ActionScript 2.0 :: 3-D Rotating Menu, Could Someone Break This Down For Me

Dec 28, 2006

browsing [URL]... I would like to implement a version of this 3-D rotating menu with several changes. I would like to change the orientation to vertical and once one of the numbered instances has been triggered I would like the instance to revert to its inactive state. I am a novice to actionscript but in this case I find the code even more confusing. I cannot see an instance on the stage that would trigger the events and the math functions of actionscript is still very much a dark art to me.

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on (rollOver) {
on (rollOut) {[code].....

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1. To make the rotation/spinning graphics look smoother

2. On rollover of one of the submenu/movieclip (the rotation will stop and continue on rollout), it should hide/decrease the alpha of other submenus, so a rollover effect could be seen. I've already tried with this:

_parent.MCInstanceName._alpha = 30;

But when on mouse rollout, the hovered submenu/movieclip does not continue to rotate.I've attached my source files if you guys want to have a look at it. Please help me, because I am pretty much a newbie at AS and I'm hitting a dead end.

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Sep 4, 2011

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I tried to modify the code of this tutorial a bit to have words appear inside the circles (like "Home", "About", etc....) like what I've typed in the line in the screenschot -

It seems that I can do that since it's an array... But inspite of what I believe are the appropriate changes I've done, an error showed up still.Before I forget, in what section of the code must I insert a line that will make a clicked button display the info corresponding to it? (that is, if I click on the "Contact" or any of the buttons a window will appear beneath the menu on the stage...)

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Sep 1, 2011

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"Line 65 - 1093: Syntax error"
Haven't I had the parentheses right?

//Save the center coordinates of the stage
var centerX:Number=stage.stageWidth/2;
var centerY:Number=stage.stageHeight/2;
//The number of items we will have (feel free to change!)
var NUMBER_OF_ITEMS:uint=15;
[Code] .....

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var resting = TRUE;
var Rotation_Sushi = 1;
///////// Right Arrow[code].....

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Apr 1, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MX - Apply Easing To Circular Rotating Menu?

Apr 19, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating/scaling Menu - Items Arranged Vertically?

Apr 18, 2005

I'm trying to build a set of menu items arranged vertically, and to be able to change their scale and position according to the current item selected, giving it some sort of depth effect. found a little bit about scaling menus, and used a script(nothing explained much, just cut and paste) that changes alpha an size of the menu items. I managed to add a swapDepths to bring to front the current item. I need now to figure out how to make the first item full size/alpha on load, move the items to make it look like they're rotating backwards, and get them to stay on their states when one of them is pressed (that is, one at full size/alpha and the others faded and smaller).The test file i'm working on can be downloaded from here, it's in FMX format.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Menu - Components To Building Menus Similar?

Jun 12, 2006

Does anyone know of any other tutorials or components to building menus similar to these..[URL]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating Navigation Menu - RollOver / RollOut Effects

Sep 10, 2009

I've created a rotating navigation menu with 4 parts/submenus. To make the rotation/spinning graphics look smoother On rollover of one of the submenu/movieclip (the rotation will stop and continue on rollout), it should hide/decrease the alpha of other submenus, so a rollover effect could be seen. I've already tried with this:
_parent.MCInstanceName._alpha = 30;
But when on mouse rollout, the hovered submenu/movieclip does not continue to rotate.

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