ActionScript 2.0 :: MX - Apply Easing To Circular Rotating Menu?

Apr 19, 2004

I have a circular rotating menu made up of a few buttons. When the mouse rolls over the a button in the movie clip (rotating menu) it stops. My question is how do I apply easing to it, here is the actionscript I applied to the buttons:


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ActionScript Code:
// setting variables
var centerX = Stage.width/2;    // Stage Center X
var centerY = Stage.height/2;   // Stage Center Y


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IDE :: Dragging Objects - Rotating And Easing

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Horizontal Menu - Easing Movement When The Menu Is Dragged?

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I have been working on a horizontal AS3 draggable menu for some time now and i am almost there with it. I am basically trying to replicate the menu at [url]...

So far i have got everything to work apart from the easing movement when the menu is dragged. The menu is quite simple, it is made up of a container mc.Inside this container there are 6 buttons which fill the dimensions of the container.The container itself is bigger than the stage and the user must click and drag the menu horizontally to see the rest of the menu.This is working. However, i am still after an easing effect when the menu is being dragged as it stops dead (because it is using the startDrag and stopDrag commands).how to implement an easing effect on the dragging of this menu i would be so grateful as i cannot manage to do it! (perhaps using tweenlite or tweenmax if its easier, or by using simple physics - I have attached a zip file that contains a compiled SWF and a CS4 FLA file.This is the AS3 i have so far:

import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop Circular Menu On Mouseover

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So far, the code looks like this:
Code: Select allvar rotX:Number = 290;
var rotY:Number = 140;
var Centre:Number = Stage.height/2;
var vitesse:Number = 0.1;
[Code] .....
Or you can look at the fla [URL].

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Otherwise, would anyone know where I could find a collapsible xml menu with three levels sub navigation (like a section with a subsection that has another subsection)? The other ones are only two! Anyways, here are the files:


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I have a few thoughts which are;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Axes Of Rotating Cube Menu

Apr 28, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple cube menu. The rotation is done by buttons. After finishing my code, im having some troubles with some rotations of the cube.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Menu Made Up Of A Few Buttons?

Apr 19, 2004

I have a circular rotating menu made up of a few buttons. When the mouse rolls over the a button in the movie clip (rotating menu) it stops. My question is how do I apply easing to it, here is the actionscript I applied to the buttons:

on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Menu - How To Stop On RollOver

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On the attached swf you'll see my slowly rotating menu. Each of the icons around the outside is a button which takes u to a specific page. When the user rolls over the button I want the menu to stop rotating, and if the user moves the mouse away I want the menu to continue rotating. Should I be using mc instead of a button?

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