ActionScript 3 :: Get A Runtime Error Saying That Event Cannot Be Converted To FooEvent?

Mar 3, 2010

If I do this stuff.addEventListener(FooEvent.NAME, function(e:FooEvent) {

I get a runtime error saying that Event cannot be converted to FooEvent.However, it works fine if I do:

stuff.addEventListener(FooEvent.NAME, function(e:FooEvent) {
dispatchEvent(new FooEvent(e.things));

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Actionscript 3 :: Dragging Loader Image But Getting Error That It Can't Be Converted To A Movieclip

Nov 7, 2010

I have a script that loads an external image into the stage(I have the addChild() script somewhere else) but I keep getting an error that says:

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.display::Loader@b1b7101 to flash.display.MovieClip.
at project1_fla::MainTimeline/drag()


What I do to make the image draggable? *(The image is loaded when the swf starts but the image won't because I put the addChild() in a if() statement. Could it be that since the image isn't loaded, it can't be a movieclip?)

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Code: Select allvar d :Sprite = new Sprite;;, 0, LocalController.globalStage.stageWidth,


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i installed the Adobe Flash CS4 on my computer but i keep getting an error when running the Flash application. This is the error i'm getting(refer to the attached image): the Error 147:20 keeps bugging me. I was wondering if there is a way around this problem.

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Mar 25, 2011

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cash1 = cash1 - 0.25;[code].........

The error I receive is:Warning: No libraries were linked as Runtime Shared Libraries (RSLs) because of your publish settings: AIR Android [SWF] Lemonade-boy.swf - 942698 bytes after decompression

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import For Runtime Sharing Error

Jan 8, 2011

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* lib.swf
* sceneA.swf
* sceneB.swf
* loader.swf
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The problem is I get Error: Error #2094: Event dispatch recursion overflow. Why does removechild keep getting called if this.parent does not exist? Why doesn't removing event listeners work?

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Professional :: Runtime Shared Library Preloading Error?

Sep 8, 2010

I just finished up my site, and this is the only thing holding me back from publishing it. Whenever I "Test" my site, I get this error: " Your content will not stream. Runtime Shared Library (RSL) preloading will require all of your content to download before the first frame will play.
To prevent this you can change the Runtime Shared Library Library Settings, in the Advanced ActionScript 3.0 Settings dialog which can be raised from the Publish Settings dialog.The Runtime Shared Libraries being preloaded are:
textlayout_1.0.0.595.swz for TLF Text"
Does anyone know how to correct this error? If you do, could you please walk me through it step-by-step. I am still very new to "Flash Professional (CS5)" & "ActionScript (3.0)"

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TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at mx.controls::AdvancedDataGridBaseEx/getSeparator()
at mx.controls::AdvancedDataGridBaseEx/createHeaderSeparators()


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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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VerifyError: Error #1024: Stack underflow occurred.


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applicationComplete seems to be an even better event than creationComplete to put application initialization code. See this blog entry for some explanation, and and this video (around 4:25) by an Adobe Tech Evangelist for an example of simple "start of application" data initialization.

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Easy to reproduce:

public function FLVTest() {
var p:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();
var url:String = "foo.flv";
p.source = url;


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Dec 4, 2009

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But in the browser, even locally, it doesn't out put this message!

Here's my code:

function loadIOError(event:IOErrorEvent){


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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

If I just place tehMovieClip on the stage by itself, it works fine but I need it to be inside parentMovieClip.

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Professional :: "Error Initializing Java Runtime Environment

Jul 15, 2010

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i can open the fla successfully , but when i try to export the fla to the swf
it appear the message : "Error initializing Java Runtime Environment , You may need to reinstall Flash."
result : the swf is gen but the frames move "non-stop" automatically
i had tried use different OS (winXP , Win7 ) and JRE


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Professional :: Runtime Error When Launching Flash CS5 In Vista 32bit

Aug 11, 2010

I installed Flash CS5 as a Trial and when I tried to launch it the error message appears on the screen:

Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error
This application has requested Runtime to terminated it in a unusual way. Please contact the applications support team for more information.

I already tried to re-install Vista again and even tried to install flash in XP with the same unsucess result.

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Media Server :: Out Of Memory Error - JS Runtime: How Many Users Can One Connect

Dec 23, 2010

Not talking video here. Talking interactive apps, like chat. Ours crashes at about 500 connected users. When I report this I'm told "make sure you're not creating too many objects serverside" or "increase the JSRuntimeSize setting in your application.xml file to the max". Have now done both of those things but still get this out of memory error. Let's say I optomized my app and got 100% more connection capacity. That would be 1,000 connected users - still nowhere near enough. Are my dreams of 6,000 or 10,000 connected users enjoying all of the fruits of the FMS interactivity pipe dreams?Is it not meant for sessions of that size?

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Professional :: Error Initializing Java Runtime Environment At Launch

Jan 9, 2011

I'm currently on a Windows 7 64bits system and I've got this unsolved problem of "Error initializing Java Runtime Environment. You may need to reinstall Flash" pop-up at Flash CS5 launch. This error (apparently relied to AS3 compiling machine) also appears during SWF compilation (so the compilation is bugged and the SWF is unusable) I've googled it and tried every piece of answer but none of them worked :
- Re-install Flash or Java (32 & 64 bits)
- Delete CLASSPATH in environment variables
- Reduce (or raise ?!) -Xmx128M environment variable
- Launch application with XP SP3 compatibility
Is anyone here had the same problem and succeed to pass through in any kind of way

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Runtime Error Window Fails To Pop Up In Flash Player Debug

Jul 6, 2011

I've installed the latest debug version of Flash player plugin for Mac OS X. Diagnostic page [URL] confirms that the version of Flash plugin detected is debugger one. I'am also able to debug applications using Flash-builder debugging tools. But no runtime error pop-ups are shown during browsing. Does anyone have the same problem? Does anyone know how to fix this strange behavior?

I've tried to uninstall the player using this application [URL] and reinstall Flash player again, but no luck.

UPD1: I've created additional user account and found out that error pop-ups are displayed successfully when switched to that account. So it's likely user-profile configuration issue.

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Dec 7, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Runtime Error #1074 When Declaring Const Members?

May 20, 2010

So, I have encountered a very bizarre scenario involving const declarations. I'm curious if anyone else has seen this as well. Note that this only happens when the game in question is loaded as an external swf.Here's my runtime error:

ReferenceError: Error #1074: Illegal write to read-only property on


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Flash :: Error #2044: Unhandled Error: Whilst Using URLLoader Even With IOErrorEvent Event Listener

Feb 15, 2012

I am occasionally getting flash popup this error:

Error #2044: Unhandled error:. text= my code is here:


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