ActionScript 2.0 :: MX Code Needs Converted To V5?
Apr 15, 2003
My client changed his mind about v6 and wants the swf compatible with v5. Maybe I should have been more prepared for this, but I'm not. I've barely chugged along with a tutorial and figuring this out, and I'm completely lost with converting it to v5 code. get me started?Here's my code so far:
PHP Code:
onClipEvent (load) {
_global.rati = 0;
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import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.text.TextField;[code].......
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Nov 6, 2009
I'm setting up a menu system powered by an XML feed that will have everything created dynamically (graphics, textFields, etc), and I've started pondering something...Since the menu will essentially be in list form, with each button stacked on top of the other, and since the titles will be passed as strings out of attribs in the XML, I was wondering if there was a way (there has to be) to essentially define a width of the text box, but leave the height open, allowing for multiline = true;, and then to dynamically draw the button graphic based off of either the height of the textField or the number of lines the textField uses.
Will this just be a matter of ordering, in that I won't actually draw the box until the textField has been set up, and the title passed to it? That way, the get height method would return the height of the box with the text in it, and I can adjust accordingly? Or should I try to base it off of the number of characters that will be passed to the box, and just set a limit via modulo or something else to "catch" when it goes to the next line (The problem I see with this is that not all characters are == when it comes to width. "i" < "e" in terms of character width, but they are both just single characters).
I would prefer to set something up that auto adjusts, as this list will be changed in the future, and I have no way of knowing if the titles will be a uniform/won't exceed a certain length. I could try to just "go big" to make room, but then you end up with boxes that look empty, and if I undershoot, I've got to go back to code.
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May 14, 2009
After restarting the program, rebooting, and even reinstalling multiple times, this problem still arises. All of the objects I've turned into movie clips, or buttons just disappear. They still work in the published movies, but are invisible in the main timeline. I don't understand the problem. I've started new files to make sure it isn't my movie that is corrupt, but the second they turn into symbols, they disappear. Is there a solution to this that i'm overlooking?
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Jul 24, 2010
I have two files one is called tween_start.fla and the other is called tween_end.fla I am trying to create a motion tween where the animation begins at tween_start.fla and ends at tween_end.fla Each file consists of 7 shapes (it's a tangram if you're curious). At frame 10 of the tween_start.fla timeline I right-click on each layer and do Insert Blank Keyframe. Then I go to tween_end.fla click on a shape and do Modify>Convert to Symbol. Then I go back to the timeline for tween_start.fla, right-click on frame 10 and do Paste Frames or Insert Keyframe. If I do Paste Frames with all of the symbols I've created in tween_end.fla then the shapes end up stacked on top of each other. If I do Insert Keyframe it doesn't insert the symbol I've just created, instead it just keeps the same shapes that were at the first frame of tweet_start.fla. So how do I insert the symbols from tween_end.fla into the tenth frame of tweet_start.fla and then execute a motion tween between the frames?
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Sep 29, 2011
I have an Input Text box that has a variable assigned to it.The user is to input a number, and then it is submitted with a button that does a simple conditional if statement check. I noticed that the if statement is constantly failing because the variable is tracing back as HTML.The trace of the variable looks like this:
The variable should simply be the number 4 without all the HTML jibberish.The "Render text as HTML" is not on for the Input Text box.I am completely baffled and at a complete loss... any ideas of what is happening here?!Below is the exact code I am using...
numA = random(10)
numB = random(10)[code]....
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Mar 3, 2010
If I do this stuff.addEventListener(FooEvent.NAME, function(e:FooEvent) {
I get a runtime error saying that Event cannot be converted to FooEvent.However, it works fine if I do:
stuff.addEventListener(FooEvent.NAME, function(e:FooEvent) {
dispatchEvent(new FooEvent(e.things));
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Jun 23, 2011
I have a somewhat complex parent/child hierarchy object that I need to display in a tree format that dynamically updates. To pass it into the tree as a dataprovider I convert the top level parent into an Array and then into an ArrayCollection. The problem there is if anything changes in the hierarchy the tree isn't dynamically updated unless I regenerate the dataprovider.
EDIT: I didn't have much code shown so I just tried to include the skeleton version of how everything is being used below, the tree works fine and even when I remove/add nodes the changes are evident but the vertical scroll bar isn't updated(doesn't resize) and if I scroll the tree will get out of whack and may display whitespace at the bottom of the tree where the item was just removed.
I tried just a plain bindable ArrayCollection test object with multiple levels and it updates properly so I think my tree is fine it's just how I'm trying to bind the dataprovider that I'm having the issues.
AS3 Class 1 - Object that can have plenty of child objects of itself by calling insertCustomObject()
public function CustomObject() {
public function insertCustomObject(customObject : CustomObject) : void {
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Jun 24, 2011
suppose I have an AS3 app made using FlashDevelop (I don't have the expensive IDE). Now I want to turn it into AIR app to deploy it on mobile or run it on the desktop or whatever. So how do I do that? Is there a free conversion utility? Or would I need to either buy some IDE or else get somebody else with a license do the conversion for me?
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Dec 17, 2003
This is what I have attached to the button (text converted to a button)
on (release) {{
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("blank3test", 1);
_root.blank3test._x =134; _root.blank3test._y = 80;
But the external swf "link3" doesnt appear.
View 4 Replies
Jul 24, 2010
I have two files one is called tween_start.fla and the other is called tween_end.fla I am trying to create a motion tween where the animation begins at tween_start.fla and ends at tween_end.fla Each file consists of 7 shapes (it's a tangram if you're curious). At frame 10 of the tween_start.fla timeline I right-click on each layer and do Insert Blank Keyframe. Then I go to tween_end.fla click on a shape and do Modify>Convert to Symbol. Then I go back to the timeline for tween_start.fla, right-click on frame 10 and do Paste Frames or Insert Keyframe. If I do Paste Frames with all of the symbols I've created in tween_end.fla then the shapes end up stacked on top of each other. If I do Insert Keyframe it doesn't insert the symbol I've just created, instead it just keeps the same shapes that were at the first frame of tweet_start.fla. So how do I insert the symbols from tween_end.fla into the tenth frame of tweet_start.fla and then execute a motion tween between the frames?
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Mar 9, 2011
I'm going to create a iOS app in flash and convert. I'm thinking I may want to load graphic assets at runtime. I'd like these assets to be vector graphics so they can be resized easily with no quality degradation. I usually use SWF files ofr this purpose. Unless I'm wrong, a converted iOS app probably does not load SWF files. So I'm wondering what kind of vector graphics file format can iOS load at runtime?
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Nov 7, 2010
I have a script that loads an external image into the stage(I have the addChild() script somewhere else) but I keep getting an error that says:
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@b1b7101 to flash.display.MovieClip.
at project1_fla::MainTimeline/drag()
What I do to make the image draggable? *(The image is loaded when the swf starts but the image won't because I put the addChild() in a if() statement. Could it be that since the image isn't loaded, it can't be a movieclip?)
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Nov 14, 2011
how I am making a site in flash they always say "flash is not the best choice, its obsolete now. because search engines and iPod/I phones + blackberries cannot read its content. The problem is, I fell comfortable using flash and think that it is a great tool, but am disappointed in a way that adobe has not optimized this application for the 2012 and beyond.
My question is it possible to take a site all done in flash and converted it entirely to html, and will it work? I have read articles about html5, and programs that can convert flash to html 5 but how accurate are there, are they any bugs with them?
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Jun 11, 2010
I'm having this problem with sending data to back-end party. So what I'm trying to do is to send hexadecimal data to a back-end party.It is binary data that's converted to hexadecimal in order to attach an image to an e-mail.The bottom code is the image that has bin created, how ever my code works when i DON'Tadd this code to it (d.addChild(mSiloDrawing.getDrawing()); it returns a movieclip see code) when I do add this code it givesme an end of file error.
Code: Select allvar d :Sprite = new Sprite;;, 0, LocalController.globalStage.stageWidth,
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