ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Mouse-led Line Fade?
Mar 17, 2010
I have my file set so that the mouse cursor leaves a trail behind it. However, it clutters up the screen. Is there any way to make it fade after a set amount of time? The only script is the following, which is set in the initial frame.[code]...
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Aug 25, 2009
i want to make a line with mouse movement and with bnlur effect i also want to save those point to reproduce that, i know how to make simple line with mouse and also able to reproduce it with the save point but not able to do blur effect with it
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Feb 4, 2011
I'm wondering how I would go about making a Mouse Trace, on a line that's preset but my choosing to let people enter into my Flash and/or progress throughout it. Basically, I have a picture of say, the number 5, I want to be able to have people use the mouse cursor to trace the 5 from one end to the next, and once completed the sites move forward. Though, I will be using my company logo which is a bit more advanced than a single number or letter form. If no one is sure what I'm talking about I've added a picture to demonstrate what I'm trying to do. Another idea I have if this one can't be accomplished, is a slide bar.Basically, it would look like a timeline control in say, VLC, and I would have the user drag a button from one side to the next to unlock and move forward. Though that may seem a bit more simple that my main idea, I would also like to be able to get really advanced with this second function and make a series of slide bars, say, 3, and they have to be slid in a certain manner, like slide bar 1,3,2 then it unlocks and moves forward.
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Apr 28, 2005
I have a page with alot of logos (buttons) and I would want so when the mouse is over a logo all the others fade like 50% and when you move your mouse away they go back to 100%, This should be for every button on the stage.
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May 18, 2007
I use Flash MX 6.0
1) I have a button and when I put cursor over it, it must start looping a sound. When I drag away, the sound must stop. I would be even cooler if it was possible to make the sound fade away when the mouse is rolled away. I have no problem creating another sound file that fades my current sound away.
2) I have a button which represents a knife, that should stab something (a panel) once pressed. So fist the knife must be clean. but after one or more presses, the blood should remain as a movie clip (as I want to animate the dripping blood)
3) once rolled over a button, the sound must start looping (as I wrote in 1.) AND the knife should slowly go backwards (MC). BUT when I roll mouse away, the sound fades away (as in 1. again) PLUS the knife should slowly move back to its place in stead of just jump from one place to another.
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Mar 29, 2010
is it possible to modify this script to make images load like a fade in/fade out slideshow. It works with buttons to action the transition I want, but I want a similar script to play a simple slideshow with same transitions.
this.pathToPics = "images/";
this.pArray = ["home1.jpg", "home2.jpg", "home3.jpg", "home4.jpg", "home5.jpg" ];
View 8 Replies
Apr 12, 2010
flash version: CS3 AS2 Im having trouble making the pages for a website im working on. I have a row of buttons, and I want each one to open its corrisponding page ie. contact_us_button to open contact_us movie clip. the thing is I want each page to transition in and out. so when I click contact us, the contact us movie clip fades in and stops. When I click about us, the contact us movie clip fades out and about us fades in.
Is the way to do this to make each page movie clip have a fade start and fade end, and have it stop before the fade end, and on another page click continue playing the current clip to get the fade out and then open the new page movie clip?
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Feb 11, 2012
my intention is to make alot ball endless fade in and fade out by using tween event class , but i got some problem see my code.
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code].....
but only 1 ball restart back,other 14 ball just stop at there , try paste on action and try you will see what i mean , how i going to make all ball restart back?
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Jun 24, 2009
draw a line on mouse movement, not the static line.
I am attaching a sample which is 90 degree bounded as it has been given in animation, I want to make this or such type through mouse movement.
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Nov 11, 2003
how to make images fade in then out again in sequence using actionscript? I'm a novice and have the fade out code but can't make it fade in again. So far I have this script on one image :
Followed by other images doing the same thing.
View 5 Replies
Jul 22, 2008
Nowadays I tend to use photoshop and dreamweaver more than flash. how to do it? I can make the fading out movie clip, but it's just a case of telling the button to do that on release of it!
View 6 Replies
Sep 9, 2009
I would like to make a fade in and fade out movieclip. However I want it so after it fades out, it will not loop and start over. In essence fade in and fade out and thats it.
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Jul 9, 2008
here's the code i am using that i got froma tutorial:
how do i make these two dynamic text fields fade in and out? also, i do not know how to do a line break in the xml file. i looked at 20 pages of google search and i got nothing.
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Nov 23, 2011
I am using Flex 4 and AS3 and I am trying to make it so that the user can draw a freehand line with the cursor - I have this part done.However, I also need the line to be a dashed line instead of one solid line like it is now. below is my code I am using. I have found some examples on how to do this, but they are all for straight lines, not for a freehand line.
Class File (DrawingArea):
import flash.display.BitmapData;
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Feb 3, 2010
I have my images loaded into a mc with a fade transition using mx.transitions. As the image fades there is a streaking line which rolls across the image. What causes this?
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Jan 30, 2009
I've managed to follow some drawing tutorias which work fine (mouse down draws a line everywhere you move mouse like MS paint).I would like to adapt this now if I can so that when a user clicks down, a straight line will follow their mouse until they click again and this releases the straight line. This should leave one line on the screen, then they are free to move their mouse and repeat the action again.
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Sep 14, 2009
I am new to Flash and am using Flash CS4. Can someone send me the code to make a top picture fade out to reveal a photo underneath when hovering with a mouse and then fade back in after you move the mouse?
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Nov 4, 2009
i have cd to introduce six songs what will be the code if i want on muse over on any picture of the songs album the sound will start with fade in effect
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Sep 16, 2009
I would like to fade-off the mouse cursor; I am thinking that the best way is to screencapture an image of the curser during runtime using BitmapData, or some approach similar;
View 6 Replies
Jan 30, 2011
how I could make it so that when the mouse leaves the stage, the opacity of every instance on the stage is lowered to a certain amount. And when the mouse returns, the opacity returns to normal.
I was able to come up with this code to test to see when the mouse leaves. However, I don't know how to collectively lower the opacity of every instance and test to see when the mouse returns.
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mMove);
function mMove(event:MouseEvent):void {
stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, leave);
View 5 Replies
Nov 6, 2007
What I'm trying to do is have an object go from 0% and fade to 100% when I move the mouse cursor over it.
For the life of me, I can't figure out the code to work this. I'm sure this is the easiest thing on the planet, but I've been working with AS for only about a week.
I've made the object a button symbol and given it an instance name of "btRed." I found the following code in the help file, but it isn't working.
function fadeBlock(event:MouseEvent):void {
btRed.alpha = 1;
btRed.addEventListener(MouseEvent.mouseOver, fadeBlock);
View 14 Replies
Apr 22, 2011
just been trying to fade one image into another on mouse over. found a template which does it for me and have applied my images to it. works how i want it to - image 1 fades into image 2 on mouse over, then goes back to image 1 when mouse moves off
BUT the problem is that when the mouse is the image and it fades into image 2 it begins to flicker - see for yourself in the .fla file here [URL]..
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Oct 6, 2009
I am trying to get a box_mc to fade out if the mouse is in a set area of the screen, but if the mouse is in a different segment to reappear. I have set up a timer to detect mouse position and got the functions working but I dont know how to pause the timer in order for the fade to take effect.
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var timer1:Timer = new Timer(10)
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Apr 29, 2007
Is there a way to fade a movie clip out based on the proximity of the mouse? Basically if my mouse is greater than 100 pixels away from a movie clip, I want the movie clip to fade to 0 and stay invisible.
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Aug 24, 2010
I would like to make a sort of menu where the buttons fade when the user moves the mouse over the object/button. The problem is that the fade is looping over and over again while the mouse is over the object. how I control the fade effect, so it only fades in once when the mouse is over the object and then fades out when the mouse leaves the object.
ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code].....
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Feb 3, 2010
I have a flash that has a background symbol that responds to CLICK event. On top of that symbol I have a sprite that contains a Bitmap with transparent pixels. Both of them are added to the stage, so they are not related directly.
I want clicks on the transparent pixels on the sprite to go straight through to the background. I have read about mouseEnabled / mouseChildren but have not been able to make these work. The symbol ignores the mouse events when I use them, but does not pass it along as if its transparent.
Is this possible to do with flash? Or will I have to re-route mouse events?
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Aug 26, 2011
The title pretty much sums up what I am trying to do: I haven't started digging into using script in Flash yet, still being very much a beginner.
I created a simple file using movie clips nested in buttons so that when I mouseover a letter, it bobs up and down, but I can't work out how to make it return to its original "up" state *smoothly* when the mouse is moved away. If it must involve script please be aware I am a total noob!
View 9 Replies
Mar 10, 2008
I've got a horizontal bar on the screen following the mouse vertical motion. I would like for it to be transparent until the mouse moves, and then fade in to be 100% on mouse movement. When the mouse stops moving, I would like it to fade back to be 0% transparent after a couple of seconds. This what I have for the mouse follow on the bar MC...
View 4 Replies
Jun 25, 2009
I'm using CS3AS3 for this flash image. How might I go about fading/blending it into the site better?? When the page loads the Flash "jumps" into porsition...does it's fade thing and then on the last picture to the first picture "jumps" again.....You'll see what I mean by clicking on the link
View 8 Replies
Jun 24, 2011
In my latest project I'm trying to have a line follow my mouse, I succeeded doing this with the LineTo and MoveTo functions this is what i have come up with [URL]if you will play with it for a while you will notice that sometimes the line is burned on the screen and just stays there,Another thing i want to achieve is that the line will be created out of a movie clip and will have animations and graphics in it insted of just plain color.
btw heres my code
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
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