ActionScript 2.0 :: Inside MC Preloaders Don't Work?
Jan 13, 2006
All the information I've seen about preloaders show that one must make the preloader in the main scene, don't know why, I'm building [URL] with a fancy preloader, since i tryed making a group mc to contain all the elements of the preloader it stoped working. What i find strange is that sometimes grouping a simple preloader in a mc does work.
I'm not sure why I am so incompatible with preloaders. After so much struggling I got my first one to work, but now I can't get preloaders to work again with the site I'm currently working with. It just either goes straight to the main screen, or ignores the preloader and just loads while having a blank screen.
only for animations, and not web navigation purposes? I tried using this for my[URL].. that I'm working on, but it did not do anything. Could my problem be that I'm putting the loader in a separate scene? It seems it should work okay then, though, because on frame two I have it gotoAndPlay the next appropriate scene.
Bah. I don't know why this isn't working now. Even kirupa's show bytes/total bytes preloader isn't working.
I've looked around and tried various examples that I've seen, but none of them seem to work with "simulate download".It doesn't seem like the swf does anything before it's completely loaded. It doesn't even display the background, just plain white.It also doesn't execute any code, so the event listeners I've seen used for preloaders don't work until the swf is completely loaded.Do I need to somehow designate a section of code to execute before the swf is fully loaded? How do I do that?
Reason is the XML file has variables/text that need to be used for other preloaders to work off.If at all possible, it would be great if the similar method I have used to preload my MCs (external images) could be used that would be fantastic! So I could have one bar load to 100% after the other.
I seem to be getting a funny problem whenever people click a bit too early on another link whilst a movieclip file is loadingthe prime example is here, you click to enter the site, then a .swf loads within a MC to give you the "homepage" content (in this case some rather pretty girls wearing some t-shirts) the problem comes when the user gets bored of waiting too long and decides to click else where, for example, the user clicks on events.This then begins loading the events.swf file into the loader_MC I have, and once loaded begins mass playing the file constantly ( warning, it does flash very quickly, so if that sort of thing set you off, dont click it =O!)This is what my preloader code looks like in the loading files (such as home.swf, events.swf, etc
ActionScript Code: mycallback = setInterval(preloader, 10); //function to be called to test for download
I have a flash code where i am loading an AS 2 SWF inside AS 3. The thing is if i put the AS 2 SWF on same domain its working fine but if i put AS 2 SWF on different domain it loads the SWF properly but the "stop()" written inside the AS 2 frame doesnt work... and it keeps on playing all the frames continuously...
Here is the loading code..
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(); if(Security.sandboxType == Security.REMOTE){ context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain }; var objLoader:Loader = new Loader();var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("SomeURL.swf");objLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, onSWFLoadComplete);objLoader.load(mRequest, context);
I have my main SWF into which I want to load an external swf...When I've tried using the following code...
var light:Loader = new Loader(); light.load(new URLRequest("light.swf")); addChildAt(light, 1);
The SWF loads but the buttons inside it do not show. How do I load the swf and have the buttons inside it work? Anything inside of the external swf that is a movie clip works, but I'd like to be able to keep the up/down/over and hit features of the button.
I am very new to flash and on the net I've found a class that allows me to use a nice scroll bar for the content. My problem is that I can't get a preloader working with the class. When I want to add scrips to the frames it bugs the class if I try to implement the preloader inside the class I can't get it working. Here's the class I am using for the scroll bar. - if you want to test it, it will require additional data. You can get it all here: [URL].
package{ import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import*; import gs.TweenLite; import com.warmforestflash.ui.FullScreenScrollBar; public class Main extends Sprite{ [Code] .....
If I try to insert the preloader script inside the class it has problems with the stop(); & play(); commands. Any way to get a preferably simple preloader working with the class I am using?
MenuContainer1.MenuContainer2.logo.nav_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onNav2); function onNav2(event:MouseEvent):void{ if (menu_open) {
why this does not work it does not trace else when i click, but if before i compile i swap "var menu_open:Boolean = true;" to "var menu_open:Boolean = false;" it does trace else!
I'm doing a map using AS3, and the mouse controls pan movements. It all works fine, but I can't get the buttons (that will be hotspots) to work inside a movie clip (I also need to make the buttons work inside a movieclip). When I test scene, it all works fine, but the buttons don't work in "test movie" option. The problem isn't any code in AS3, because my movie doesn't even recognize the buttons inside the movie clip.
The problem is, the buttons are not responding at all to the mouse, in "test movie". No rollover color, no hand cursor, nothing.
My problem is that the buttons inside the movie clip wont work. after creating a movie clip that includes 4 frames , i created some buttons. The buttons should move between the movie clip frame's , and one of them to get out the movie clip.
how I can make a certain code that works on the time line, work when placed inside of a MC? I know my question is too vague but my code is huge and if I post it it's going to be more difficult than if I can just get the logic and change the code my self.
How come the following AS3 works fine when placed in Scene 1, but throws multiple "1120 Access of undefined property" errors when the code is placed inside a movie clip? Somehow none of the variables in the code are recognized in the later case.
I've created a button and placed it inside a movie clip. I've added the below script (as2) on the button however when I Test Movie, the button does not work.
I just want a scrollpane with thumbnails. When you click on the thumbnails a larger version loads right above. Anyone know how to do this? I have been scouring the internet trying to find an answer with no luck.
I'm making a flash CS4 presentation and I just made a navbar movieclip (grey rectangle) and put 6 buttons on each layer inside of it. I put this movieclip (navbar) on the main movie timeline in a layer. I keep getting this error (1120 access of undefined property) and the buttons simply don't respond to the main timeline. It used to work fine when the buttons were on the main timeline. Should I make a parent child reference ?
For example, this code for the pause button won't work: pause_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, stopButtonClick); function stopButtonClick (e:MouseEvent):void { this.stop(); }
I'm using a MC(dock_mc) to works like a dock, and inside this dock, have some color buttons (like laranja_btn), but if i use the tween animation, the buttons don't work animore, if i remove the tween code, buttons back to work.
I try to use onPress function inside an onLoadInit function but nothing will be traced. I can see my hand cursor over my icons though. I also tried with onLoadComplete, but no change...
I've been using this site for a while as I'm taking flash lessons in my college and right now I am building a portfolio website and am in need of help, so I've decided to come to you for some light. My problem is in the portfolio I'm creating in AS2 I have the photo and video galleries in form of a click'n'drag movie clip that slides sideways. So far, so good. However, when I add buttons to my mc (and that includes the ones in all my video players as well), they don't work at all. I think it has something to do with the function I'm using. Is there any solution for allowing buttons to be clickable? This is the code I'm using directly in the mc:
Im using the following script in the main timeline frame and I've got many buttons inside the buttons_mc.How do I change this script to make a button which is inside the buttons_mc work with a scrollpane.
On the about page of my Flash website, I wanted 7 buttons to navigate to various labels. I just finished the first button. I made it while I was inside the about_mc. It worked well but would NOT navigate. I took the button OUT of the Movie clip and made a separate layer on the about page for buttons and pasted it there and it worked perfect. When I made it inside the mc, is there some different code I should have used other than the standard code for making a button navigate to a frame. I built an addeventlistener and a function. BUT they only worked when the button was "ON TOP" of the mc NOT when it was INSIDE the mc. I have a transition tween on the about_mc and therefore the button does not tween when it is on TOP of the mc only when it is inside the mc.
var aboutTween:Tween = new Tween(about_mc, "y", Elastic.easeOut, -200, 146, 3, true); laborLaw1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, laborLaw1); function laborLaw1(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("laborLaw1_fl"); }
Inside of movieclip on keyframe i want a script that tells to swap depths between 2 mc's that are on main timeline. When i use setChildIndex inside of mc flash hits me with Error #2025.
I have a 'dropdown' menu (that actually goes up...) with 4 buttons inside of it. The menu's bg is just a movieclip containing the buttons. The problem is, when you mouse over a button the dropdown menu retracts. How do I get flash to consider the buttons to be part of the background, so it doesn't think you're mousing out when you try to hover over the buttons?Heres a link to the FLA and some of the code. I've been trying to get it working for over five hours and I'm getting extremely frustrated.FLA: [URL]
Has anyone successfully used hitTestObject on objects that weren't on the stage?
I have game code that works fine when the objects on are the stage, but replace "stage" with "this" (the game object that covers the whole stage) and it doesn't work.