love how scripts function in After Effects. I love other Adobe software. Why is Flash so cumbersome?
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Nov 16, 2009
i have 5 menu in my website (home, news, about,..) and the news page is built in wordpress. The others is in one flash file (1 swf) do i make a link from my wordpress page to my swf (to specific frames in swf, and it's that frames is in a movieclip)
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Oct 23, 2009
I have a movie clip that loads in the main timeline, when i click on any of my buttons theres a quick flash of the main page. Im loading my movies on level 1 so i guess my question is, how do i get rid of the movie on the main time line?
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Feb 11, 2010
I know this cant be too difficult, but please entertain me I want to create a button on my web page for zoom in and out (the whole web page).
In IE you can achieve this by doing the following - "Press and hold the contol button and then press the - (minus) button (Ctrl -)." or click on the view option at the top of the browser>>zoom>>zoom out.
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Jun 5, 2009
I have a website I would like to run locally in the computer. The website is in flash and links to some HTML pages in the same folder. How do I write the action script button so it opens the HTML page in the same page? Right now I have:
on (release) {
The above code doesn't go to the HTML page that I wanted in the same folder. Do I need a relative path or something? Indicate the folder it is in?
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Sep 4, 2009
How would I make this open in the same window instead of a blank popup window?
//Navigate to some URL
var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");
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