ActionScript 2.0 :: Interactive Map Not Working In Safari Browser (Macintosh Machine)

Aug 7, 2006

I've an interactive map to locate some places. Eveything is working fine in pc. but it's not working in safari (Macintosh Machine). While clicking the buttons at the bottom of map, the map is not scrolling to locate the position. As far as I know the browser acts as like a tool to display the flash content. Everything is rendered by flash player. But why it is happening like this. The flash player (Ver 8.0) I've tested is same in PC and Mac machine. This is the url [URL]

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The hyperlink works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Maybe it is just my computer.

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Eclipse :: Loading 32 Bit IE From SWT Browser Widget On 64 Bit Machine?

May 29, 2011

We developed an Eclipse plugin and tested & delivered on Win 32bit os. One of our view uses Broswer widget to load a Flash content. It works well on windows 32 bit.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Repositioning Browser In Safari?

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navigateToURL("javascript:'#'", "_self");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Menu In FireFox/Safari Browser?

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<object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,19,0" width="990" height="490" style="position: absolute; top: 70px; left: 0px; z-index:1;" >


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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLRequest Only Working On My Machine?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Browser / Flash - Remote Server Does Not Display Correctly In Safari Or Chrome

Apr 18, 2011

I am designing a fairly simple site made up of a swf (AS3) in an html page. I'm relatively new to it all, but was doing ok until recently! The problem I have is this: The swf within the html loads perfectly from my local drive in all browsers, but when published to the remote server does not display correctly in Safari or Chrome... It is fine in Firefox.

To see it correctly, use Firefox and the link below. To see it fail at the preloader (in fact, it distorts the design of the pre-loader and goes no further) use Chrome or Safari. [URL] The site is unfinished, so there are other issues you may find which I am solving, but this is the one of concern.

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I have tried it with Safari (only on mac!) on Firefox (on mac and on windows!) and on Chrome![URL] and these source is:


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When I run this on Safari for Windows, arrayInput is null. However, this method works fine in Safari for Mac, IE, FF, Chrome, and the variable holds the actual array.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL Function Not Working In Safari / Firefox On Mac

Apr 28, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
fileRefListener.onComplete = function (fileRef:FileReference):Void {
status_txt.text +="<font size="11" color="#E6E6E6"><b>" + + " uploaded.</b></font>
status_txt.vPosition = status_txt.maxVPosition;
[Code] .....

And my JS is:
function handOff() {
new Ajax.Updater('manage_user_info', '/fileTransfer/manage_user.php?client=' + $('users_to_manage').getValue(), { method: 'get' });

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Not Working In Safari , Works Fine In Firefox?

Feb 21, 2010

my site is comprised of several images loaded dynamically and added to the display list. i declare a bunch of loaders on the first frame, and add a preloader progress listener to the largest image to have one preloader for all the assets. I then added a COMPLETE listener to the same image, and add that image, along with all the others in the onComplete function. i have two issue. the preloader doesnt work in Safari. but works fine in Firefox? and i'm totally stumped on what it could be? another compatibility issue that seems to be arising is that one of the galleries of my site which corresponds to the "drawn" link. also does not seem to be working in Safari, but works in Firefox. its a fairly simple xml based image gallery, which loads thumbs on to the stage, and then loads a larger version of each, when the corresponding thumbnail is clicked. the other galleries of the site work fine in safari, and are basically the same code wise.heres my code for the loading and preloader in the first frame

import caurina.transitions.*;


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Sep 1, 2010

I produced a website a year ago now, and up until now it has been working fine. My client brought to my attention today that there are suddenly problems when viewing the site in chrome, IE and safari. You cannot get past the landing page as the 'enter' button is not there despit the graphics being in the right place.I have updated to flash player 10.1, and opened, published and uploaded the flash file in a newer version of flash to see whether that helped, but no go.

AS3 on 1st frame:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loaderFF);
function loaderFF(e:Event):void{


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Flex :: Adobe Air Badge Installer Not Working On Firefox And Safari On OSX Lion

Sep 21, 2011

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This normally handles the install of air if the user doesn't have it already installed.

However, after doing some cross broswer testing, it appears that when a user, (using OSX Lion and Safari or Firefox) tries to click yes when prompted to download the required Air they are unable to click either of the yes or no buttons.

I initially thought that it may have had something to do with the positioning so ensured that the z-index in the css was appropriately set but to no avail.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Interface / Javascript Call Working In IE / Safari Not FF / Chrome

Apr 24, 2011

I'm hitting a brick wall here, and it's driving me mad. Used to use ExternalInterface to call Flash functions from Javascript all the time, and now under CS5 (and the way it uses object id's instead of embed in html) it's stopped working for me in certain browsers. I put together a really simple program that has the person click a link in the browser that activates a javascript function that simply sends some text in to Flash to display in a TextArea. Here's the as3 code:


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Flash :: Module Loading Stop Working On Dev Machine (VerifyError: Error #1014: Class Mx.modules::ModuleBase Could Not Be Found.)?

Aug 11, 2011

We have a quiet big flex application compiled with flex 3.4 SDK.We also have several modules to load after some requirements (some at startup, some later).Everything is compiled with the same version.At some point i got this exception on my machine and don't know how to fix it.

VerifyError: Error #1014: Class mx.modules::ModuleBase could not be found.

at flash.display::MovieClip/nextFrame()
at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/deferredNextFrame()[code]....

I removed and installed already several flashplayer versions, but always the same error.When we copy the artifacts that are compiled on my machine somewhere and somebody else opens it on his machine it works.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: FLV, Masking, And Macintosh Projector Oddities?

Jan 30, 2010

I have an instance of an FLV video in a movie clip on the main timeline. Withing the movie clip, I have it masked to fit into a custom shape on-screen, and I am publishing this as a Macintosh projector app.When I view the projector in its native size (1024x768), the masking works fine. But when I switch to full-screen mode, the masking disappears, and all I see is the video. It also kind of screws up the navigation from this mc to the next, i.e., the cuepoint stops working.

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Professional :: Macintosh Full Screen Projector?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm trying to create a Macintosh full screen projector. Easy, I know.WHY the hell doesn't it go full screen... I keep getting the title bar at the top of the projector.
Windows projector works perfectly.Some software called Zinc will provide me with the solution to this problem but it's expensive and the free version adds a watermark to the file, which is not good.

I'm using  the standard... fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
I found a thread which suggests a workaround of adding
Frame 1 - fscommand("fullscreen", "true");


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Professional :: FLV, Masking, And Macintosh Projector Oddities?

Jan 30, 2010

I have an instance of an FLV video in a movie clip on the main timeline. Withing the movie clip, I have it masked to fit into a custom shape on-screen, and I am publishing this as a Macintosh projector app. When I view the projector in its native size (1024x768), the masking works fine. But when I switch to full-screen mode (Command-F), the masking disappears, and all I see is the video. It also kind of screws up the navigation from this mc to the next, i.e., the cuepoint stops working.

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Media Server :: Player Hangs On Macintosh?

Oct 15, 2010

I have been experiencing a somewhat random inability of my player to load on a Macintosh. It doesn't happen everytime, maybe 2 out of 10  times. This does not happen on a Pc. My flash file is  actionscript 2.0, and I have enabled hardware acceleration. This issue  was happening before I enabled the hardware acceleration. Here is the player I am talking about:[URL]
We currenlty don't have the password for the administration console, so I haven't been able to monitor it that way.

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IDE :: Make Cd With A Flash Presentation Auto-run In Macintosh?

Mar 5, 2010

Is it possible to make cd with a flash presentation autorun in Macintosh?

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