ActionScript 2.0 :: MX Rotation And Scaling?

Feb 16, 2003

I'm interested in distorting movie clips at runtime based on user input. I know how to rotate - thats easy : clip._rotation is a number from 0 to 360. I know how to scale - thats easy too : clip._xscale and clip._yscale are conveniently independent. But how do you SKEW a movie clip at runtime??The best I can come up with is really complicated. If you put a symbol within a symbol and name both ( something like shell and core ), you can squish and rotate them independently, making it possible to distort the clip twice as many ways.

shell.core._yscale = 160;
shell.core._xscale = 100;
shell.core._rotation = 45;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: 3D Rotation Of Nested Movieclips, Separate Of Parent Rotation?

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this._y = Math.sin(this.angle) * radiusY + centerY;
var s = this._y /(centerY+radiusY);


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var br:mc_bottomright = new mc_bottomright();
//proportional scale
if ((stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight)> (owidth/oheight))


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Set Degree Before Rotation

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_rotation += 0.2;

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var radians:Number =Math.atan2(mouseY-ME.y,mouseX-ME.x)
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Scaling Of Filter Effects Possible?

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Sep 17, 2009

I have a flash file that I am scaling.  There are buttons in the file that have tooltips that pop up when you roll over them.Problem is, the tooltips scale with the .swf file so they get huge and are not in the right spot over the button anymore.the tooltips will maintain a size without being scaled?

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Dec 7, 2009

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I'm looking to have a logo stay locked in position on the right and the menu bar stay locked in position on the left when scaled in a web browser. The background in the main stage area. Is there a way to do this in Flash or is this done with HTML?

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Nov 28, 2011

I have developed the entire module with 800x600 Resolution.But Now I got an issue that i need to reduce the content area (Shrink the contents instead of changing the resolution). Because some one had developed the custom player that will affect some of the margins of the content.Is there any AS2 script is avail for scaling the entire stage to 80 % of its original size for the entire module...

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import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var imgLoader:Loader = new Loader;
[Code] .....

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