Actionscript 3 :: Get Symbols Placed On Stage Before Runtime In Array Form?

Mar 31, 2011

I am doing a project that deals with pathfinding and other AI algorithms. I am creating a city for the AI to navigate through and I wanted to no if I add all the symbols to the stage before runtime and set it up is there a way I can access all of these symbols either in an array that the stage holds. I would like to have the AI avoid them and I just figured it would save me some time if I could do it this way instead of coding the placement of 50+ items.

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Feb 5, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BoneArmature Runtime Error "Runtime Symbols With Skewed Matrices Should Be Wrapped In A Movie Clip"?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Replace Symbols At Runtime

Mar 1, 2011

My game will have plenty enemies, and most of them belong to a "group" or "kind" of enemy, which will act pretty much alike, with the difference of a "skin". I've made a long movie clip with a generic soldier with all the animation available trough labels and ActionScript (e.g.: for setting the walk animation in the enemy, I just do [enemy].gotoAndPlay("walk") and starts a looping animation, same thing for stand, fire, dying, etc.

What I want, is to create different monsters at runtime, just by replacing the symbols within the MC attached to the class, so a red soldier and a blue soldier will have the same animations, and both can be displayed on screen at the same time. This will be done at the constructor of the class, exporting the MC for Action Script as Monster and creating a class MonsterRed which extends Monster, and in the constructor method I replace every part with the ones I want.

If I didn't do this in runtime, I'd had to create a movieclip for each monster, and if I change some animation I'd had to replicate the movement for every monster of the same type. I could do this by making every part such as leg or arm of the monster as a movieclip with different styles in each frame, and switching between the different "skins" using [enemy].[part].gotoAndStop(x). But this is a very dirty workaround.

One clear example would be the same monster carrying a different weapon, the only symbol to replace here would be the gun symbol (and changing the behavior of this new monster, of course). How can I swap the symbols attached to a Class at runtime? So different classes inheriting a MovieClip exported for AS3 could have the same animation with different symbols.

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Flex :: Get Array From Server To Form,as Form Items ?

Nov 28, 2009

am sending one user object from java to flex using remote object,now i want to get each item from that array to display in text can i do this ?

userInfo=event.result as Array;
<mx:FormItem label="FirstName" fontWeight="bold" width="325" required="true">[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error While Trying To Push Symbols Into An Array?

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Make Subtle Adjustments To Simlar Symbols On The Stage?

Aug 13, 2009

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May 14, 2011

I've made a movie which has symbols waiting to come onto my stage. When I watch it, all seems to be fine until I run a test. A random symbol sits in the top left corner not moving which isn't there when I watch it.

I've looked through all the layers and none of them are duplicated. When i do a test, this following message appears:WARNING: Multiple 3D objects on the same frame have the same instance name. 3D instance names must be unique. All but one of the instances will be renamed during export.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Using An Array Of Movie Symbols In ResizeHandler Function

Sep 1, 2010

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Mar 6, 2011

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I tried clicking each one, and saving the "Change Selection" actions from the History Panel as a Command, but that is location-based.As soon as I move those symbols to a new location, the command I saved no longer selects them.And I can't select the objects by layer or frame, because it doesn't seem to want to save those either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Display List - Tracing All Symbols On Stage In Timeline

Jun 23, 2009

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ActionScript Code:
for (var pm = 0; pm < this.numChildren; pm++) {
var child = this.getChildAt(pm);

What I am noticing is that it will return everything until it runs into a symbol that does not exist on every frame.. as soon as it does encounter a symbol that does not exist on all frames of the main time line it spits out -
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at 3_Migration_Standard_Nav_v2_fla::MainTimeline/pMovie()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Slider To Move After A Movie Clip Symbols Instead Of Button Symbols?

Oct 29, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash CS5 IDE - Symbols And Nested Symbols And The Difference Between Graphics And Movie Clips And Scoping

Oct 26, 2010

I'm working through a book called Foundation Game Design with Flash, and I'm finding the Flash IDE confusing. I've been programming for several years, so working with AS3 directly is far easier than trying to understand symbols and nested symbols and the difference between graphics and movie clips and scoping issues and all that -- when tied into the IDE.

How many of you who are making games in AS3 also use the Flash IDE? Can anyone recommend a resource that is AS3 heavy and Flash IDE light? I don't care how much time I may or may not save by using things like the timeline, I just want to understand what I'm using.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Linking / Attaching And Connecting Symbols With Other Symbols

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Is there any way to do that, well bone tool is for AS3 only.. so how would you connect symbols with other symbols?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw Two Mc On The Stage At Runtime?

Jan 26, 2007

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Nov 5, 2010

I've been thinking about the possibility of using Flash to create designs through ActionScript and tools that I could use at runtime. Is there any way of saving the stage elements as an image that I can use for print output later, preferably as a vector image?I realise the better option would probably be to learn how to script in java script or another language that can be used with a drawing application such as Illustrator, but I'm curious about what sort of options I have to do it through Flash.

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding Components To Stage At Runtime?

Mar 29, 2011

I am trying to ape the MS Paint application in Flash. I have a small point that I want to get cleared. I want to set the thickness of the line that I am drawing.I want to add a numeric stepper to stage dynamically. Only when I click on option to draw line the numeric stepper must appear on stage. It must be removed when I select another component.How can I add it at runtime. I got tutorials and references in which the stepper is always there on the stage. But I want it only when I want to draw the line.

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Actionscript 3 :: Changing The Stage Size During Runtime?

Mar 23, 2012

Can we change the stage size during runtime?

I need to change the size of the stage dynamically during the runtime when the swf receives a flashvar from the html page. Can this be done?

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Professional :: Changing Color Of An Object On Stage During Runtime?

Mar 4, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to change the color of an object during runtime.

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Professional :: Dynamically Changing Stage Size On Runtime

Mar 31, 2010

I need to change the stage size dynamically. When I try to do this?
size_mc.onRelease = function(){
Stage.height += 100;
It comes always the current stage size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Assign Values To A Multidimensional Array On Runtime?

Sep 13, 2006

I have a dobut in assign a value to a particular location in an 3-dimensional array during runtime..for example i want to enter value in aBoxes[1][2] on runtime.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Runtime Armature Manipulation - Check For A HitTestObject For Anything On The Stage

Dec 25, 2010

I have a bunch of movieclips linked with bones, with the last bone named chainEnd, and the following code on the stage.

import fl.ik.*;
var tree:IKArmature=IKManager.getArmatureByName("chain Link");
var bone:IKBone = tree.getBoneByName("chainEnd");
var tailJnt:IKJoint = bone.tailJoint;
var chainPos:Point=tailJnt.position;
var chainMover:IKMover=new IKMover(tailJnt,chainPos);

If I set an enter frame event to change the chainPos and then use chainMover.moveTo(chainPos) the chain will wiggle about and generally act like a proper chain. (I use this so that if the cursor touches the chain it will react to it) It works perfectly. So I saved it, exported it and then used a loader to get it into a different file that I'm working with. I figured I could load it in as a movieclip titled "chain" and access the variables through chain.chainPos etc.

This works if I want to for instance trace(chain.chainPos), but if I want to do what was previously possible (react to the mouse) it just won't work. I can check for a hitTestObject for anything on the stage, and I can check for a hitTestPoint against the mouse coordinates, they trace fine, but when I want to actually have the chain move the chainPos and chainMover.moveTo don't seem to do anything. (Interestingly enough chainPos still updates it's coordinates, so if I do chain.chainPos.x += (put number here) and trace that, it will actually change) Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew why this wasn't working, or could help me get this functional. It's a massive pain to have the bones/movieclips on the stage rather than loaded in as a movieclip, so if possible I'd like to avoid that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Combine Variables To Form Array Name?

Jan 14, 2011

I'm trying to get this code to work dynamically:

ActionScript Code:
var imageArray:Array = String(imageArray0).split(",");

I have a variable, _global.buildingNumber that I want to show up after imageArray so Flash loads the desired array.

This doesn't work:

ActionScript Code:
var imageArray:Array = String(imageArray+_global.buildingNumber).split(",");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Movieclip Form Stage Compeletly?

Feb 6, 2008

I need to remove the moveclip from stage...

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Use Var Form Main Stage In A Movie Clip?

Aug 24, 2010

how to use var form main stage in a movie clip. when i try i get an error.

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