ActionScript 2.0 :: Way To Apply Actions To Attached / Created Movie Clip At Runtime?
Sep 12, 2004
Does anyone know a way to apply actions to an attached/created movie clip at runtime? I.E. You use attachMovieClip to attach a clip, and then you add a startDrag/stopDrag system to it dynamically. Is it possible?
apply actions to an attached/created movie clip at runtime? I.E. You use attachMovieClip to attach a clip, and then you add a startDrag/stopDrag system to it dynamically.
I want to apply actions to a movieClip nested inside a dynamicly attached movieClip, with the attachMovie method; it doesn't works when the movieClip is attached by a button:
1.when the swf movie loads with an attachMovie method the remove_btn clears the window_mc
Q1) The registration point of a created clip is top left - my question is how can I dynamically change it's registration point - say to center center?
(I am trying to attach a movie clip to a created clip and I wanted it to be centered inside the container - a related sub-question, how can I find the x-y coordinates of the attached movie clip within the created movie clip?)
Q2)When I tried to create two different movie clips, I found I had to create them at different depths, else the first would load and the second would not. Why would that be so? I'm on MX 2004 Pro.
say I have a clip with an onEnterFrame running on it with a hit test to check if the user has rolled off the clip . . . Then i create an empty clip within that clip and attach clips to it. Will my .onEnterFrame and hitTest now apply to the clips i have attached to the original clip?
I have a very simple problem but I can't find the very simple solution to it. I've create an animated menu with animated movie clips inside to work as buttons. All the main buttons work perfectely but I've got just on button with a sub-menu. On this sub-menu I've placed an invisible hitarea button in order to place some gotoAndStop action. The thing is, it seems to me like this submenu hitarea are underneath something else (even though is the seccond layers right about the actions layers). I've placed a simple trace action whenever the mouse rolls over this area but I get nothing... Am I doing something really wrong? I'm losing all my hair already.
The question is, How do you apply a function to a movie clip inside a movie clip inside a movie clip. So there are three mc and I need to apply the function to the inner most one.
Here is what I have. The 'a' is in 'spin_4' wich needs to be in 'portal'.
Whenever I link a set of movieclips together with the bone tool which are inside a containing movieclip, and also set the type to "runtime" instead of "authortime", I get this error when published.
"Runtime symbols with skewed matrices should be wrapped in a movie clip" What does it mean? I need the type to be set to runtime so I can use scripting with it..
I have a menu bar that has 2 Drop down menus. Each drop down is a separate movie clip, with 3 buttons inside that are separate movie clips. I have a class set to the buttons that are movie clips for a roll over effect. But when I mouse over it does not work. Also on the main time line I tried to add a like to a web page but it did not work. But I only have this problem with the movie clips that are inside the drop down movie clips.
Why is this? How do I add roll over actions and external links to movie clips that are inside of another movie clip? I really need some help this is a problem I have been having for about a month or more. I am still a AS3 newb and this is my first time using classes. The other classes I have work with everything else, Im just having trouble with the movie clips that are inside movie clips.
I've attached a movie clip using the attachMovie method. I was wondering if it's possible to handle the attached movie clip... I don't know if I'm expaining this correctly but I'd like my movie clip to perform some simple actions (gotoAndPlay, Stop)This is my (lame) script:
//Ataching clip this.emptyClip.attachMovie("photo001","Img001",get NextHighestDepth()); //Action for the attached clip this.emptyClip.gotoAndPlay("starting");
I copied this code from the web that creates snow and I have this code on frame 100. I want to remove this movie clip when it starts back again on frame 1.
Basically its an onPress event handler on a movie clip that attaches another movie to it when pressed.The problem is, I only want the movie clip to be attached once in the designated x,y coordinates, no matter how many times the main object is pressed. I'm essentially trying to write my own FreeTransform script, that allows users to resize the object.
i am trying to draw continues line one point to another by mouse click , and each points there will be a round shape(using linkage library method) with the mouse click .the lines all are removed by this (_root.newgrid1.clear()) method.the problem is that i was only able to remove one round shape from the stage using remove movie clip method,ow can i remove all the attached movie by the reset button from newgrid2?
################################################## ## this is the method i used to remove the clip _root.reset.onRelease = function ()
I have a series of mc's I'm attaching from the library, with buttons in the main movieInside each of the attached mc's is a close button that needs to close the attached mc and launch a function in the main movie, but I'm having trouble addressing the button inside the attached mc from the main timeline.I've tried this:
I'm quite new to A.S and lately i got a problem when trying to trace the info of an attached movie clip.I created 2 movie clips named "test" and "testChild". In actions frame of "testChild" i put this:
i'm trying to remove a function from a movieclip, is there a way of doing this, so I keep the movieclip on stage but removes the onPress etc? I'd also want to be able to reapply that function the movieclip later.
I currently am creating a game where you shoot at targets that randomly appear. I have them set to be randomly generated via an attachMovieClip object, and all works well... EXCEPT that whenever it generates the clip from the Library, the instance is WAY above the rest of movie (layer-wise)!
This means that my custom-crosshairs cursor, for instance, is always behind the target and thus the user cannot mouseDown and shoot it.
I'm looking for a script that I can apply to a movie clip button that will do the same thing as this HTML code:[code]Its just a MAIL script that will open your default mail program.
I'm trying to use actionscript to apply a gradient to a movie clip. I've tried looking up examples but they all seem hideously complicated, with tons of colors and weird angles. Or they inlove using the Draw API to draw a rectangle and then apply it! All I need to do is apply a linear gradient with three colors to a movie clip that's already on the stage? Does anyone know how I would go about this or a tutorial where I could find it? It seems so simple in theory! I've tried using bevel and glow filters but they're not really what I'm looking for.
I have an AS3 project (publishing to FP10) where I load a custom made window from the main movie. The custom made window is saved in the Library and has a close button (called exitinteraction_btn).
I manage to load the window from the main movie with the following:
var WinA = new windowa(); addChild(WinA); var myTween:Tween = new Tween(WinA, "x", Elastic.easeIn, 175, 175, 5, true); var myTween:Tween = new Tween(WinA, "y", Strong.easeIn, 175, 175, 5, true);
This is the code in my custom window (which I cannot manage to close and have it remove itself from the main movie when clicked):
exitinteraction_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeI); function closeI(e:Event):void{ this.unloadAndStop(); }
I get the following error:
TypeError: Error #1006: unloadAndStop is not a function. at windowa/heyb()
when I try to open the actions for a movie clip, it opens it in a tab a the top of the page, but will not restore, therefore i am unable to see or add to the actions. how can i fix this?
I want to have a background that has random movie clips playing. Originally I was going to have long timelines with blank frames. Is there a simple a frame action that I can use that stops the playhead and makes it wait for certain amount of time and then plays?
what bugs me that in EVERY tutorial on creating lets say, a menu they teach you how to animate things and everything but theres never an explanation on how to actually connect buttons or movie clips with a certain action.
I want to do the most basic thing.. to make a certain animation/movie clip appear in the document after a certain button is pressed.
I've an empty array and some global variables, and I have two movie clips in my library: one is a trigger, second is the movie clip that is placed on the stage when the trigger is activated (a testdummy, if you want).
var dummies:Array = []; var i:int = 300; var j:int = 500; var k:int = 0;
...I get an obvious error : Scene 1, Layer 'actions', Frame 1, Line 66 1120: Access of undefined property dummy. Because dummies are created within a function. I don't have any trouble addressing items in the 'dummies' array though.
Though dummies are crated by the same pattern, data stored in them is the whole point of creating the application.
how can I apply a function to each of those dummies, which is executed on click and affects only one dummy?
I'm trying to get in the habit of using AS in the first frame on the main timeline as much as possible. but sometimes i hit a snag. like getting a movie clip to change it's alpha when it hits a certain frame in an attached MC.