ActionScript 3.0 :: Repositioning Browser In Safari?

Sep 8, 2009

I would like to know if any of you have had any issues repositioning your browser using safari within flash. I'm basically using the navigateToURL method then passing a anchor tag like this. All other browsers are fine but when using safari on a mac nothing happens.

navigateToURL("javascript:'#'", "_self");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SWF Buttons - Safari Opens The Same Browser Window Twice?

Nov 6, 2009

The swf buttons on my website open double browser windows in Safari - it's fine in IE and FF, just have this problem in Safari.So, why Safari opens the same window twice?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Menu In FireFox/Safari Browser?

Aug 30, 2007

flash menu i have create for my web site it works 100% in microsoft explorer but in fire fox or safari i have a problem. The menu is set to transparent as their are drop down menus from main nav bar, in fire fox you can see the text just below the menu bar but cannot touch any links but in explorer you can no problems.This the code:

<object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,19,0" width="990" height="490" style="position: absolute; top: 70px; left: 0px; z-index:1;" >


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Open A Browser Window From Flash In Safari Or Firefox?

Oct 30, 2009

I am having a problem. I found the actionscript 2 code to open a browser window, but it is not working in Safari, or Firefox. I found an old action script 1 file version 5 for the flash player that works just fine, but I am using 8 and actionscript 2 so that doesn't work for me.

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Flash UI Component Not Being 'repainted' When User Uses Browser Zoom (only On Mac/Safari)?

Jul 22, 2010

I have flash component in a website, which shows a preview. There are some UI components overlaid on the preview to allow navigation. Unfortunately it seems that in Safari on Macs, there is a problem:When the user zooms in or out (using the browser based page zoom), my overlaid UI items disappear for some reason. This does not happen on any other platform.I would have though that this zoom function would be something that is taken care of solely by the browser/Flash plugin, however, perhaps there is something I can do to force a 'redraw'?

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Javascript :: Full Browser Flash Works In Safari 5 But Not Firefox 3.6

Dec 7, 2010

Can anyone give me a clue as to why this markup works fine in Safari, but not in Firefox?This should load an ugly blue placeholder (which I get in safari) but in Firefox, swfobject just gives me the alternative content.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Interactive Map Not Working In Safari Browser (Macintosh Machine)

Aug 7, 2006

I've an interactive map to locate some places. Eveything is working fine in pc. but it's not working in safari (Macintosh Machine). While clicking the buttons at the bottom of map, the map is not scrolling to locate the position. As far as I know the browser acts as like a tool to display the flash content. Everything is rendered by flash player. But why it is happening like this. The flash player (Ver 8.0) I've tested is same in PC and Mac machine. This is the url [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Browser / Flash - Remote Server Does Not Display Correctly In Safari Or Chrome

Apr 18, 2011

I am designing a fairly simple site made up of a swf (AS3) in an html page. I'm relatively new to it all, but was doing ok until recently! The problem I have is this: The swf within the html loads perfectly from my local drive in all browsers, but when published to the remote server does not display correctly in Safari or Chrome... It is fine in Firefox.

To see it correctly, use Firefox and the link below. To see it fail at the preloader (in fact, it distorts the design of the pre-loader and goes no further) use Chrome or Safari. [URL] The site is unfinished, so there are other issues you may find which I am solving, but this is the one of concern.

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Flash 10 :: Getting Rid Of "Download" Icon On Safari Browser Flash Player

Jul 28, 2011

Months ago I downloaded the iSkysoft Free Video Downloader for Mac OSX from the iSkySoft Free Video for Mac website.

I've fully removed the app, BUT - I've inserted two screen shots to demonstrate what I'm trying to get rid of. I'm stuck with a very annoying "Download" icon that POPS UP TOP LEFT when I mouse-hover on any and all Flash Player content on my Safari browser. I'm on Mac OS10.5.8. This is ONLY happening on my Safari browser. Not on Firefox or Chrome. I've removed all traces of the app. I've been everywhere in my system Library - Application Support - Safari folders - etc, I've looked everywhere. Updating Flash Player makes no difference. Clearing all data in the Flash Player System Preferences interface does not get rid of it. Clearing the entire Safair cache does not get rid of it. Re-installing Safari does not get rid of it. I've tried anything and everything I can think of and I've run out of ideas! Short of wiping my hard drive and re-installing Leopard which I do not want to do, I'm stumped. Every time I hover my mouse over Flash content - I'm STILL stuck with this highly annoying "Download" icon in the top left corner of all Safari Browser Flash content.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Repositioning MCs Along _y?

May 25, 2005

I have 2 MCs named box1 and box2. Each one has dynamic text field named content_txt (content_txt.autoSize = true) and loads some text data from XML file.Box2 is on the top and box1 on the bottom. I need function that checks the height of box2, or of its content_txt and puts box1 on exact distance along _y axis.I have tried with this code:

onEnterFrame = function () {
b1y = box2._y;
b1v = box2.content_txt.height; //or just box2.height
spacer = 20;


but it slides box1 without exact calculating of box2 height.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Repositioning The Registration Point?

Apr 20, 2009

I want to load a series .jpgs into an existing mcs. The mcs are 75 x 75 pix and the .jpgs are 50 x 50 pix. The problem is that I made the mcs with the registration point at the top left corner. This causes the mcs to load in at that point so that the margine between the .jpg and the mc is uneven. How can I change the registration point of each mc so that the CENTER of the .jpg is positioned the CENTER of the mc?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Repositioning Using MOVEY?

May 10, 2005

I was able to put the script together for this menubar in the attached file... It floats on a separate level just fine, but what I want is for it to smoothly move to the top of the page when a button is clicked, and stay within a two inch range. As you can see, it moves to the top of the page... but surely does not do it gracefully... it just jumps up there. how to put the rest of the script together for this...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Smooth Scaling/Repositioning?

Feb 19, 2006

I have an mc that i want to scale smoothly, see attached image that explains it...

heres my code

shrinkMap = function (target_MC:MovieClip, target_WDTH:Number, target_HGHT:Number, target_X:Number) {
target_MC.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (target_MC._width>target_WDTH) {


the different bits finish before each there a way of making each bit (height width and x) scale in proportion of each other so they all finish at the same time? I bet its something to do with what i divide the -= values by (currently arbitrary numbers like 20 or 5)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Got The Enlarging And Repositioning Working?

Nov 15, 2006

ok, i am attaching 6 pictures off stage dynamically using setInterval as a loop (so it will attach the clips once every x seconds). I'm positioning them in a line vertically, and then tweening them onto the stage with mc_tween2.Once the pics are in final position, the goal is this: on any pic and it will grow larger and position itself towards the center of the stage another pic and the last pic will shrink to original size and go back to it's original place.

#2 is where I'm having the problem. I've got the enlarging and repositioning working, and i can get the last pic to move back, but it won't go to the right place. In every variation i try, it either goes to the first position in the vertical stack, or the last position. The closest i can get to what i want is to swap the last clicked picture with the position of each picture as you click on them.basically how can i get Flash to remember the location of each pic, so when i click another pic, the last selected one will go back to it's original place?

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IDE :: Repositioning Everything On The Stage (across All Frames) With JSFL?

Dec 16, 2011

I have a bunch of old FLAs with one set of dimensions, including a 60 pixel offset along the y axis. I'm writing a jsfl script to resize the stage (works), delete some unneeded layers (works), and reposition everything (doesn't work) What I'm using is:

fl.getDocumentDOM().moveSelectionBy({x:46, y:-60});

When I run my script, the items do in fact get moved, but on tweened clips, they get "doubled dipped," it seems: if I compare the new x and y values of, say, the end keyframe of a clip (only tweened for alpha, for example) is exactly 46 pixels farther right and 60 pixels higher up than it should be.Is there a better way to reposition everything that avoids this "double dipping" among tweens? I'd love to know! There's got to be a way, and I feel like I'm so close, but not quite there. (Of course, I'm probably way offEdit: I've performed the steps manually by turning onionskinning on for multiple frames, selecting all frames, then dragging a selection rectangle across everything on the stage, then moving everything by the desired amount, which works: when I look at the history and view the js for those steps, they look exactly like what I've typed into my script.

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Professional :: Repositioning An Alpha Tween From The Stage?

Jul 6, 2010

attempting to reposition an alpha tween on the stage.
i'd like to do this without creating another keyframe that changes the position of the alpha tween.

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Flash :: Repositioning Objects Based On A Scale?

Jan 19, 2010

I have airplanes that are flying past the screen from a top down view. when the air planes crash, I scale them down to make it appear as if they are falling closer to the ground and farther away from the screen. I have turrets on these crafts as well. they are seperate objects from the air plan. I scale them down as well. The only problem is they dont reposition correctly. they stay in their x and y positions even though they are being scaled it looks as if they are being pulled away from the air plane. is it possible to reposition them correctly based on the size on the object they sit on (i.e. the air planes)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Repositioning Nested MovieClip To Specified Coordinates

Jan 18, 2009

I have a main mc, with another mc nested inside it that needs to reposition to exact x,y coordinates (on four separate occasions). Can I put keyframes on the timeline with a script placed on the keyframes so that when my main movie reaches those frames, the nested mc repositions to the specified coordinates?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Repositioning/Resizing Loaded JPG Image?

Oct 17, 2011

I just need to know how to resize and reposition my jpg image that I loaded in with this code...

import flash.display.Loader;
var myFileRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("image.JPG");


Right now it is sitting in it's default spot of the upper left hand corner.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Repositioning Mouse Position - Traptizium

Jun 22, 2003

i wanna resize the mouse in a traptizium but can't the right fomular to do so any expert out there erm...don't understand see the fla file. I almost got it , its easy with a square but the traptizium formular just got me nuts.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Repositioning Tooltip By Adding The Same EventListener

Jul 19, 2010

I'm setting up a row of thumbnails that will show a tooltip TextFormat object on rollover.


However when the screen is resize and the thumbnails are repositioned. The tooltips are still referencing to the old position. I tried to 'refresh' the positions by adding the same EventListener again on resize. But didn't work


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Garr - Parent - Repositioning A Movie Clip

Jan 18, 2011

i know this has been covered a million times but im running into troubles repositioning a movie clip in as3 i have an mc that has this code on the timeline at frame 50:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize And Repositioning - Link Doesnt' Work?

Sep 30, 2009

I've this swf with its natively height of 550px. I've the bottom bar, height 92px. So i write this code in AS:
bar.y = stage.stageHeight - bar.y / 2;
I wrote /2 cause the registration point of the bar is in the middle of it.My pourpose was to place the bar always in the bottom, no matter how tall is stage. But as you can look from the link, it doesnt' work right.while was trying to undestand what is worng, I noticed that the effective repositiong is the duoble of what I wrote in AS3 code. If i resize of 3px larger, the bar goes 6px down, and so on.

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Flex :: Scaling And Repositioning Circles Based On Resolution

Dec 23, 2009

We are building an application in Flex where we have to scale and reposition the circles based on the changed screen resolutions. Example: Current resolution: (800, 600) I draw a circle at position (410,290) with radius 10 Now If i change the resolution of screen to (1440, 960) then the circle should be drawn at the same place on the screen with respect to the new resolution with relative increase in the radius.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Repositioning MovieClip (Tree Diagram) On Stage

Sep 3, 2009

I've got a huge movieclip (2500px X 2500px) sat on a stage (950px X 600px). The movieclip is like a tree diagram and I'd like to be able to click on buttons within the movieclip which will reposition it and have the effect of panning to the next item in the tree.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML In Safari On Mac?

Oct 15, 2008

I have an XML gallery application online which runs fine in Firefox but when run on Safari it tends to crash as if it couldn't locate/open/read(?) the XML file that is supplying it with the urls and titles of thumbnails that the program is to load.[URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Not Loading In Safari

May 9, 2010

I'm loading data from an XML file via Actionscript. Here's the portion of the code that loads the XML [code]...

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Embedded Swf Will Not Load In EI Or Safari?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a swf embedded in my main swf that will not load in IE or Safari. However they do load in FF. Doesn anyone know of a work around?

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Professional :: SWF Integration Into Safari?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a problem with the way my page is displayed in Safari:

I have a few DIVs, some overlapping others. One of these DIV is in the background (lowest Z-index) and contains an SWF. (a kind of liquid picture/video in Flash)

My problem is : In all common browsers it's fine, the website is displayed correctly, with DIVs overlapping or being overlapped according to their Z-Index. Though, in Safari, the DIV containing the SWF always show on the foreground and hide all other DIVs, whatever the Z-index attributed to all the DIVs.

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IDE :: Pop Up Doesn't Work In IE But In Safari?

Apr 12, 2007

i followed the instructions oh how to make a centered pop up window here :i'm using a mac..nd it works in Safari... but when i try to use explore to open it, the pop up window doesn't come up...why is that.......? did i do something wrong?here is my website:and please click on 'message' to see for yourself.

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