ActionScript 3.0 :: BoneArmature Runtime Error "Runtime Symbols With Skewed Matrices Should Be Wrapped In A Movie Clip"?

Oct 9, 2009

Whenever I link a set of movieclips together with the bone tool which are inside a containing movieclip, and also set the type to "runtime" instead of "authortime", I get this error when published.

"Runtime symbols with skewed matrices should be wrapped in a movie clip" What does it mean? I need the type to be set to runtime so I can use scripting with it..

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Professional :: Embedding Symbols Inside Symbols That Are Runtime Exported

Feb 5, 2010

I'm attempting to use CS4 (PC/Vista, if that matters) to create a SWF file that will basically act as a "library" of commonly used symbols. This SWF would be loaded at runtime by other SWFs, which could then use the symbols within it, including all art and code assets.


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Create A Movie Clip During Runtime?

Oct 4, 2009

my goal is to have a small circle movie clip (would it work as a movie clip?) spawn when the mouse button is pressed. I know how to add the code for the button being pressed, but I do not know how to create the object on demand.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Changes Width At Runtime?

Apr 26, 2006

I have a movie clip on the stage. When I click on it, the info bar shows its width is 90px.When I test the movie and do a trace( mc._width ) it has a width of 97.1 .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Replace Symbols At Runtime

Mar 1, 2011

My game will have plenty enemies, and most of them belong to a "group" or "kind" of enemy, which will act pretty much alike, with the difference of a "skin". I've made a long movie clip with a generic soldier with all the animation available trough labels and ActionScript (e.g.: for setting the walk animation in the enemy, I just do [enemy].gotoAndPlay("walk") and starts a looping animation, same thing for stand, fire, dying, etc.

What I want, is to create different monsters at runtime, just by replacing the symbols within the MC attached to the class, so a red soldier and a blue soldier will have the same animations, and both can be displayed on screen at the same time. This will be done at the constructor of the class, exporting the MC for Action Script as Monster and creating a class MonsterRed which extends Monster, and in the constructor method I replace every part with the ones I want.

If I didn't do this in runtime, I'd had to create a movieclip for each monster, and if I change some animation I'd had to replicate the movement for every monster of the same type. I could do this by making every part such as leg or arm of the monster as a movieclip with different styles in each frame, and switching between the different "skins" using [enemy].[part].gotoAndStop(x). But this is a very dirty workaround.

One clear example would be the same monster carrying a different weapon, the only symbol to replace here would be the gun symbol (and changing the behavior of this new monster, of course). How can I swap the symbols attached to a Class at runtime? So different classes inheriting a MovieClip exported for AS3 could have the same animation with different symbols.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Control A Movie Clip From The Library At Runtime?

Mar 13, 2011

I have a Flash movie as2 that has a main movie that loads other movie clips into a Flash Window .I need to control the actions for the Flash Window movie from the main movie.As the movie in the Window is not on the stage until runtime ,how do i communicate to it from the main movie time line.example:Play the main movie and you click on a button that moves a ball across the stage ,at the same time a window pops up with a linked movie clip embedded in it that will change color when the ball on the stage reaches a specific point.The movie is alot more complicated than that ,as it is a aircraft system simulation. Where the pop is a circuit diagram of the action and the main movie is a flow diagram of the same function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Manipulating Movie Clip Objects At Runtime?

Mar 19, 2007

I am fairly new to Flash and action script as a whole, and would like to know how one can write a script that allows users to rescale/ resize and rotate movie clip objects at runtime.I.e. When a user moves their cursor over an object on the floor plan, I would like for them to be able to either resize the object or rotate it.

After trawling the web, I am still yet to find an existing API that I can use to build my floor planner in Flash. However, I did stumble across the 'Space planner' created by Icovia for architects and interior designers alike. If you visit the icovia web site at http:[url].....and click on 'Test Drive' under Interior design and Home renovations section, you will see what I envisage for my project. However, all I would like to know for now is how I can manipulate objects on the floorplan using action script.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Free Transform On A Movie Clip At Runtime?

Apr 10, 2007

Basically, the scenario is this, when a user clicks on an movie clip instance at runtime, I want to be able to display free transform points that the user can click on and drag to transform the objects scale, i.e. Just like the Flash's free transform tool. Does anybody know how I can go about doing this? Is there a class in actionscript?

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Symbols Placed On Stage Before Runtime In Array Form?

Mar 31, 2011

I am doing a project that deals with pathfinding and other AI algorithms. I am creating a city for the AI to navigate through and I wanted to no if I add all the symbols to the stage before runtime and set it up is there a way I can access all of these symbols either in an array that the stage holds. I would like to have the AI avoid them and I just figured it would save me some time if I could do it this way instead of coding the placement of 50+ items.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Movie Clip Adding At Runtime Not Working When Using Classes

Nov 18, 2010

I created the code below which works as it should using the main timeline actions in AS3 - now, for my project I need this to work in AS3 using class files (basically I'm creating an app which uses pages as class files. This is intended to go on the 2nd page.for some reason though when I've copied it into my project and instantiated it when the page loads, even though all traces say that the squares should be there - they are not! The best I've had so far is one square in the final position![code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Apply Actions To An Attached/created Movie Clip At Runtime?

Sep 12, 2004

apply actions to an attached/created movie clip at runtime? I.E. You use attachMovieClip to attach a clip, and then you add a startDrag/stopDrag system to it dynamically.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Apply Actions To Attached / Created Movie Clip At Runtime?

Sep 12, 2004

Does anyone know a way to apply actions to an attached/created movie clip at runtime? I.E. You use attachMovieClip to attach a clip, and then you add a startDrag/stopDrag system to it dynamically. Is it possible?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Accessing Components Nested Inside A Movie Clip Instantiated At Runtime

Jul 31, 2009

I am having this problem with actionscript 2:

I have a class that instantiates a movieclip from the library, eg: myBar:MovieClip = level0.AttachMovie("debugbar", "debugbar_mc", 999);
myBar is an instance variable in the class.

Now the important part - debugbar in the library is a movieclip that contains some components - buttons and textInputs. The problem comes when trying to access these components.

I would have thought that this would work: myBar.input_txt.text = "hello";

in order to set the text of "input_txt", the instance name of a TextInput component on the timeline of the movie clip (frame 1 of a 1 frame mc).

This does not work. Infact, I cannot access any specific "component" properties - they come back undefined. I cannot added event handlers for the component events either.

I can however set and retrieve MovieClip properties for the "input_txt", such as _x. However there is one added strange thing with this too - setting _visible to false doesn't seem to work (however perhaps a component by default overrides this).

I tried casting it to a component, such as:
var temp:TextInput = TextInput(myBar.input_txt);
which gave "temp" as null. Without casting, it gives the path to correctly.

It almost seems like the components are somehow broken when trying to access them this way - or that they cannot be accessed this way?

The thing is, I was able to access all of this before, when the code to do it was placed on the timeline (frame 1, the only frame) of the debugbar itself, where the components were placed at authortime.

I need to have it in a class though, as I need to pass in certain objects that need to be accessed by the mc. I am rather baffled as to why all this doesn't work.

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Load-time Weaving Of Pointcuts Into Existing Binary Code At Runtime With The AVM2 Runtime?

Feb 23, 2010

I've seen the Loom project, but are there any alternatives that are more mature (and actively developed)? I am looking for something that would allow load-time weaving of pointcuts into existing binary code at runtime with the AVM2 runtime.

Has any work been done in this area?

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Difference Between The Flash Player Runtime And Adobe AIR Runtime?

Nov 16, 2009

I've been into coding for about 5 years now, but I'm a recent convert to Flash development. One of the questions I have at the moment is, considering that SWF files can be run by either Adobe Flash Player OR Adobe AIR, what's the real difference between the two runtime environments? What API's and Objects exist in one environment, but not the other?

Basically what I'm more or less trying to establish is, when would I want to develop an SWF for AIR, and when would I want to develop for Flash Player, considering that Flash Player can also execute locally (providing support for creating "desktop applications")

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Filter - Push The DropShadow Filter Onto Movie Clip At RunTime?

Mar 10, 2011

I looked at the following example in the AS3 Reference: [URL] It is unclear to me looking at the package example how to apply this in standard ActionScript 3 without packages to a Movie Clip resident in my Library that gets called at RunTime. how I would push the DropShadow filter onto my Movie Clip at RunTime?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Slider To Move After A Movie Clip Symbols Instead Of Button Symbols?

Oct 29, 2008

I used this tut to create a menu. [URL] And my question is; Can I make the slider to move after a movie clip symbols instead of button symbols? That way my menu would be animated.

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Flash Application :: Keep Getting Runtime Error 147:20 ?

Jan 4, 2011

i installed the Adobe Flash CS4 on my computer but i keep getting an error when running the Flash application. This is the error i'm getting(refer to the attached image): the Error 147:20 keeps bugging me. I was wondering if there is a way around this problem.

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Professional :: Flash CS5 - Java Runtime Error (Win 7)

Aug 30, 2010

I installed the Flash CS5 trial and each time I launch the application, a windows with the message (error initializing java runtime and may need to reinstall Flash). That's making 6 times that I reinstall Flash CS5, Java 6.21, unisntall, install from CS5 Suite, single Flash CS5 and always the same problem. I use Windows 7 X86.

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Professional :: Runtime Error Running Flash CS5?

Nov 19, 2010

I have this weird issue with Flash Professional CS5. It has worked just fine for me in the past but when i try to start it now it gives me the following error:"This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Locate Runtime Error Trigger?

Feb 24, 2011

I know I should read the manual to deal with the debugger.I'm not there yet. <g>.Anyhow, here's what the debugger is rendering:

at Website_fla::MainTimeline()[Website_fla.MainTimeline::MainTimeline:2]Cannot display source code at this location. What does the 2 signify?How can I locate the line of AS3 code that triggers this error?if it is too complicated to explain Ill wait until I'm into the debugging chapter of the manual.

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Actionscript 3 :: Runtime Error Wirth FLASH CS5?

Mar 25, 2011

I'm getting a runtime error when I reach frame three. however, the runtime error says it's on frame2:6.The code for frame 3 is:

buy_cups.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, buycups);
function buycups(event:MouseEvent):void{
cash1 = cash1 - 0.25;[code].........

The error I receive is:Warning: No libraries were linked as Runtime Shared Libraries (RSLs) because of your publish settings: AIR Android [SWF] Lemonade-boy.swf - 942698 bytes after decompression

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference at Lemonade_fla::MainTimeline/check()[Lemonade_fla.MainTimeline::frame2:6]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Import For Runtime Sharing Error

Jan 8, 2011

I have in my project  4 files listed below:

* lib.swf
* sceneA.swf
* sceneB.swf
* loader.swf
1) "lib.swf" - contains two MovieClips, "mc_A" and "mc_B"  with "Export For Runtime Sharing" checked.
2) "sceneA.swf" - contains in the stage "mc_A" (copied from "lib.swf"). This MovieClip is checked with "Import For Runtime Sharing" in the library.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error Displayed In The Output-box At Runtime?

Jun 30, 2009

When I ru my flash application, the following error gets displayed in the output-box at runtime: ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on DynaAccess_fla::MainTimeline/onScrollCancel(). Expected 1, got 0.
at MethodInfo-374().

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Professional :: Runtime Shared Library Preloading Error?

Sep 8, 2010

I just finished up my site, and this is the only thing holding me back from publishing it. Whenever I "Test" my site, I get this error: " Your content will not stream. Runtime Shared Library (RSL) preloading will require all of your content to download before the first frame will play.
To prevent this you can change the Runtime Shared Library Library Settings, in the Advanced ActionScript 3.0 Settings dialog which can be raised from the Publish Settings dialog.The Runtime Shared Libraries being preloaded are:
textlayout_1.0.0.595.swz for TLF Text"
Does anyone know how to correct this error? If you do, could you please walk me through it step-by-step. I am still very new to "Flash Professional (CS5)" & "ActionScript (3.0)"

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Professional :: 'Error Initializing Java Runtime Environment'

Sep 10, 2010

I get this error starting up Flash Professional CS5. I don't even have to create/open a Flash file. I already re-installed, but to no avail.

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Flex :: Advanceddatagrid - Runtime Error When Compiling Application With ANT?

Sep 18, 2009

I'm using a licensed version of Flex Builder Pro to develop an application.I compiled the swc and generated swf successfully using ANT tasks.It contains an Advanced Data Grid also. When this application is accessed, I get a runtime error and it fails to load.

TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at mx.controls::AdvancedDataGridBaseEx/getSeparator()
at mx.controls::AdvancedDataGridBaseEx/createHeaderSeparators()


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ActionScript 3 :: Get A Runtime Error Saying That Event Cannot Be Converted To FooEvent?

Mar 3, 2010

If I do this stuff.addEventListener(FooEvent.NAME, function(e:FooEvent) {

I get a runtime error saying that Event cannot be converted to FooEvent.However, it works fine if I do:

stuff.addEventListener(FooEvent.NAME, function(e:FooEvent) {
dispatchEvent(new FooEvent(e.things));

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Flex :: Focus Out Handler Runtime Error 1009 ?

Nov 8, 2010

I am getting these weird runtime errors. I am using Flex 3.5 SDK with flash player set to 10.0.00.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

at mx.flash::UIMovieClip/removeFocusEventListeners()[]
at mx.flash::UIMovieClip/focusOutHandler()[]

I get this errors when I click on any other control in a popup. I am using buttons, textarea,textinput,and a list.

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Flash :: Debug A Runtime Stack Underflow Error?

Jun 7, 2011

I'm really struggling to resolve a stack underflow that I'm getting. The traceback I get at runtime is:

VerifyError: Error #1024: Stack underflow occurred.


This is particularly difficult to debug because when I run in debug mode it does not happen at all. It only happens when compiled as a release.


applicationComplete seems to be an even better event than creationComplete to put application initialization code. See this blog entry for some explanation, and and this video (around 4:25) by an Adobe Tech Evangelist for an example of simple "start of application" data initialization.

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